User, your computer games are slowing down the pc

user, your computer games are slowing down the pc

>"Computer has a virus? It must be because of user's games"

>10 years later
>can you fix my computer?

>Close your mouth before I nut in it, shut the fucking door or suck me off already!

Mount stupid is a very real thing.

Did they just give up on the idea for writing a decent ending for the show?

oh how the tables have turned

Meanwhile she installs a fuck ton of adware ridden shit, toolbars, and unnecessary resource hogging antivirus programs.

Is it true that the actor playing Malcolm was killed?


>2 GB of games on the computer
>computer was slow as shit

>3,000 GB of games on the computer
>computer is fast as shit

I'm starting to think mom was wrong

Fuck off and tell dad to stop downloading furry porn from random sites! Maybe then we wouldn't have viruses on the PC every 5 seconds!

Don't... post this please...

thats not how computers work you dumb cunt
work the stove, its easier to understand

Preemptively furious just looking at the thumbnail

No one has ever fucking said this you fucking degenerate

this. i've saved my parents thousands on tech support.

Still hilarious.

yeah they have

wait, frankie muniz is dead?

But mom, those smilies and the monkey is why you're computer is slow.

>games take up space permanently, you don't get it back when you delete them

The shit people would make up. That wasn't my mom, but some friend. Who liked games, actually. Don't know why he made it up.

Doubt it or the internet would be filled with "now you really aren't the boss of me now!" jokes.


>user, what's all this mom and son porn cartoons doing on the computer?

My parents said it to me when I played Runescape on the family computer.

Even though (ironic with the story posted above) my brother kept downloading viruses via limewire.

I recognize that thumbnail

What? I'm pretty sure he's alive but I'm about to Google it.

>Most recent reunion it looks like Dewey's actor is dead because he has nothing to do with it and they just bring a framed photo and took pictures with it.

how the fuck can people stand this?


Still fake as hell.

I can actually imagine that, then the porn music comes on.

>Can you fix my computer?

>It's broken again, it must be your fault!

I was mad before I even opened it

I'm not sure whether I should be mad or laughing but I'm 200% mad and slightly smirking while at it for some reason.

As with most computer myths it is based in half truths.

>user, whats with all this porn? Are you wasting your cummies instead of shooting them into mommy?

>Computer access growing up is extremely limited
>Off limits during the week
>On weekends, up to one hour could be earned by completing demeaning tasks like giving my mother a foot massage (Freud was sweating in his grave)
>Despite now being 23 I lack most of the internet memories the rest of Sup Forums has because with a maximum of 2 hours a week of internet time during the golden era I couldn't do something as time consuming as WoW or Maplestory or even fucking Runescape
>Couldn't even save money for a laptop because even at 16 my summer job money was forwarded straight to a savings account I had no access to
>Eventually glean enough internet know-how to make a Linux boot disk out of my school flash drive
>Do shit for 3-4 hours a night after my parents would go to sleep at 10pm every night of the week
Getting a laptop for college pretty much changed my life

>older brother plays vidya even more than me growing up
>parents constantly rail against it and tell him he's wasting his time and never going to do anything with his life or have a job if he doesn't stop playing nintendo (we owned a genesis, a playstation, and a ps2; they were both collectively and individually called nintendo)
>is now a QA manager at a video game publisher
>aunt at christmas asks him what it is he does for work now
>tells her he oversees a group of game testers that he encourages to play video games even when they don't want to anymore
>stares directly through my dad's soul

First thing I thought of when I saw the thread.