
>No Battlebased thread

Battlebros get in here! Discuss your latest epic matches in here! Don't forget to report overshills if they try to troll again.

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Hey bros! Just done playing this epic game. My freakin' palms and hands are sweaty after playing so long haha.

How's it going my brothas?

Nice to have you onboard my bro! I know that feeling, I'm addicted as heck to this game. Owned a bunch of mother yuckers online and showed them who's boss!

Darn it, I got my butt kicked really hard today. Any tips on playing Benedict? He's so super cool but I suck super hard at mastering him..

i get the joke, OP, but it's not making me laugh

If you're here to talk offtopic then please kindly leave. Battlebros are talking and we don't need some lowbrow trollers in here.


You know we can see how many posters are in the thread, right?
and I are the only posts that aren't from you. If you're going to bait at least use a vpn

What fuck is wrong with his head?

Memes and shills aside, does anyone on Sup Forums actually unironically play this game? I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually discuss the game and matches, only shitposting and comparing it to Overwatch