What are the worst motivations video game villains have had?
What are the worst motivations video game villains have had?
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I want to break her in every sense of the word
You can't break a celestial's body
I'd rather eat the fruit from Tenshi's hat.
Tenshi's motivation was pretty terrible, but at least it kind of makes sense. It's probably easy to get bored if you ascended to heaven without actually achieving enlightenment.
But that's what she wants. You shouldn't give that spoiled bitch what she wants unconditionally.
Tenshi was by far the laziest character ZUN has ever made
"I wanted to go outside for a walk like I always do but during the day"
"I just wanna rebel, lol."
Uuh no
This is perfectly reasonable.
>A goddess made me eat a bird
>Now I have nuclear powers
>So I'll set the world on fire!
Defying the authorities and order of Gensokyo is a pretty good motive.
How negative, we can do better than that.
What are the BEST motivations videogame villains ever had?
>plot merily happened because a much better character with a much better motivation was set on revenge
Bringing peace and equality to all walks of life.
That is until some tyrannical bitch comes and crashes your revival party.
That makes perfect sense if you're just a dumb bird
Even dumb birds must realise that setting everything on fire is probably a bad idea.
Utsuho is just extra dim and suggestable.
Boredom is literally Elder God Tier motive for a villian.
Let's make a tier list
Elder God Tier: Boredom
God Tier: Destruction, re-shaping the world
Good Tier: Power, Proving the MC wrong
Meh Tier: Feelings
Shit tier: Money
>much better character
Let's not go that far
what was her motivation
t.don't know shit about 2hu
She was bored
Why would you hate Junko? She's the second best thing to come out of LoLK.
I never said that you retard
Literally boredom.
There's an entire race of spoilt fucks who got into Heaven without earning it, so they have all their earthly desires and petty tendancies but also immortality (by virtue of beating up Shinigami) and super powers.
So one day she looked down at the world and thought 'I've got nothing better to do, so I'll ruin everyone's shit with earthquakes!'
Seriously. She's probably the biggest bitch in the series, which is quite an accomplishment. Even the MCs in the series are assholes, but at least they kind of have reasons for it.
That has no bearing on Sumireko's own motivation however. She wasn't forced to go along Sagume's plan, she did it purely because she wanted to know more about the worlds beyond common sense.
>"muh revenge" lady
>much better character
>much better motivation
I like Junko, but come on.
>There's an entire race of spoilt fucks who got into Heaven without earning it
No, Tenshi and possibly her mom are the only ones that got promoted to Celestials without having earned it (Tenshi's dad did earn it and I guess whoever promoted him decided to let him bring the family along so he wouldn't be lonely or something). That's the reason why Tenshi was bored in the first place - she's an earthly being who has no business being in Heaven but she is anyway and she doesn't like it.
Shut up, spic.
Right, I forgot it was just part of the Hinanai family. Though considering that it happened in their case, I wouldn't be remotely surprised if it's a semi-regular occurance as well.
>We will never see characters like Tenshi and Suika in a good fighting game where they belong again
>Tenshi's dad did earn it
>At the same time, the Hinanawi clan ascended to the heavens as a reward for serving Nawi-no Kami when they were still alive.
>However, unlike other celestials, the Hinanawis became celestials only by serving Nawi-no Kami; that is, not through training. So they didn't have the reputation expected of celestials, and some even called them "bad" celestials.
>When the Hinanawis became celestials, their daughter Chiko Hinanawi followed them and became a celestial as well, even though she was a young girl.
>Chiko renamed herself Tenshi when she moved to heaven. She was not satisfied with how she was treated there, and often looked down on Gensokyo with jealousy toward the humans and youkai living on the ground.
>Cirno is true neutral
Only by virtue of having nothing in her head.
Koishi should be in the middle too, come to think of it.
Seija is more of an anarchist than libertarian.
But didn't Cirno have to take the law into her own hands by beating up the fairies of light?
make me, nigger
Ah, so it wasn't Tenshi's dad but the whole Hinanawi clan. Thanks for the correction.
She's hardly an anarchist, her ways of working mean that if anarchy was the norm she'd be against it, she's just contrarian.
>Futo and Miko are on opposing sides
I thought Futo was a blind adherent to Miko? Fuck, I barely remember TD.
>Implying that it was poitically motivated
Fairies are idiots. End of story.
Fair enough, but then she shouldn't really be placed anywhere on the chart to begin with, since she'd just be opposed to the status quo whatever it happens to be.
Which is why she just went and beat up Daiyousei and Lily, right
Futo is, in case you didn't notice, CP is just USA and Nitori the jews. I doubt it's serious.
When someone isn't with you they're against you. plus both lilys had it coming.
>Futo is, in case you didn't notice
Missed something out? Also, I didn't realise it was based off anything specific, no.
The three fairies were idiots and Cirno thought they smashed up her home. It's not really much more complicated than that.
What would you do for your favorite 2hu?
Would you get a job for her sake?
Daiyousei and Lily =/= The Three Fairies
Sorry, I should've clarified, Futo is indeed mostly a blind follower, as is likely Tojiko, but you shouldn't take every placement as a serious interpretation of characters as not all are, as I showed in my examples. Maybe she is there as a joke I don't get, something to do with her speaking in ye old ways?
>Both Lilys
They're the same fairy you dunce.
She beat up Daiyousei and Lily because they got in her way, simple enough.
Also remember that Fairies are children mentally. Cirno even forgot about her revenge for several months, before finally getting around to it.
I doubt she'd need money. What she needs is followers and adherents to the cause, which is a role I'd gladly fulfill for her.
Like said, fairies are childish idiots. I doubt there was any real thought involved beyond 'she's in the way'. Plus Cirno at some juncture decided she was the strongest fairy and wanted to prove it, so it goes without saying that she'd start throwing her weight around.
I just wanted to see the faces
It sure as hell was an overly complex method for such a goal.
>I just wanted to bloom a fucking tree
>I'll also ressurect someone because I can
>I wonder who could it be burried nearby my home
>certainly not me
This explanation never fails to make me smile.
Did she know there was someone buried beneath her tree? Because I don't think so.
There was nothing wrong with that. It's perfectly understandable.
She doesn't state that, but she knows removing the seal will also ressurect someone. It's safe to assume she'd guess whomever was ressurrected was under the tree, it'd be quite weird otherwise.
I just find it cute of Yuyuko to forget her suicide.
Wait, in what route does she say that?
I only played with Sakuya and the dialog is a bunch of nonsense (what a surprise)
>One day, while browsing through the library as usual, Yuyuko found an old record. It looked so old that it was practically ageless; within it, the following was written...
>"The girl who bears witness to death, at the time of the Saigyou Ayakashi's full bloom, shall be bound by mortality. So that her soul may rest in peace within Hakugyokurou, I will seal the cherry blossoms, and make it the barrier. My wish... is that she will never again reincarnate, and never again suffer pain..."
>Yuyuko had read that breaking the seal on the Saigyou Ayakashi, making it bloom fully, would cause a certain someone to be resurrected; she started gathering spring's essence out of curiosity.
From her profile in PCB
She just wanted to be left alone.
Think it's Reimu, I forget the exact wording, but she tells her to wait for the bloom because they were having a party or something with whomever ressurrects.
Nazrin is the worst 2hu.
>Shit Tier: Money
People just don't appreciate the classics anymore. Villains always have to be """sympathetic"""" once-heroes or mad idealists who want to destroy the world, conquer it, or become God or something.
Besides, money makes the world go 'round
Ah, so she did know about the dead body. I always thought she just wanted to revive the tree because why not, it's dead, it's there, might as well.
>I just find it cute of Yuyuko to forget her suicide.
That's kinda dark but okay.
What does all of this mean? Is it another type of d&d alignment?
Was there a Touhou villain who did it for the shekels?
She only rebelled because it's in her nature to do so. Her species is literally contrarian. It's impossible for her to go along with the flow. Even if it was the weak who ruled over the strong, she'd want to overturn that rule simply on principle.
Kind of like D&D alignments except in real life and in politics.
That was great though.
>True neutral
>Tricks the heroines to go and murder her rival.
>Tricks the heroines to go and murder her immortal rival who just comes back from death
How can she be so best then?
I'm going to bully them all.
Everytime I see that Cirno pose it cracks me up
I find cute that Yuyuko finds corpses to be cute.
Byakuren, please. You aren't fooling anyone. Even your stage theme is villainous.
This is stupid. How is Reimu authoritarian? She doesn't have any real political power and she spends most of her days drinking tea in the shrine.
And Seija isn't remotely "libertarian". She's a contrarian from start to finish. She would never go along with anyone else. If the world was one of order, she'd rebel against that order. If the world was one of chaos, she'd rebel against that chaos. If the world was governed by authoritarian rule, she'd rebel against that. If the world was libertarian, again, she'd rebel. It doesn't matter what it is, her only reason for being is to go against the norm.
>This is stupid.
Did you really think it was meant to be taken seriously?
Kanako, kind of.
Marisa is essentially a bounty-hunter thief, so kind of.
She's only a 'villain' in one game though and she was just following orders instead of being greedy.
I don't know shit about politics.
That doesn't really count. It's like accusing the Nazi troops for following orders.
She's way more than that. She caused a lot more trouble than all the other villains so far. She's possibly the biggest threat Gensokyo had so far.
>Lead in with Fires of Hokkai, plaintive sounds of hope
>Cosmic Mind kicks in
>It's the theme of a fucking lost hero, whose tragedy only persists as the bitch 'protagonist' beats her down once more
The game's music alone tells it like it is. Byakuren is the hero, you are the villain.
>She caused a lot more trouble than all the other villains so far.
Most of it was collateral and not intended though.
Oh and I just knew the minute I posted that Kanako apologizers would come out of the woodwork. On top of many, MANY other things she gave tremendous power to a dumb bird that threatened to blow everything up. There's no excuses.
>That doesn't really count. It's like accusing the Nazi troops for following orders.
I'm not saying Marisa is any different, just that her motivation wasn't money at the time.
>you don't agree with me, therefore you must be part of this organization whose sole purpose is to disagree with me
it's like i really am in /qa/
SA was the only time she actually did something. It's not her fault Orin started erupting geysers and happened to send the Palanquin Ship up into the sky, which then happened to land on top of the tomb of Shoutoku, and she's certainly not responsible for Kokoro and all the crap that went down in HM. Hell, Sanae wasn't even in that game even though that's complete bullshit.
>lost hero
I remind you Byakuren posed as a youkai hunter, only to betray those who employed her. I remind you Byakuren was sealed away when this crime was discovered. I remind you Byakuren attempted to actively prevent the resurrection of a religious rival of hers, despite the religious freedom and acceptance of Gensokyo.
Finally, I remind you Byakuren's claims about her temple's amiable living conditions are pointed out and debunked several times, including one by a neutral protagonist (Marisa, in Symposium), and Byakuren first lies about the situation, then refuses to address the issue when testimony is stacked against her.
Byakuren is a hero to nobody but frauds and monsters.
That's what she wants you to think, don't fall for Moriya's lies.
Fuck off, Marisa isn't in it for money.
Irresponsibility is still a fault. If you cause issues due to neglect, then the responsibility falls on you.
If you fuck up at work and cause problems, even by accident, does your boss go "Oh, no probs, it was just an accident"? No, you'll get reprimanded and possibly even fired depending on the severity of your fuck-up. If a politician fucks up by accident and causes massive problems, should they be forgiven? No, they'll go on trial for their neglect.
Well she kind of is. Fact is, both Reimu and Marisa are only able to make money off of youkai exterminations and incident resolutions because they can't actually make any money off of their real jobs.
Is she a villain?
I hope she'd just die already.
As I said, I expected Moriya's Defense Force to come barging in the minute I mentioned all the crimes. All that you said was awfully convenient to happen just at the right time. Not to mention her whole campaign to get everyone in Gensokyo to follow a newly established religion that came out of nowhere, without anyone's consent and in full force.
She's just power hungry, but she got with the program pretty well. She solves more problems than she causes.
She's a nice lady that worries about Gensokyo's youth.
SWR was the comfiest touhou game because of her boredom. It was all about having fun fighting in summer. The music was God Tier as well.
She broke Reimu's house.
>oh shit a fucking cat is playing with the water valves
And Reimu actually got really sad.
Sad Touhous makes me sad.
And she rebuilt it. It was all fine in the end.