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Who's tomorrow and what time?
Can't believe it's already here. I feel like it was only three months ago when that Smash mini-direct got leaked.
Shame how this will probably be worse than last year's E3
EA's going first at 1PM PT, then Beth will show their Skyrim remaster at 7PM PT.
>7PM PT.
Why so damn late?
>Being excited for E3
I honestly wish I was.
>le cynical jaded gaymer meme
DIS is our superbowl guys lol
It doesn't matter, nobody should care what Beshitda has to announce, ever.
>24 hours
learn to count dumb fuck
I have fucking depression and still I'm hyped for E3.
E3 starts on Sunday.
isnt depression a meme illness though
>bought 2 medium pizzas
>got 2 liters of soda
>prepared for awesomeness
it's the "I'm a special snowflake" of diseases
no its an illness that turned into a meme by attention whores, like ptsd
you're thinking of ocd
is bandai namco even gonna be at E3?
I think this is the first E3 where literally nobody gives a shit and no-one has any expectations.
>24 minutes ago
yeah but they won't localize their appearance
Not sure, but Sony could easily use Ace Combat to promote their VR shit
They probably got the cheapest possible slot because they have jackshit to show off other than Dishonored 2 and a bunch of DLC and that's it.
I, for one, am excited to see some Mass Effect Andromeda and BF1 gameplay. Hopefully both look interesting and good, and ME doesn't look like Inquisition (it probably won't given the different combat style and weapons but it's still worrying)
This is totally false, it's happened literally every year because DAE hate video gaems?
this is what i am hoping for
This I'm a meme snoflake.
Think of the cringe doe
Not if it's self diagnosed :^)
gib schedul pls
I was "diagnosed" with depression as a moody teenager, then I grew up and got over it
I just want Capcom to show some Resident Evil shit. That is about all I'm excited for. Please, please, please let it be good.
This is pretty much all you need
God you should be depressed with how pathetic your life is, really hyping E3? Do you have anything else in your life?
I'm sorry that was mean, get help user and get better.
>pc gaming show is back
jesus christ
I never thought this guy was that bad, he made stupid jokes but he was obviously really energetic and kept things moving, and things never really got awkward and cringey like they did with the Aisha Tyler meme thing.
I legitimately think depression is over-diagnosed, I think few people actually have a mental illness caused by a real physiological imbalance, and those people also carry around other mental illnesses as well.
So no, that guy or girl that says they're depressed and post about it on fb are likely not depressed but narcissists that get sad when people aren't looking.
>not hyped for Half Life 3 featuring HTC Vive support
Thanks I got already help and it has improved a lot in special my social phobia.
But I'm happy that I'm still able to be excited for a E3. We get always atleast some good games and cringe moments.
It wasn't bad tho. Its was like a DVD Extra Behind the scenes from games we already knew were coming out.
Still boring tho. I'm Hoping AMD releases some info about the 490 or 470 tho
the winner takes all...
I just cant wait for the shitposting from console users after the amazing console exclusives
For what?
this is a good image
fun, you jaded cunt
is this the most up to date chart>
for the dank memes desu senpai
>PS4 exclusive
Dammit, I'm gonna have to buy one, aren't I?
Nice pic, I'll watch it on my PS3 while shitposting from my phone
Fun times to be had.
The best one there is the Sonic Diogorno one.
you should
i am buying a PSVR for this and GT sport
>all these 'lmao why are you still watching this' faggots
also on pc
I want to go through her hair with my hand
>have no idea what the game looks like or its features
>buying it and a large piece of hardware because you hope it will be on it
you are the cancer ruining the industry
bunch of jaded shitheads that doesn't know how to have fun
oh i am sorry for wanting to have fun user
just try not to lose sleep over this okay :)
>have absolutely 0 hopes or expectations this year
>still gonna waste 4 days watching shit all day
Are you fucking with me? You better not be fucking with me
dont worry i dont give a shit what you do just letting you know exactly what you are when you go crying next year when you continue to have 0 games or support by early adopting platforms with no promise. have fun crying on neogaf kiddo
I can't watch it, I have a job.
>same night as the SCF
The only thing I miss in the picture are the "just" faces.
Hey user it could be worse! Instead it could be the video game award.
Are you now more excited for E3 :D?
It's not.
If Rockstar doesn't announce Red Dead Redemption 2/Red Dead 3 I will flip shit
It's 14 to 16 you fucking retard, what the fuck are you talking about?
> not taking the day off
>tfw got monday off and I'll I'm missing is nintendy tuesday
come on man
and i am still going to have fun while you continue to be a jaded faggot so don't worry about me :)
Can i get a reliable schedule?
I heard last week that it started on the 13
It's a rated R show.
Is everyone watching the YouTube stream with Doritopope?
Serious user?
Where will it be shown tho?
sony or microsoft?
>all these disappointing announcements killing my hype beforehand
This needs to stop.
>tfw grandmother just had to die so now I have to fly out on Monday and MISS EBIN E3 CONFERENCE
FUCK man this sucks
Who else is hype for FROM SOFTWARE's announcement?
TY anons, ive been away for months
what have you been doing if you don't mind me asking
Oh yeah, man, can't wait for Dark Demon's Blood 6.
>That Bartleby
Probably the first time ever that I have zero hype for Nintendo
nothing much, college, Sup Forums and Sup Forums shitposting
I finished the evil within on akumu and platinum'd the resident evil origins collection
What have you guys been up to?
Does DOOM suck?
>Not Bartleby
people are getting hype for EA and Bethesda lmao. EA Battlefield will be shown in the last 20 minutes which is the only thing thats important for tomorrow. Bethesda...what are they fucking showing...DLC?
>does DOOM suck?
Singeplayer is awesome and one of the best FPS campaigns in years, multiplayer is forgettable and dead.
Mildly excited for ME Andromeda famalam
So Nintendo is not going to have a Direct at this years E3, right?
Also I noticed that the AMD conference is on Monday and seems to take up one hour in its slot, so I guess they decided to shorten it down from 3 hours last year?
>Singleplayer is awesome
All i care about.
I refuse to pay the psnplus jew, never really cared for online, although Uncharted 2 multiplayer was fun
Is mirrors edge shit? I remember anita being involved in it. I liked the first one
o shit I forgot Im dumb, but what is bethesda showing?
All those games are confirmed shelved for now. It's something brand new.
Dishonored 2 and there's rumors of a Skyrim remaster I think.
At what time PST does E3 officially begin?
How can you say no to this eyes?
according to shinobi602 will Mass effect: Andromeda more like the first game
where do I watch this shit, youtube? twitch?