Yfw MGS5 is annouced

>yfw MGS5 is annouced

I actually liked MGS5 despite all it's flaws as much as many other did...but holy shit user
>all this fucking denial
I love theories like this a ton but fuck

Jesus Christ just shut the fuck up already. The ruse cruise meme was never funny. It's not happening. Kojima doesn't even have an engine or developer yet.

Your obsession with MGSV is pathetic at this point

You played MGSV not MGS5

Ocelot is Kaz.

M-muh ruse
>day one update
>9/11 update
>peace day update
>B-but MGSV=/=MGS5
Kojima is a fucking hack, and the main reazon you fags still thinking about a """"" ruse""""" is because TPP is fucking shit


V stands for Venom

>Kojima doesn't even have an engine or developer yet.

>or devoloper
You stupid or something?

>have an engine yet
Are you impling it's hard to get one in 2016? Esp seeing he got a contract with Sony going on

Fuck off

Sony pls buy Silent Hill

could it all be true?

I can believe it has to do with Kojima's new game, but it really if fucking impossible for it to be MGS5.

The true ending is locked behind the nuclear disarment. Too bad it will never get all the nukes disarmed.

That cutscene is already out there, it's not much.

That's not he ending.


It's clearly meant to not be MGS5. That's part of the twist ending. it's MGSV, a side story where you play as Venom Snake.


Please buy Silent Hill and do nothing with it so it can die completely


guy in the album cover looks more liek Oceroto, to be completely honest


The game so bad, people literally think it's a joke.

I took this to mean the entire game is non-canon.

I agree that MGSV=/=MGS5, but there is no "5" coming, at least not from kojima
There is no ruse

And yes, TPP was fucking shit and inexcusable

Why are you so stupid? They have an engine. I feel like I talked to you in one of these threads befoe. Do some research before you post.

what engine, unreal engine 4?

Doesn't Konami own Fox Engine?

no its some 3rd party engine, by Nordic or some shit