I just watched Warcraft with a few friends and holy shit how are you supposed to know what is going on if you don't...

I just watched Warcraft with a few friends and holy shit how are you supposed to know what is going on if you don't know the lore.

you aren't
i don't know what they were banking on.
i guess the chinese and that's all

because the movie does a shit job explaining the story.
and people who actually know the lore hate it because it deviates too much from what actually happened

Exactly my feelings.

i thought the changes to garona were shit, but other than that i don't care about the story changes. that always happens in film adaptations.

i've talked to a couple people who knew nothing about warcraft before watching and they said they didn't have trouble following the story

Metzen pls, Dalaran is showed for like 2 minutes.

What is it with China and this franchise? There were a billion of them on Nostalrius and most of them weren't even gold sellers by some impossible miracle.

You pretend you have a brain and can figure things out from context.

Well if you knew the lore you'd want your money back.

the best way to end this film and jump to the second film was the destruction of stormwind by orgrims horde
why the fuck did blizzard change the story, i literally payed money to see orgrims betrayel holy shit

How was it hard to understand? Are you an infant? Evil medivh opens portal for horde.
Horde invade.
Stormwind Sacked
Garona kills Llane
Good guys flee.

I wanna kill Gul'dan after what he did to Durotan.

>all my this

The problem isn't the films cgi. It's not great.

The problem is the Warcraft movie is barely even Warcraft.

Also pacing is dicks and is overall boring as fuck.

Only good thing about it was playing WC3 again right after.

wasn't gul'dan supposed to be some puny and weak orc scheming in the darkness? How did he become so powerful in melee combat?

The power of shitty writing.

Blizzard-Activision is party owned by Tencent, Chinese multibillion investment holding company.

They're pushing it

I haven't watched it yet but I've been told they cut Turalyon out completely and left Lothar and Doomhammer alive at the end of the movie?

Seems like a pretty big change unless I'm misunderstanding what happened.

He wasn't that strong in melee combat, hence he had to "cheat" to win

>Watching a neoblizzard movie
>Probably with their friends and gf

Goddamn Sup Forums I dont know you anymore

I did go with my gf. I didn't even want to see the movie.

I feel this movie is just a big set up for sequels where things will actually happen and make sense, but without explaining anything in the first movie you will not get enough viewers to actually make it all happen.

I did enjoy it though and hope there will be more.

I know the lore and didn't know what the fuck was going on.

It's an incoherent mess of a movie and fuck all you faggots who claim to like it.

If you knew the lore you'd be pissed

They should just have given us Arthas. It is literally the only movie material.

How would they go into Arthas and Thrall material in the movies? How long would it take? I don't really know anything about the games before WC3.

It indeed is the best storyline for a movie, and i know i want to see it.

you don't need thrall for a arthas / lich king movie. another good reason to make it.

The first half made sense. The second half, starting right about where the Lothar/Garona love plot initiates, is a god damn mess that is likely the fault of editing.

It isn't a terrible movie, but it tried to ram in too many plot points and failed to make it cohesive.

Also, fuck all the Thrall shit in this movie.

Friends heh, well they are I guess but they wouldn't put hand in fire for me and we see each other like once a week, right now I'm alone, have nobody to play games with with plenty of wine and no weed.

should've drank beforehand that always makes crappy movies with friends more fun

>It was actually good
>Everyone in the theater loved it

So when's Kinogate starting to straighten out ethics in movie journalism?

fuck off you fuck i had to watch some shitty cam shit that i torrented cause I didnt wanna go alone to the movies
im not a normie


>all the Thrall shit

He was barely fucking in it.

Just stop.

i dont even know you anymore Sup Forums

user, it wasn't.
It was 7/10 at best. The last 2 minutes were godawful.

You aren't. Metzen wrote it.

You arent, because it isnt the original story.

Its a retrofitted and grossly simplified version if it.

The fact you missed it is because you're clinically retarded.

>Made me remember fun times with all my friends in Azeroth
>Can't revisit them because the game is ruined and wouldn't have been fun without friends anyway, and all of my friends have moved on to other shitty MMO's

>Kingdom hearts nostalgia threads everywhere.
>Blizzard praising threads everywhere
>Sup Forums praising micro transactions and paid mods.

It truly is the end of times.

>Sup Forums starts a crusade against video game reviews because they're all bullshit
>Sup Forums takes all reviews for this movie as God's word

This is one of those retard test movies. If you have trouble following the story, then you're retarded.

It's making me realize how retarded Sup Forums really is, seeing so many posts complaining about the story being difficult to follow.

Yea, this really.

I want nostalrius so bad now. It bit me with the wow bug pretty bad. I read about Legion and the pvp changes would make it unplayable for me.

It made me want something I can't have.

Only problem I had was that every Orc looked the same

>the pvp changes would make it unplayable for me

We don't want your kind anyways. If you can't kill someone without having double the health and DPS they do you shouldn't be playing video games at all.

Did you miss that the bad ones were either green or had green eyes and were wearing like 50 skulls?

If you want a cgi adventure movie in a fantasy world, go see The Jungle Book. Warcraft is a joke.

That movie was goddamn terrible.
Huge pacing issues all over the place, story contrived as fuck with an awful acting performance. Even the special effects weren't that great besides the orcs and some scenes looked fake as hell.
Who the fuck picked those actors? Who the fuck wrote the dialogs?

I laugh when I hear Duncan saying he was going to do better than LOTR. What a fucking joke.

go to /r9k/

Other than Guldan obviously you fucking retard

Difference between Doomhammer and Durotan was that Doomhammer always had a hammer in his hand

>If you have trouble following the story, then you're retarded.
so its box office failure then because 95% world population is retard

>half of the dialogue is just mages talking about how anything glowing green is evil

Omg how is he supposed to understand that without reading 100 Wikipedia articles and playing all the games? Fucking Duncan catering only to lore fags.

tfw no manly tears here to show everyone what REAL shitposting is about

As someone who sort of knew the lore (as much as, orcs didn't come from Azeroth, and WoW-times-stuff), I really enjoyed it.

It wasn't hard to follow, the things that were changed (Guardian dying, orc-lady not betraying, Dallyan frying) didn't seem to upset my Warcraft full hardcore nerd faggot friend much. The CGI was bad at times, but seeing Stormwind and that one flyover shot over Elwynn was absolutely fantastic. Most of the combat was really good, probably poorly choreographed but I didn't notice.

I dunno. I liked it.

The lore changes don't bother me much if its going to be a WCU.

But i saw big flaws in how the story was told, with a LOT of information being left out or not explained properly.

He was also bald and looked completely different.

Despite the metascore being garbage, it's currently ranked second on IMDB in popularity and has a 7.7/10.

>holds a hammer
>always holds a hammer, forever

How could you possibly tell which one is Doomhammer?

>bearded dude on the background of every battle
>book on his belt
>silver hand
Guys I'm not Uther I swear

Does he hold the hammer while fucking?

isn't legendary entertainment chinese too?

It's also got an 84% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes and did fine at the box office. Already flew well past its budget.

What the user said earlier about this movie being a retard test was one hundred percent spot on. If you couldn't follow this, you are a retard and should take a break from videogames for a little while. Pick up a book or something.

Oh yea sounds great on paper. All this arena try hard 1v1 fag bullshit.

FFXIV did the same thing and it is terrible. Having PvP only abilities and making a disconnect in gameplay (the stuff you worked for is worthless).

It's not about curbstomping, it's about camping blackrock mountain. Long ass AV's. Scrubs get pwned by a dude with an asscandy and it motivates them to play the game.

I fucking hate that theme song they kept playing whenever anything happened


I think I'd be right in guessing that Sup Forums has a higher ratio of retards to functionals than the general populace.

>dalaran is flying already


I don't understand it either. If you want to play a PVP game where gear doesn't matter why on earth are you playing a MMORPG? It's literally the entire point of the genre, to have gear and levels

>not knowing the lore of Warcraft
No fucking excuses, people....this info has been out there for DECADES. Get the fuck out there and do some reading you fucking ignorant shitheads, stop expecting to be spoonfed through life. Fucking ignorant pieces of shit make me so goddamn mad, I swear to science.

Kingdom Hearts is 14+ fucking years old dude

>khadgar isn't medivh's apprentice
pissed me off more than the rest

>le alone frog le normies get out rii XDDD

jump off of a bridge

>Becoming a green orc without drinking demon blood

I don't know much of the lore at all and I still enjoyed the movie.

You're pretty much thrust into the world and everything starts moving at a near break-neck pace; if you try to keep up and understand everything, you're going to be lost. If you just sit back and enjoy the ride, it's a fairly tight movie that doesn't hit any dull/slow points along the way.

>pasta because the previous thread was deleted.

Played the game since release day, know a decent amout about the lore and stopped playing around 4 years ago.

The dialogues are cringeworthy and the pacing is fucked to hell. It`s 2 hours of exposition.
Everyone who cares about WoW will know what happen anyway, and everyone who dosn't is probably confused as fuck.
What keeps this movie popular and makes retarded fanboys drool over it is that there is some recognizable stuff shoved in every few minutes. The movie basically goes like this:

10 minutes of shitty acting and dialogue -> HEY IS THAT A MURLOC? -> 10 minutes of shitty acting and dialogue -> HEY IS THAT WESTFALL??? I KNOW THAT I PLAYED THE GAME YOU KNOW! -> Action scene -> 10 minutes of shitty acting and dialogue -> rinse and repeat

I can`t remember the last time i was this bored during a movie. There were like 1 or 2 cool looking scenes like when gul'dan kills the deer , but that dosn`t excuse almost 2 hours of NOTHING HAPPENING

The CG looks okay on some parts, and absolutely terrible on other parts. Every time an actor is alone on screen with a CG character, (like when Lothar threatens to kill the orc if that wolf comes any closer ) the actor usually dosn't move at all, because they don' know what they are supposed to react to.

Also, i have no clue why they casted a fish to play the king.

Do yourself a favor and torrent it if you are curious. The low review scores are 100% justified, and it's not a movie for fans. It`s a movie for drooling retards that eat up everything that is well marketed.

No, I watched it alone.
As usual.

i wish they had the coolaid scene
fucking huge point of their power

>No iron man thing

>Also, i have no clue why they casted a fish to play the king.

Are you fucking serious? Why do vidya movies always have to throw away basic shit like this, it happens every single time.

Are there actual Murlocs in the movie?

There's one Murloc who gets 1 second of screentime

It's really autistic to throw a fit over it

why would you watch a niche film if you don't know anything about it

They handwalked you through it. How dense would a retard have to be to not follow that plot?

One in a passing scene as they travel from Stormwind to Goldshire.
Westfall isn't even mentioned or shown.

Pretty sure the guy you're replying to is making shit up.

The movie is a 7/10 at best, easily worth a watch but expect to cringe a few times.

The movie is okay when it shows orcs, as soon as humans are the slightest bit involved it becomes a cringe festival.

>From light comes darkness, and from darkness light.
Keep a straight face in any scene that is brought up and I'll suck your dick.

>99% of the movie is Humans getting ridiculously outfought by Orcs
>Medivh goes full Illidan for no reason
>Stormwind doesn't fall and Garona kills Llane because HE FUCKING TOLD HER TO
>Every fucking scene involving Thrall is supposed to endear you to him but its just out of place and annoying
>The entire Lothar/Garona love angle. I don't even have words for it it was so awful
>Nobody in the Alliance wanted to help Stormwind yet every soldier had a gun
>Asian High Elves

This wasn't written in the trenches of World War I but it might as well have stunk like trench rot. This movie was entirely Horde-biased and the Alliance war cry only happened once, at the very end after the King is dead.

Metzen's stink is all over this movie.

Looks like someone never played Warcraft.

Know how I know you're new?

that movie was less about a struggle between orcs and humans and more of a struggle of Duncans and others trying to save the movie from Metzen's stupid shit.

he used his fel warlock cheats
I hope thrall and grom are in the next movie.
I loved this shit.

>movie is based on Warcraft: Orcs and Humans

They probably aren't. You still have the whole second war before that unless Metzen decides to skip Orcs losing and go straight for green Jesus

I just watched with a fellow neckbeard and legbeard and let me tell you, we KNOW the fucking lore and even we were missing shit left and right.

The film is a trainwreck. Only positive thing is that Lothar looks like he's been mainlining coke into his eyeballs the entire shoot.

I kind of want this to do well so we can get Starcraft and Diablo movies


I'm listening to a blizzdrone podcast while reading this litterally saying they are going to like the movie no matter what. So yes your last line about marketing is dead on.
And before i get shit for listening to a blizzard game related podcast, i work 50 hours a week and am able listen to stuff while working. Ive done it long enough and im starting to reach for content.

>Every Alliance nation basically tells Llane to go fuck himself
>They only care about defending the entire goddamn world after he dies doing what they refused to do

I can see why this movie got shitty reviews. This story is fucking retarded, and modernizing it doesn't change that.

Where was King Greymane? Why wasn't he screaming "WE SHALL BUILD A GREAT WALL".


>mainlining coke into his eyeballs

do you even know what mainlining is?