The shooter cycle is starting again , I'm calling it

The shooter cycle is starting again , I'm calling it
> the success of Wolfenstein and D44m lead to the logical conclusion
> the remake of quake
> quake remake is successful
> at this point the next logical conclusion is a remake of unreal tournament
> by this point modern warfare shooters are dead, shooters have shifted back to the doom style
> after the unreal remake and years down the line the doom style of shooter is getting pretty old as the modern warfare shooters were before
> a more gritty realistic sci fi shooter is Made and the cycle starts all over again

hope so

thatd be nice

I can actually see this happening

UT is already getting a remake, there was a thread earlier

Don't forget about Blood, assholes!

The UT remake is already happening, dipshit.

Bloody assholes

You're already starting to see that in the action/adventure genre.

>90's Tomb Raider inspires Uncharted
>Uncharted becomes widely successful
>Tomb Raider dies off
>Tomb Raider gets remade
>Borrows heavily from the Uncharted series

It'll be curious to watch this industry on a large time scale. 30 years really isn't a long time.

Yeah okay but when are we getting another Heretic?

Hell I'd even settle for another Hexen

Maybe after Unreal Tournament we'll finally see another Half Life.

But Half-Life pretty much started the cinematic experience bullshit.

Half-Life is garbage.

Fuck that where's Chex Quest 4

Just because it became shoved into everything possible doesn't mean it's inherently bad. Half-Life did it well, and then other things didn't, and it got shitty quickly. It's just impossible for this industry to not steal from previous successes like that.

Where does Redneck Rampage fit in there?

Pretty sure one of the original devs was making it in UE4

Nowhere, it's too offensive.
Just look at what happened with Shadow Warrior or Duke Nukem Forever

You seriously just want more remakes/reboots/rehashes of old games? Doom 4 is ok but it isn't great. I hope that the success of different/retro style shooters gives devs confidence to actually make (gasp) new IPs and innovative mechanics in shooters

>the inevitable cluster fuck of WW2 shooters again
Can't wait.

Easy, just slap Larry the Cable Guy or Jeff Foxworthy on it. They still have careers, right?

Shadow Warrior reboot was awesome. Duke Nukem Forever could've been awesome in the hands of a more stable and focused team.

>innovative mechanics in shooters
Like what?

I mean I don't know about anyone else, but I think the 90s shooters were perfect and adding more shit to that would be unnecessary.

New IPs would be welcome though

>Shadow Warrior reboot was awesome
Did you play the original?
I'm genuinely asking

That only shows that a franchise fell off popularity to a movie and then became a movie itself in an attempt to be salvaged.

There is no cycle here. Just braindead consumers becoming more braindead.

30 years is a long time for games because every popular game is shaping up the expectations for every entry of its genre. As you said, TR itself was made like an uncharted clones because kids today want action adventure games to be walking sims with pseudo "visceral" shooting.

Happaned to MMOs with WoW, happened with shooters, platformers, RPGs, racing, you name it.

Yeah, and it was great like most Build engine games.

Hmm, weird.

I started out with SW2013, but I found it so dull I didn't finish it, then played the original and loved it and beat both expansions for it.

I just don't understand why people praise SW2013 so much when it's so different from the original. And people call it oldschool but there's barely anything truly oldschool about it

5 years until ww2 again. yfw

>faithful turok 4 that disregards evolution and the reboot never ever

Don't forget
>the success of Splatoon and Overwatch ushers in a colorful rainbow fun revolution in shooters that finally brings an end to the edgy sepia grimdark monopoly on the genre

Fair enough, pikapi.

First Person Shooters haven't been "edgy sepia grimdark" in a few years senpai. Even recent Call of Duty games are colorful.

he's talking about it rounding the edges off of anything controversial about the game. which would take away all of the charm of Redneck Rampage

Maybe after Night Dive Studio is done with Turok 2 they'll do something with that.

People being desperate for oldschool shooters, so if a new one has even a semblance of something from old, it'll get overrated to fuck.

SW2013 is objectively inferior to the original, it's more like a compromise between modern cancer and classic. Just like DE:HR. Another super overrated game

>"i-i-it's not utter shit guys, 10/10 we're back to the golden age!"
Desperate oldschoolers in a nutshell. They are essentially cucks who cannot let go.

So what comes after Quake? Pic related, I hope.

Adding blue and green lights to everything doesn't make it colorful.

>People being desperate for oldschool shooters, so if a new one has even a semblance of something from old

Okay but what does it have that's from oldschool shooters?

Nice try 13 years old user, nice try

To be fair, I also enjoyed the original ROTT but couldn't stand the remake. Guess it's a case by case basis.

> WW2 clusterfuck
Pretty much, but the nazis will be anything but because muh feelings and political correctness

If they remake Quake, can it be the Lovecraft version from 1, instead of the aliens from 2-4?

I also couldn't stand the remake, but I haven't tried the original.

The reboot is so close to being good, but it just has so many problems holding it back. It's like all these other games that claim to be oldschool, they think that that throwing in tons of enemies at you is enough to be considered oldschool.

>Remake of Quake
What are you talking about? We're working on Heretic.

>tfw raven is stuck making cawadoody map packs now

Have you found the original Doom poster in the new Doom?

Yup this.

If D44M does start a revival, than we'll get swamped by D44M clones like we did in the 90s.

Aw shit nigga that's a rhyme

Nah. You need to understand that video games are like any other piece of pop culture - they are all bound to trend cycles.

Older styles get picked up, rebranded and sold to a new generation. It happens all the time. Bell-bottoms, punk rock, undercuts and so on. It's just another fad that will fade into obscurity soon. Look at what happened with synthwave and 80s aesthetics. Now it's the 90s' turn to be exploited. It'll blow over.

Quake could easily happen, but modern shooters, walking simulators, and etc are all here to stay. You have the media highly against games like Quake. They will capture original audiences but never replace the entirety of the modern shooter formula today.

> yfw Homefront revolution was the drying breath of the modern warfare genre , murderd by D44M
> inside of 5 years D44M clones will flood the market like in the mid to late 90s

Sup Forums again predicting the future. If this doesn't happen I hope that reflex gets big

I heard they've been patching the Doom 4 multiplayer based on player feedback.

Anyone know if they're letting you carry more weapons?

>Quake could easily happen
I would say Reflex will be the next Quake but they're fucking it up.

>You have the media highly against games like Quake.
The bankruptcy of Gawker may help.

The reflex is a lonely child

>Multiplayer is the thorn in Doom's fleshy, purulent side. James hailed the singleplayer as a "fulfilling return to acrobatic gunplay", but players trying to get their money's worth online contend with cheaters and a lack of standard features like custom games. Speaking to Eurogamer, executive producer Marty Stratton revealed how id is tackling complaints.
>"There's certainly no lack of commitment to Doom as a multiplayer game on our side," Stratton says. "We are already working on private matches with custom game settings and expect to include that in a free update this summer."
>Private matches doesn't necessarily mean private servers a much-requested feature that would allow admins to police the cheating problem. At launch, private matches will be invite-only, but id is looking into implementing a traditional match browser too. Bots are also planned, albeit some way off.
>"Our bot system was actually written by one of our long-time senior programmers, John Dean, known online as 'Maleficus', who also wrote the Return to Castle Wolfenstein Fritz bot and the bots in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, so he does great work with bots. But John also just happens to be our internal lead programmer on SnapMap, so he's very busy."

Not very committal either way. Only patch so far has been a driver update.

That will be replaced by games based around fighting ISIS.

I found this

Sounds like Doom 4

>Look at what happened with synthwave and 80s aesthetics

Nothing happened, it wasn't picked up by any major meme artist for real. It's as small as ever.

Sup Forums doesn't so much predict as foresee the obvious
Which is saying something, a bunch of random assholes on the internet know industry better then it knows itself

can't wait for the return of Dante in DMC V

>not Unreal

90s shooters making a return
Synthwave is coming back
Modern shooters are dying

What's happening Sup Forums? I'm not sure if my body is ready.

>Synthwave is coming back

It already came back in 2012 and it's in limbo.

Simple. Id saved the genre. Now if we could only get a Chex Quest remake.

So are we getting episode 2 now?

Don't you notice a pattern? Why should anyone make anything new for a change when they can just revive dusty ass IPs and concepts? That way they decrease the risk in losing money on something that won't sell by marketing towards muh nostalgia 90s babies.

Unreal Tournament
Ratchet and Clank
Star Fox
Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Just bring back old shit and it will sell is how they see it. It's happening with television too. Samurai Jack and FLCL are coming back.

>different from the original
That's fine. Not everything has to just be a rerun of the original.

Sorry, only select classics only.

ok now post the paid cosplays

Samurai Jack is a continuation to an unfinished story, not a reboot. All the original writers/storyboarders/voice actors (except the ones who are dead) are getting involved.

If it's not gonna be like the original then at least change the fucking name.
I mean really how many die-hard fans of the original shadow warrior were there? What was the point in using the name?

It's just cashing on on 90's nostalgia cause now we're old enough to spend money. It's the same thing you saw 10 years ago with all the 80's cash-ins.

Another Dark Messiah would be nice.

Well all the fashion and car designs and music styles have came back, so we live in a sort of neo-rennaisance era for that matter. The same will be happening in media I imagine.

Pretty much
Still, they're bringing it back. No complaints here though, I'm looking forward to some Samurai Jack

Doom 4 is a masterpiece

There's already a new UT and it's good. Retard

I'll agree with that but new IP's are scary....

>Enemy Front
>Heroes & Generals
>Red Orchestra 2
>Traction Wars
>Iron Clash
>Festung Europa
>Days of War
>Battalion 1944

Dishonored worked out pretty well

good one

Reminder that gaming as an intellectual medium is sub-par and the existence of ALL THESE REMAKES is evidence of this.

>intellectual medium
lol what?
I play games for entertainment

But the problem is nobody knows what made the old FPS games good. It wasn't just speed and mechanics. It was fucking MAPS.

When was the last time you can actually call a modern FPS level a "MAP"? Every "oldschool" modern FPS is just Call of Duty with steroids. When are we actually going to get fucking level design that adheres to the gameplay rather than the gameplay that adheres to the level design??

I have honestly not been impressed by one single oldschool tribute FPS game so far. It all lacks that ONE thing that made oldschool FPS unique and great.

Entertainment is an expression of intellectualism, you fucking dolt.

Yes, the games industry works in cycles. This is a known fact. You think this is something new? All of this has happened before, and all of it will happen again.


lol whatever grandpa
go read War and Piece or sum other intellectualismistic shit you like so much

I don't expect anything from Romero but it would be nice if something good came out of this

So that excludes movies and music as well?

Doubt it will happen user, I mean people seem to be okay with a series of connected arenas so why should the devs actually put effort into it.

It's not a big issues for me mind you, Painkiller and Serious Sam are some of my favorite games ever.

I guess there's always Romero's new game

> war and peace.
> intellectual.
So speaks someone who has never actually read it.

You stepped up and got bitch-slapped into a corner. Fuck off.

It's already on a good path.
• listens to the community and creates a demo to show off the game
• the game has a dedicated producer to make sure everything is done on time and comes well together
• Unreal Engine 4 is used, so no engine swapping or content scrapping will happen
• Adrian Carmack knows how to get shit done and has been behind the art direction behind most of id's titles
• no DLCs or subscriptions, support for modding guaranteed
• realistic deadlines and amount of content delivered, no overpromise or overshooting the budget
• PC-first approach, so no corners will be cut to appease the console market
• complex movement mechanics confirmed: rocketjumping, strafejumping, bunny hopping, air strafing

> as an intellectual medium
Games themselves are just as valid as any other form of media , it's the companies producing the games that are intellcutally dead

Uhm, excuse you but I said War and Piece not War and Peace, jesus christ are you blind and stupid lol?


You're an idiot then. Glad we could establish this.

You aren't actually reading my post properly. Nothing I said suggests it was inferior or that it should even be held against any other form of media.

Is this the bit where you mention you were only pretending to be retarded?