Where will I get my gaming news now?
Where will I get my gaming news now?
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its still going to exist user, just controlled by the same people that control IGN, so nothing has changed :^(
will they clean house with the editors tho?
Google press releases from the developers/publishers directly?
Sup Forums/reddit?
Look up game trailers on youtube?
Even if they fire the old staff and hire new people they are not going find quality writers/editors. I doubt Kotaku or its parent company are going spend the money to attract quality employees when they can just hire some fanfiction-tier loonies to write click-bait articles just like every other online "news" site.
>will they clean house with the editors tho?
We can only hope.
Nintendo everything
At Hulkotaku, brother.
>will they clean house with the editors tho?
Why would they? IGN houses faggots just like them.
I miss old kotaku, like, 2008 kotaku was actually decent
>Sup Forums keeps shitposting about Hulk taking down kotaku
>go to kotaku
>site is still up and running
so another one of Sup Forums's lies then
Game Informer magazine
le tricky hook
word of mouth
Why would they? Kotaku is profitable as is, why bother change it? I bet dumbasses like Patricia get paid in fucking doritos, too, so they're most certainly not getting fired.
Kotaku will still be the site we know and hate. Keep in mind that it was Gawker's authors & not cucktaku's that kept taunting Hulk into legal oblivion.
It's literally where I get all my info. Everyone over reacts to everything here, so you can be sure nothing will fly under the radar.
He may be baiting, but he's not wrong. Gawker was taken down but Kotaku will barely be affected by this. Whoever buys them will have them remain in the same conditions because they're profitable. So many fucking hours spent celebrating over this shit when it means nothing at all.
>gaming news
Like advertisements or what?
Nah nigga.
fucking this
>Limey pussies reporting on a dying company
Yeah sounds great
What happens to Jezeebel?
>2008 kotaku was decent
>2007 Kotaku begs to differ
My progress went Kotaku > Joystiq > Gematsu
It doesn't work that way. I bet you don't even know the fourth Disaster Report game got uncancelled.
Brazzers buys the site and renames it Jizeebel
Never even heard of the series, so it must be shit.
Siliconera is pretty good