The owner of IGN now owns Kotaku

>Ziff Davis, an internet media conglomerate and owner of IGN, has bought Gawker Media Group. Details of the sale haven't been disclosed, but reports from earlier today state that Ziff Davis had a firm bid to buy Gawker and all of its assets for less than $100 million. All seven of Gawker's established media brands, including gaming site Kotaku, were included in the sale.

>This comes directly on the heels of Gawker filing for bankruptcy today. The petition filed in New York district court estimates that Gawker has between $50 million and $100 million in assets, and between $100 million and $500 million of debt. The highly publicized loss of a jury trial to plaintiff Hulk Hogan stemming from publication of a personal sex tape is the overwhelming reason for Gawker's debt. If the bankruptcy is approved, it'll help partially shield Gawker from this judgment.

>It does, however, seem odd that Ziff would be willing to buy a company that's still very much embroiled in a messy tangle of litigation. Gawker intends to appeal the Hogan verdict, likely as high into the justice system as it takes. This is all speculation, but that may be the reason Ziff was able to buy for what looks to have been a low-ball price. Or, it may speak volumes to the desperation of Gawker's situation.

>As the sale has just happened, we don't yet know how it will impact the operation of any of the Gawker brands or how it will affect any of the writers at those sites. Kotaku just shared a post stating that it'll move forward without any changes and that it's "business as usual." As a scrappy independently-owned website, we can certainly sympathize with Gawker and appreciate its steadfast unwillingness to sell until it literally had no other choice. We wish the best for everyone at Gawker and hope that this tumultuous time is as un-tumultuous for them as possible.

Other urls found in this thread:


I guess ign is alright....

IGN ain't good though.

Hogan just gave a slightly less shitty click bait site a bunch of incredibly shit Click bait writers.

Hogan just made the click bait stronger.

>Literally nothing changes
>Kotaku continues to be the same website under a different ownership
Wow, this is news-worthy!

I don't visit IGN or Kotaku or any of those sites, but, say what you like about IGN -- shills, paid reviews, whatever -- but they're the only ones who are entirely free from this SJW bullshit that's been going on recently.
Let's hope they continue that.


Anyone know anything about Ziff Davis?

Is this good?

hogan has literally nothing to do with this
he doesnt own gawker just because they owe him money

So, nothing changed at all?

Kek, i just browse Gematsu and Level Up (Mexican videogame website) for news.

Hogan forced Gawker to go bankrupt which put Kotaku up for sale.

Hogan has a quite a bit to do with this.

>Gawker goes down in flames
>Kotaku goes down and loses any credibility

>but they're the only ones who are entirely free from this SJW bullshit that's been going on recently.
Hello, shill.

Why don't you use your fucking brain before you post?

Can't spell ignorant without Kotaku now.

I hope Ziff fires everyone at Kotaku and turns it back into the weeb site it was meant to be, not a bastion of le social justice full of scum and retards


Maybe they'll shut it all down like they did with Gamespy.

IGN are not just shills, they are THE shills.

There is nobody worse than them. Nobody.

rodrigo best waifu.

Ziff will probably just shut down kotaku entirely and just have the people who work there continue doing everything they do now just at IGN.

I would predict the exact opposite. IGN sees that the future of gaming is ultra-strict forced SJW propaganda and is investing in that with this buy-out.

Good job Sup Forums.

We have created a monster.

>Hi there. You may have read in the news today that Gawker Media, which owns Jezebel, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. This news is true, and will allow the company to restructure, but it won’t affect our day to day here at Jezebel. We’ll continue blogging here every day with the same, excellent staff, and we hope you’ll continue reading and commenting here every day.

Does anyone have the We did it Sup Forums! image with Sup Forums-fag crying in a Vivian james shirt?

>hogan has literally nothing to do with this

>I don't know how to draw a square, 7/10 Wonderful 101

Is this one of those new epic memes I'm not familiar with? Sup Forums had absolutely nothing to do with any of this

>literally nothing changes

W-We did it, Reddit!

That doesn't make sense, IGN doesn't practice SJW horseshit to such degrees.

Shills from reddit or the mods.

>faggotgators literally BTFO
And Kotaku is not the SJW getto this aspies would like you to believe, they are confusing it with Polygon

>it's a Gamerghazi numale cryposts on Sup Forums episode

>contributing to the review rush destroying the industry
>ruined thousands of games for no reason
all they need now is the identity politics coating

>Anyone who makes fun of gamergate is a SJW ghazifag

What's good reddit?

I don't follow news sites, is this good or bad?

this could actually.... this could actually be really good.

>Ko "white male is the easiest difficulty setting there is" taku
>not SJW

You're making a poor case by getting butthurt.

>The petition filed in New York district court estimates that Gawker has between $50 million and $100 million in assets, and between $100 million and $500 million of debt.



IGN are still crap but just in the way that nobody gives a fuck, it's a joke. Hopefully that rubs off on Kotaku and they stop being actively malicious and ideological. It'll probably just be the same old shit though. Kotaku itself needs to fail for anything to change.

If you don't give a shit about SJW or stupid click bait articles, you don't have anything to worry about.

Maybe you're projecting? I'm quite enjoying seeing the gooberfags and their dead board struggle to become relevant.

IGN is definitely a lesser evil. You can't deny this.

It just means that IGN is the same as Gawker

They're next.

go back to Sup Forums

You are all retarded. The important thing here is Gawker's little underlings learned that nobody is above the law & they don't get decide whose nudes are funny & whose nudes are sexual assault.

This is a kick in the ass to think twice before taunting a judge's order.

>everyone believing their "everything is fine!" blog post as they go bankrupt an dsell the company
>all the delusional little sjws from neogaf pretending gamergate had anything to do with feminism
>actually sitting in these threads trying to defend this scum website that deserves to be dead and buried

This terrifies me.

You can't be this fucking stupid.

You forgot your smug anime girl image, without that you ARE just butthurt.

Ziff Davis Key people

Vivek Shah (CEO),
Steve Horowitz (COO)


Oh great, IGN wants to have a monopoly on game news sites. Who do you think they'll try to buy next?

I care about Hogan, he's one of my favorite wrestlers

Why are you here anyway? Weren't you going to leave 'cuckchan' forever?

No one should go to news sites. They're shit.

anyone have the link to the neogaf thread where they were turning on tortilla?

>it's a goobergater thinks he had a hand in something when all he did was sit at a computer and cry on a video games themed image board


U knoe its fake rite

>ign which has lost page viewers for the past 10 years thinks this will stop their downward spiral
Top kek

Ain't no goddamn GamingGoyim here you fool. What is this bullshit nonsense?


>Vivek Shah




>the new world order is just a tinfoil conspiracy user
>are you racist or something goyim?

>beat me to it

I'll give you a (You) and pretend it's mine.

>defending this

Have a (you), kid. You need it.

But it isn't totally fake. You gotta be a retard that thinks taking a bodyslam doesn't hurt like hell.

Do you hate magic shows too?

Leaning more towards good. Kotaku is partly responsible for a lot of the agenda and narrative pushing. They're a big part of why we're stuck complaining about feminists and gamergate and all that shit. If these sites disappear those issues will likely shrink to the point where they don't come up anymore, and we can just go back to 24/7 console war threads like the good old days.



>gamer culture is just being a faggot and buying things

That one writer in the upper left corner is completely right. Quit being an assmad pussy.

So literally nothing happened?
>inb4 People think IGN will change Kotaku to be more like it's sister site
Apart from the fact that it's not really an improvement, a change sure but not really an improvement, the owner knows exactly what makes Kotaku famous and that is it's click bait articles and yellow journalism. Nothing has changed and frankly I saw this coming.

It's the fact that Gawker itself will still continue to exist that disappoints me.

I hope Patty Hernandez is doing okay.

>Defending this autism

>a shitter vidya review site buys out another shitty review shit
IGN is a litral joke. No one actually pays attention them them for nothing more but shitting on them for how shitty their reviewers are. They are a meme. Now IGN just needs to involved with another infringement of human rights, and invasion privacy and they can also go bankrupt. This is glorious.

Sorry the Gamer+ thing didn't work out so well for ya.

>he goes to reddit

I'm not defending it I think it's pretty fucking gay, but your kind is just as pathetic, and yeah go ahead and post your little mspaint comic

but IGN is shit, son.

Now we need to kill IGN. Let's hope Kotaku or some other Gawker media site will do some mistake again. If they keep the personell, i guess nothing will change, unless IGN does major clean up or something, but i wouldnt suspect.


Destructoid is retarded and so are you. No one bought anything. ZD put in the first bid. That's it.

Cool maybe they fire all the SJW kikes Gawker hired to replace the original staff when they bought the website. Believe it or not, Kotaku used to be pretty ok game news portal.

Yeah, hopefully she will get a job at IGN or Polygon

Patricia is very important for the videogame community.

>going on reddit
What the hell is this bullshit?

>dumb redditor spouting shit
>dozens of """""""""""academics""""""""""" spouting shit
only one of these is defendable

They have very little sjw infection I do agree.

The only issue is clear AAA bias and paid reviews.

But sometimes the reviews are fine. Uncharted got a 9, yet Odin Sphere got a 9.5. BvS, X-men and CW got all between 6 and 7. Which is fine. The 3 of them are mediocre.

>still trying to defend it
you're literally cancer
>being assmad over obvious journalist cabal that got outed by its own members

That's gooberglops base of operations.

>a single cherry-picked reddit post

>Kotaku will now have to follow IGN's metacritic system

>Implying people learn lessons
>Implying Gawker and Kotaku won't make an article about how they did nothing wrong and them getting sued is an abortion of justice
People don't learn from their mistakes user, they just blame it on someone else.

And you're obviously from Reddit.

Go back there.

>U knoe its fake rite
The hell? Go to your nearest hardware store, buy a rope and properly hang yourself with it.
You can do the same.

And how would you know this, smugfag?

gamergate is literally a reddit movement in case you haven't noticed