Legitimate 10/10s Sup Forums hates

I'll start.

Other urls found in this thread:


no please


A 10/10 game would imply that it is in fact perfect on all viable fronts, making it an outstanding example of what this medium can accomplish.

How does this game fare on that grounds?

It's a great game? Exploring and questing has never been more fun

it dont

story is trash, stop your shit

A 10/10 would be new vegas, because it takes fallout 3 and makes everything it did wrong right. The groundwork is there, but it's not polished enough to be a 10/10.


The gameplay is lacking nuance while exploration is interesting at first, the lack of consistency in between locations makes for a disjointed experience.

you tried

You start

Fallout 3 had the best story
Fallout NV had the best weapons and environments

>video games
hello sonygger


New Vegas isn't a 10/10 either, its story and location may be better by several degrees, but the core game itself is shallow and can be improved. This has been proven by community created mods.

You're wrapping B8 within b8 m8
Why was 3's better?

>Fallout 3
>best story

wew lad

>fallout 3
>best story
dad no

Funnily enough it emproved 3s gameplay by a bit

How can a game with such terrible gameplay be considered a 10/10 by anyone?

They just keep denying it, most of them havent played the game. And if they did play the game they were shit and didnt git gud so they shit all over it.

Because it's an RPG

>3s story was best
>Not 1
>Not 2
>not NV
>The game where the entire story revolves around a miricale water machine built by so called scientists using old world tech, with a magical mcguffin GECk
>When it was already established in lore that water caravans and wells can provide drinkable water to entire regions

It did, but this thread is about perfection, not incremental improvements.

I'd give it a 6or 7/10 really.



>Bethesda """""""""games"""""""""
>worst anything above 5/10

Neither is perfect. No game is perfect so what the fuck are you talking about.

What if a game's predecessor is an increment away from perfection?

It's a legit 5/10, i'm not trolling

i liked skyrim and def think it's well above a five and oblivion was good too despite it's funny flaws.

>Fallout 3

Please explain, because from where I'm sitting, the combat is floaty at best, the physics suck, the map is terrible, story is half assed and the only reason to play it at all at this point is for the DLC.

Like the game all you want, doesn't make it an objectively good game.

Of course you are, have you even played it?

So just because it's an RPG it is allowed to have legitimately 1/10 level gameplay? No, it really isn't a 10/10, and neither is Mew Vegas. If both of them had the same RPG elements as they do, with Fallout 4 gameplay, than they would be both 10/10.


That is true, this thread whole point is a farce. I decided to come into this thread try to make posts that brought up discussion. I may fail, but the attempt is there.

Then it may in fact be perfect, or perhaps by that point the new game may be a little outdated due to new ideas and ideals.


Fallout 1 and 2 are utter shit, only deluded fags think otherwise

stop is you male gay


>I couldn't figure out how to beat either of them because I love getting spoonfed gameplay

>where's muh arrow telling me where to go

The gameplay in either isn't good, but it isn't half bad. RPGs should put story before gameplay, that doesn't mean no one shouldn't try to make good gameplay tho.

You have to go back

Stop destroying the video game industry and fucking kill yourself.

It's a good game and I don't get Sup Forums's hate for it, probably because Bethesda. I got it recommended because I couldn't stand Oblivion/Skyrim because of the shitty melee combat and clocked 80 hours with it. Might be go for a run with mods next time.

I wouldn't call it a 10/10 though. The story is pretty useless and the game could use a few more unique equipment.

>RPGs should put story before gameplay

>b-but muh story

>implying I'll watch some nitpicky 90 minute rant



Bioshock infinite
Europa Universalis 4

>playing games for the story

Bet you like "cinematic" shit too

Do you think it's a good game because of the unique quests or fucking around?

Bioshock Infinite is a shit game
A 4/10

Stop ruining the video game industry and fucking kill yourself.

You couldn't be more right. Fallout 3 is one of the best games i've ever played. But THE best game I've played is Fallout 4, that's a 11/10 game, specially the version with dlc and season pass.
Everyone should buy it.

There's a difference between cinematic and rpg dumbshit
Dark souls gameplay isn't perfect either

>[Perception 7]
You look familiar...

>he fell to the bioshock infinite got bad gameplay meme while liking Dark souls gameplay


F1 is really old and F2 is really messy.

They're both still 8/10 games that are top-tier experiences over 15 years later.



Everyone else is wrong, but don't worry, I'm here to help.

Mostly fucking around and stumbling over stuff to discover, even if the reward isn't really great most of the time.

I wish someone had warned me about the DLCs though, they are hot garbage.

v is always right
99% of the games that are hated here deserve some hate

Jak II and Prince of Persia Warrior Within. Or any game with darker/gothic themes that are immediately dismissed because they are considered "edgy". That is the biggest, cancerous word the whole history of Sup Forums.


Yes, RPGs should put story before gameplay. Historically that's what has defined the entire genre.

[confirmed bachelor]: I wana fuk u with teh bug cums of my benis


Here's your (you)

The (you) posting gets out of hand.

Please give me some (you)

tfw the multiplayer is better than the drawn out campaign in literally every version


No, the genre has been historically been defined by ROLE PLAYING, you fucking idiot. D&D in the '70s was about statistics-based character building, dungeon crawling and dice rolls, not ebbic Japanesywood stories of princes killing gods with hair product.

Pray tell, what do all the best RPGs have in common? Such as final fantasy 8/9, witcher 3, or Kotor? It's memorable stories. Yes you can role play, but you can role play in a lot of games, even games that aren't RPGs.

It's either the "I only play mature games for mature gamers like myself" or the Nintendo folk who don't see the irony of hating the edge but enjoying games made for literal children.

Once you hit a certain age you simply stop giving a fuck about such categories though. I like juvenile grimdark just as much as SMB.

No role play is the most important component. But story is also important because it gives your character something to interact with.

No game is a flawless 10/10

They all have at least one glaring issue.

Award for the least shitty of the shitters
Dont have a trophy but have this new vegas thing I guess

Wow you really are fucking ignorant in regards to the genre. A bunch of newfag choices, one of which is Final Fantasy Fucking EIGHT. That alone is enough to make all of your opinions on the matter null and fucking void.

Please shut your goddamn mouth before you further embarrass yourself.

Agree. I liked 4 and new vegas more, but what the hell. I am currently playing bioshock 1 at the moment, and I remember how people went batshit insane over that game back in the day, so I can imagine what awe could fallout 3 cause in people back in those days.

>final fantasy 8

But it was the most fun I had in video games, they are both comfy as fuck

>I can imagine what awe could fallout 3 cause in people back in those days.
It was called Oblivion with guns for a reason.


>final fantasy 8
>memorable story
Maybe, but certainly not for the right reasons.

i don't even hate that game. It was just meh. Certainly not a 10/10.

>no u

Yep, and I remember how people were buying xbox 360 just to play oblivion as well. Unlike the unfortunate majority on this board, I was alive and in my late teens back then, so I remember that perfectly.

>muh shitty open world
>muh shitty mission design
>muh shitty mission variety
You've got some low standards there buddy.

>I can imagine what awe could fallout 3 cause in people back in those days.
Why not do an archive search at NMA and find out?

>New elder scrolls comes out
>Fallout with swords

So you're aware of how casuals like shitty games. Good for you.

V already came out
Sup Forums loves IV now

Also this

Move the goal posts more you faggot. Keep responding with "no u's"

Fuckin love mgsv