Dead by Daylight

If anyone has seen/played the beta, thoughts/reviews?

Other urls found in this thread:

Its shit

its great
actually managed to escape myself off a hook i thought it was impossible

cool idea, but every match plays out very similarly and there's not a lot of content, even accounting for what's not in the beta

if it was more polished and was better at incentivizing players to win i'd probably buy it

It's shallow but fun.

Current content might keep you playing for 40hrs.
Planned content might keep you playing for

I kill people

People disconnect trying to freeze me.

1 time it works but there all dead already.

if you try to curve jewk me It makes you slower never side step around objects you run faster holding forward and moving the Camara

Last summer and the actual Friday the 13th game looks better. This looks like a $15 game you play for a weekend then forget it's in your library.

Toolbox need less charges and a harder skill check.

I feel like it would get boring in less than 5 hours. Because it's already boring after 2 in the beta.

How so? There is zero fucking gameplay footage.



Look again brah
the short clip of Last Summer looks 100 times better than Dead by Daylight

help a friendless to play pls

lol okay

looks like a shitty bootleg version of the upcoming friday the 13th game, they probably only made it to cash in on that too

And now you'll be bored of it in 2 hours when the full game is out. There's not enough content even in the full game to play for more than a few hours.

He just wont give up.

Roger Roger

>playing mr. chainsaw
>hear a survivor hiding in a closet
>walk up to it and casually rev the chainsaw until they get out
>chainsaw him up while he's still doing the "get out of closet" animation

How so? There is zero fucking gameplay footage.

>looks like a shitty bootleg version of the upcoming friday the 13th game, they probably only made it to cash in on that too
You've got that the exact wrong way around, user.

They only decided to make the official Friday the 13th game AFTER they saw that there was interest in games like Last Summer and Dead by Daylight

>$60 kuckstarter game

No. The game was already in development before under another name iirc it was Summer Camp then they got the license for Friday the 13th

Roger Roger


This game arouses me in ways I am not entirely comfortable with.

please enter this link guys

mmmmmmmmm gonna die son

>It's a 4-man toolbox game

Why no toned-down voice chat for the killer?

>its a 4 man toolbox gets hooked because they get way to cocky game

Seems like a party game.

Good concept and quite fun

Not nearly enough content
Exceptionally buggy

Will be dead 2 months after launch

dead game

We know you weren't here for TORtanic and you really wish you could have been a part of Sup Forums culture, but it's too late now, you have to go back.

Give me attention please.

>2011 is old
I was summer to leave.

We know you weren't here for Borderlands and you really wish you could have been a part of Sup Forums culture, but it's too late now, you have to go back.

Save me guys

>4 man toolbox team left hooks up

they deserved it

Killer needs emotes as well

This. After all the shilling in recent weeks it sounded great, but after an hour of the beta I was completely done with this boring, poorly made garbage.

weird... impossible!!
The amount of Evolve, it declines..
but DBD...... it rises?! I am but one man away, i ask your aid kind anons

>Implying retards can read data.
Probably doesn't know it isn't an open beta and probably expects every game to hit CoD numbers because he doesn't know shit about business in general.

>alienware gave out over 9000 keys
>anyone with half a brain can get a key from the devs after 6pm or twitch shitters that were given thousands of keys
>can't break 5000 active players

So dead there's been constant generals up in the face of Overwatch generals on Sup Forums.
Not really smart bratan.

The numbers don't lie. Game will be deader than Damned in a matter of weeks.

its fine but its not as special as you'd expect given the really unique design. it mostly comes from the crippling lack of content. you play it for an hour and you've seen basically all there is to see.

for some reason a guy in this thread has a raging hateboner about it.

Dead by daylight was shilled like crazy on Sup Forums.

It's a shit game though, I mean there's a killer who is slightly faster than the survivors, and the survivors basically set up generators that occasionally force you to press left click before escaping.

It's a really bad game. I dunno how anyone is having fun with it after a few hours ofp laytime.

Then leave the thread if you dont like it.

Not surprised, the game is honest to god garbage anyway. Played an hour and uninstalled.

If all of your shit is client sided, on release Im going to just keep spawning the charm that allows me to just execute every downed survivor for a match, play exclusively hillbilly, and name myself "European Extreme"

i would put it in the same category as overwatch desu.

you jump in play a couple rounds and fuck off back to whatever you were doing.

here is some of my gameplay


Good luck finding enough Momento Moris to keep that up.

You can literally just back up your save since it's stored locally.

I haven't played it even once despite getting the code

Help a nigga out guys

Nice shilling you fucking retard. You literally run around as a survivor looking for generators and then pass a "skill check" which requires you press spacebar at a specific time, otherwise it makes tons of noise and is visible to the killer for a few seconds. Then after you've gotten enough generators setup you can escape through the door after opening that.

Or you can just be the last survivor and jump into a hatch.

Game has no depth.


shut the fuck up

I see that now that Battleborn threads have died out, Blizzdrones had to find a different game to bitch about.

>all these [deleted] posts
>better post another one!

Wow, there really are people just running through these threads screaming shill all day.

At least change your posts up so I can pretend people like you who think any game that has more then one thread a century is shilling don't actually exist.

How can they make a bootleg of something that has no footage beyond alpha shown

Pre-Alpha even. And it isn't anything but 2 characters running for about 2 minutes.

>People like games that I don't!
When is shill going to be filtered to onii-chan or some shit

Wait is that shit not allowed here? What the fuck I'm out.

what if you can quiet yourself in a closet completely, but be forced into first person with no view of the outside when doing it?

>rank 1 killer
>couldn't kill anyone of us
>rage quits

I'm fucking laughing

IM DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!