How come that 99% of people have shit taste? How can ANYONE defend Uncharted 4...

How come that 99% of people have shit taste? How can ANYONE defend Uncharted 4? People say it's the best thing ever and all they did was watching a Let's Play.

Sonyggers are the worst. Nintenyearolds play actual games instead of watching videos and Xboners mind their own business.

Nobody really likes Dude Raider, it's all marketing.

It has fun multiplayer.

I actually played TLoU for the first time yesterday.

Got bored after 20 minutes of being locked on rails of a generic zombie movie, friend told me it's like this for 15 more hours, stopped playing.

It's not hard to see why ''''''journalist'''''' love games that play themselves with a hamfisted cliche story attached though.

the same way Transformers movies make money

marketing and most people just lack the drive to experience anything truly great so they don't know what they're missing out on

After playing Overwatch, I realize how dull and slow Uncharted/TLoU MP really is.

>after playing a dull and slow casual shooter I realized how slow and dull casual shooters like U4/TLoU are
Well, at least you're moving up.

nintenyearolds dont have games to play, xboners have less games to play, and sonyniggers shitpost and falseflag on Sup Forums you can stop browsing Sup Forums now

>I can barely speak english, but I'm going to criticize a game I've never played.
Here's your (you)

>People say it's the best thing ever and all they did was watching a Let's Play.
>all they did was watching
Have you ever wondered how can Uncharted be this successful?
It's because it's a cinematic, slightly interactive version of Indiana Jones.
These people don't want to play videogames, they want to sit down in a virtual rollercoaster and press buttons to see shit explode, often without even needing to press anything and just see cutscenes.

>Nintenyearolds play actual games instead of watching videos
I wonder who's behind this thread

>nintenyearolds dont have games
Sonygger spotted.


>that spilled dew

I don't think it's going to fit in that hole, Tyrone

>xboners mind their own business
Xbox one loves you
Also look up crapgamer or nxtgen720

You're gonna get shit for this, but I completely agree. Sometimes I feel like I'm from a different fucking planet when I see people enjoying or pretending to enjoy literal shit that would've been (and generally was) hated years ago. And sometimes people are defending it. I don't understand. What is it about these people that they have absolutely no standards and why is demanding quality even considered a negative trait? I've literally had one subhuman telling me that Overwatch being a bland, homogenized, stripped down FPS with no ammo or mana management is a good thing because it means it's easier to balance and the community won't be competitive. What the fuck?

>using explorer difficulty to try and make the fight look bad
disappointed in you desu

BTW it's not a QTE. You can control Nate's movement around the room. Your positioning matters as it can allow you to pin Rafe against the wall, where he can't parry or dodge so easily. You can see it in this webm, as well as the player interrupting Rafe's attack by swinging faster after a counter.

Wooahh so this is PS4 gameplay...

I know it's weirde to say that unironically but it just happens this is the newest fad from , or rather, the generation.
those standards were left behind with the games made during that gen, then we'll have some different shit later on and you'll see people having nostalgia for this crap, ranting just like you're doing.
hell, maybe they'll even fight you for liking what's coming next.

seeing how this guide got made would have been very interesting
how do you make a walkthrough for something that barely requires you to walk?

Dunno I own every sony console and never bought an uncharted game. On the flip side though the people that want them to go back to crash are also dumb because that game is also shallow crap.