What went so horribly wrong?

What went so horribly wrong?

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it was never right to begin with.

fame and money

i think he just matured and isn't retarded anymore

Not videogames.

I don't even know what "what" is.

He was born a Swede

he isn't retarded, he knows exactly what he's doing and that's why he's famous/rich.

Maybe he got tired of pandering and acting like an idiot all the time?

Actually I don't even know because I couldn't care less.

>Grew facial hair
>Dyed his hair
What's next? James Rolfe going bald? Oh wait...

what happened

good for him then

why do people get upset about him

But he still acts like an idiot all of the time

because e-celeb hate is the supposed correct ideology here

I legit like his videos though
Rarely watch them but he isn't too bad
Seems like a cool guy, would buy beer and hang out if I ever met him

ITT: salty fags that wish they got payed for playing video games

I think jealousy.

1.he has a super cute girlfriend
2. he made 142 in one year
3. has tons and tons of people who care about him
4. can literally do what he wants
5. has an easy job and don't have to work from 9 to 5
6.goes on vacation all the time to a lot of different countries

>that one time felix and james were competing for a million subs
and that was just a few years ago
how did he get up to like 45 million subs so fucking quickly

He's successful for having fun, that's why people here hate him. Also the failure to understand that bit every YTer has to appeal to everyone. He's meant for children. It's like criticizing Barney for not having a deep enough storyline.

>Punished PewDiePie

This """E-Celeb""" thread. Reporting.

Jealousy, mostly. People would kill to be able to do nothing but play video games all day and get a six to seven figure salary for it.

>imminent punished pewdipie pic

I still can't believed he linked his subscribers to paheal and Sup Forums.

>announcing a report

I've always hated him but some of his new videos are actually kind of funny. Like the new car one and YouTube roast

>buying a millionaire something

How about the household name making more money in a month than we do a year picks up the tab?

>2. he made 142 in one year

Forgot to say million

>reporting announcing a report

I used to watch Markiplier all the time, Back when the only videos when what he mostly did was obscure indie horror stuff and Amnesia: The Great work.

I haven't seen any of his stuff for a few years now, And right now I don't know if I would watch him again. Either because he got too big or I just hate the tumblr/leddit crowd that gushes for him. Even though I can still go back and enjoy some of his oldest videos.

I dont think hes geared towards children exclusively. there was a point where it seems he was targetting younger demographics but the amount of cursing he does makes me think his actual demo is young teenagers and girls who totes thinks hes cute, my gf is subscribed to her

>what kind of bizzaro world is this where a swede is the bull

>announcing a report
you know that's not allowed right?

For this thread how is this thread not ok? but ENB threads every night is? or giantbomb or best friends play ?

or even worse some random twitter e-celeb


What happened? Did he chimp out now that everyones eating his pie?

None of it is allowed. Report it all you fucking twat.

Markiplier used to be good but then he hit 1,000,000 subs and from there on I realized instantly it was going down hill fast
sure as shit I was right

I don't really concern myself with the wealth of others to be honest

What do you mean?
He took advantage of a very lucrative career at exactly the right moment, and started dominating the field and now practically defines it. He appeals to the lowest common denominator as far as let's plays go (Not even shitting on him, he appeals to easily-distracted young-to-mid teens and that is a massive population). I don't follow Pewdiepie at all, but he's still done pretty well, and the fact that most of the folks following in his wake define themselves through their differences to him says a lot ("[_____] is like Pewdiepie, but...").
Or are you talking about his viking beard? Dude's as Swedish as you can get, this is what a Swedish man looks like.
Or are you talking about gradual minor changes to his formula? The guy has cemented his place so well that he will continue making an absurd amount of money regardless of what he does. YouTube is a tough industry to get into, and it's difficult to maintain any steady income with it, but when you reach the top it is nigh-impossible to fail.

I don't hate him, I'm extremely envious of him
I shit on youtube celebs a lot for appealing to the lowest common denominator but if I was making money from doing it I sure as shit would do it too

>watch Markplier's Cry of Fear walkthrough
>normal behavior and reactions

>watch some of his latest walkthroughs
>fake, force and exaggerated reactions to everything happening on screen

Now i understand why people hate these youtube E-celebs.

He went from looking like a gay Swede from Stockholm to the stereotypical redneck Swede from the countryside. It's epic.

>literally watches porn on his channel
>"he's so childish! why does he always have to appeal to kids?"

>He's meant for children. It's like criticizing Barney for not having a deep enough storyline.

That's probably what bothers me personally. I don't really mind that he's acting retarded for fun or whatever. If he's actually normal in real life i'd even admire him(I don't know if he is). What upsets me is the fact that so many people watch him. He seems like he's targeting people under the age of 14. Yet you see so many people who are way too old to like such childish crap being almost in love with him and spouting his shitty jokes. I doubt there are millions of adults watching Barney and fully enjoying content made for kids.

I always thought his humor mirrored that of Sup Forums which is why he is hated here - he reminds you of yourself

He was never good, but if it's even possible, he had some kind of integrity and childlike enjoyment from doing videos, that is, until he figured his fame was undeserving because of all the attention he got from such lame material, as well as listening to the people who bitched about his rape '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''jokes'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''', the one thing that comes to mind is Retsurae video that has that one fat fuck with the glasses having his Oscar moment whenever he would say ''Mr Chair stop raping me!''

He knows what he is doing, he's doing everything to make the maximum amount of money. Can't hate a guy that's playing the system.

>It's like criticizing Barney for not having a deep enough storyline.
We're treading on some real dangerous territory here, you guys

Markiplier is still a decent guy, gives the impression of Pewdiepie but with a bit more of a genuine appreciation for games. He's gotten a lot more pandering and clickbaity in the last couple years, but that seems to just be a byproduct of his genuine appreciation for his fans and acknowledgment that they're the reason why he's successful, which is all fine and good except his fans are awful trash children.

I accidentally found myself watching some cryaotic videos and honestly thought he was surprisingly tolerable, I'd always assumed he was tumblr garbage, but the guy seems pretty okay.

Also I kinda like Dunkey. He might be a caricature of himself but he is at the very least genuine (Also met him at PAX and chatted for a while, he's pretty nice and unpretentious in person)

also don't feel like this thread really needs to be going on Sup Forums but okay

Not at all, we're to discuss game in depth, analyze them deeply and give them a fair opinion with no bias or favoritism.

Sup Forums is the most honest place about gaming you will ever see.

Somethingawful being butthurt that pewdiepie is successful will never stop being funny

sup Sup Forumsros, just ignore this shitty thread cuz its not videogames, but i'll tell you what IS videogames, my new discord
*brofist* lol

I feel kinda neutral towards him, pretty much never watched anything of him, not even for research.
Good on him from being so damn successful and tapping in to a lucrative market. It's not like he's actively being evil like Google and Microsoft, he's more like Apple, not really THAT bad, but their successes leads other people to copy their stupid stuff instead of creating and innovating new things by themselves.

He's a pioneer, and it's not really his fault that other people are following him.

Porn? You mean Boku no Pico?
Most "children" like hentai, anime, memes and all that stupid shit these days.

He's rich because of people like you. So he did everything right. Now he should pull a markus and talk shit on social media all day like the hero gotham deserves.

>a fair opinion with no bias or favoritism.
Sup Forums is the most honest place about gaming you will ever see.

>44 million subscribers

very few things went wrong if you ask me

Is that site even relevant anymore? Have they done anything lately?

how does Sup Forums feel like about NerdCubed?

>don't have to work from 9 to 5
if you have to go to work at 9 then you also have an easy or retarded job

is he becoming the Amazing Atheist?

>2. he made 142 in one year
Wow, no he didn't, not even close whatsoever.

Nothing. He borrowed a dictionary from Markiplier and learned the English language finally. Markiplier has since devolved.


i hate faggots like like nothing else on the face of earth, there are plenty of people on the earth that are rich and famous and i don't hate them either, i hate him because he's rich and famous for making this stupid face like here, he created this stupid and cancerous youtube culture that's a mixture of reality show a-la "big brother" and people buying into things being hip like those people that play videogames in order to say stuff like "i'm such a gamer grill XD", he feeds on the same sort of people that use instagram to take photo of their food, takes selfie while making that stupid duck face and will go to watch that fucking stupid emoji movie

but no, if i say this, it must be jealousy! by pulling the jealousy card you instantly shut down any critic about him while automaticaly make anyone who don't like him butthurt because that's exactly what his retarded and extremely obnoxius fan would say in the first place, so bravo! bravo Sup Forums! you got your butthurt

He posts weird shit all the time now, literally pandering to Sup Forums now that he has so many subs that he can put out videos that are done like his old style.

i don't hate one person for doing retarded things, i can just ignore it, but his success just encouraged a lot of retarded e-celebs who starts their videos with : HEEEEEY WHAT'S UP FOLKS TODAY WE GONA... and i can not tube in peace without a fkin clickbaiter retarded let's player picture.

Not until he pours hot oil on his shrinking dick

>used to like this guy for his reviews
>they were very thoroughly done and even funny sometimes
>he used to put a lot of work into them

>skip to now
>one out of 30 videos is a review
>the review consists of 50 % just him playing the game on twitch, acting like a fucking manchild, screaming and saying "wooooooooo" "doooooooooooo"
>say the review is shitty in the comments
>get shat on buy his community which obviously is full with 12 year old "notice me senpai" faggots

Where did it all go so wrong?

It's kinda funny how many people hate him for stupid shit. I remember when he made fun of Bear simulator for being shit, and people were crying about it. The developer even said he wasn't going to finish it because of that.

I guess that's the downsides of being that big of a channel, you can't express what you truly think.

I like him, but it is obvious he is more Reddit directed, he has mentioned that he even has his own subreddit.

yeah sure

he's pretty immature overall
I prefer him as a person than as a LPer

And why do you care?

How do you guys feel about DSPgaming?

a saint
without him I wouldn't know which games are FAWKING BROKEN

I'm pretty sure a good amount of his reactions are faked, at least now they are. He probably saw how much people love to hate him and is capitalizing on it.

To be fair, is there any e-celeb that isn't?

He's been getting better recently.

I hate him because he spells his name like it's three words but pronounces it like it's one.

Was a bit fun looking at his How Not To Play MGS vids but then it just got out of hand. They tried to make a CWC out of him but failed.

Who /CowChop/ here?

And it's still pretty good because he only gets 10,000 views per video at the most.

did you know user that we have her own mini pewdiepie in italy?

did you know that they made him voice one of the ratchet & clank character from the movie for no other reason than a desperate attempt to get this awful awful demographic?

here's one of the VA from the original game getting pissed about it, maybe he's jealous about it too!

I heard he claims the money from all of those "This is how you don't play" videos. Probably why he doesn't take them down.

>italys pewdiepie is a 70 year old man


It's a dub, who cares. Are you 10?

It's funny, I have a swedish friend in snapchat, and his fashion sense changed along with pwedipies. Must be some swede thing I guess,

Read the whole post the next time



Same in France.
Our own mini Pewdiepie voiced one of the ratchet & clank character.

Because people usually dislike people who cater to the stupid shit just to get more money.

he caters to kids. you don't go and shit on raffi because apples & bananas is a stupid song, do you?


You say that but Sup Forums is fucking filled with Nintendo and Sony fanboys.

Motherfucker's got bank. Lucked out and became a hit. Hell, he shits on people just like him who produce arguably better content. He was in many ways the harbinger of a new age where there are now 17-21 year olds with a networth of more than 17 million just from Youtube. Its nuts.

nothing, he's actually getting better

Looks like swedes are already starting to convert to islam.


it's a whole website of cringe...

(From 12:44 to 14:45)
Eh, I thought all swedish man were beta male sucking feminist di*k. I guess there's still hope.

I recently watched one of his Mirror's Edge Catalyst videos, because I thought "eh, fuck it, I just want to see some gameplay."
I was surprised first off to see he was acting fairly "normal", he wasn't yelling that much or doing his too much of his loud video personality. He obviously liked Mirror's Edge and was excited about the new one, and at the same time, kept noticing new things and changes in Catalyst which irked him a little bit, and he made comparisons to the first game.
However, he kept stopping himself when he would talk enthusiastically about Mirror's Edge, or at moments when he started to express real joy about the games, saying to himself that he sounded like a nerd or a "total fucking loser", and he seemed pretty genuinely self-conscious and disapproving of himself when it happened.
Thought it was kind of funny, kind of sad, how he seemed fairly worried about being himself or being a "nerd" instead of, I suppose, his "PewDiePie personality"...

This thread has more underage posters in it than the entirety of Sup Forums. If you arn't 18 why are you posting here. Go to reddit, go to your you tube comment sections. Play on twitter. Nobody here likes you.