Can we just have a nice Ape Escape thread?
post your favorite
Can we just have a nice Ape Escape thread?
post your favorite
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best minigame right there
unless you want to count this in which case i guess this would be the best minigame
Name a better composer than Terada
Knew it, no one can
Bring back rivals.
The Jake Spike rivalry was genius on a gameplay level and worked well with the story.
Ape Escape 2
Monkey Soccer
Dark Ruins
Sky Flier
Monkey Pink
Monkey soccer confirmed for being the best part of AE2
Mesal Gear Solid was actually my first experience with anything metal gear related.
W need more Spike vs Jake
So far, no Yumi yet
You guys remember this scene?
Tie between Monkey Soccer and Mesal Gear Solid
Cryptic Relics in AE1
Pumped and Primed
Magic Punch
Specter in AE1
wasn't ape escape 2 & 3 supposed to released on the PS4 as a part of sony's PS2 on PS4?
Anyone know anything about that?
Hell yes I remember this, when I was 13 I fapped to it at least 5 times
Well look at this.
What is this from?
The anime based on Ape Escape Million Monkeys
I prefer the shotas over Yumi but thats just me
>tfw so little porn
I dont know much about it but i hope they bring the first game too by using the PSP port and making it available for the PS4
Maybe they could make an HD remaster collection
Youre neat
Man, crossdressing shota is so much better when they look boyish.
Natural traps just feel fake.
Some shotas already look sweet, so why the need to look like a girl with a dick?
But what if the shotas had big butts?
Even better!
I like to imagine Spike with a big butt getting fucked by Jake
Of course it is
>tfw this suave motherfucker was my first crush
Don't judge me
it's okay, no one is here to judge, but love
He also looks like he has underwear in his head.
I think it has something to do with him being both smart and assertive, and probably a sadist too
Thats the R from Rayman isn't it?
Also 6 images in and no lewds. Impressive.
I just noticed the Rayman "R"
He's a cool villian
And also a cutie
Impressive indeed
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so
I want Spike's boypussi
Why do these threads always dissolve into Yumi or Shota-posting
Not that I mind but jeez keep it in your pants for once
Is it time?
At least Yumi has art, unlike the shotas
>not that i mind
good job supporting the cancer
Snake monkey is best monkey
Meant to
>Not that I mind but jeez keep it in your pants for once
It's not like this thread was going anywhere.
Spike confirmed for best shota
smooth as fuck
>she actually has a puffy vag
What are you gonna do about it?
Hey guys what's going on in this thread!?
Oh nothing, we're just having fun
AE2 has some fantastic songs despite everyone saying it has the worst soundtrack.
cute girl monkey
>most of the ape escape art is of yumi
>hardly any art of the other characters
its just not fair, why can't casi or helga get some of that love?
I guess you just have to learn how to draw and get a Pixic account.
I loved the shotas but they have very few art, some isnt even that good.
Protagonists always get more art than side characters.
either learn to draw or commission them. One's easier,one's cheaper
>Whadda sayin ima a rapist? all I did was gogginlin her moogalin wen eye wuz movin her jogglin!
What did he mean by this?
The pedos are sleeping.
Actually, they already arrived
You should have read the whole thread before replying.
No if they arrived they have started derailing the thread with lewd loli pics by now.
>that reverse psychology
hey if you want lewds so much you can just ask, thread is almost dead anyway.
lolipedos never sleep
If you say so.
How was Million Monkeys? I bought a copy a while back but I still need to buy another boot disc or whatever for my ps2.
I had this issue. There was a DK 64 and Rayman comic too in this one.
that's a big girl
that is some top QUALITY material there.
Where can i see all of Om' stuff on Yumi?
for you
They look like human versions of Sonic and Amy Rose.
Why did such a stupid pic make me laugh so hard?
Why does getting bypass sad panda requires you to change the cookie stuff? i already got an account on exHentai
because its kinda funny
Ape Escape 4 when?
Where can I find a high quality version of this
I don't know.