PS4.5 smartphone comparison

>Speaking more broadly about consumer reaction, House believes buyers have become used to frequent, and often costly, upgrades thanks in part to the emergence of high-end smartphones.

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>Smartphones ruin gaming again

Do they not realise the only reason people buy new phones every 2 years is because they cost X amount a month and come with data/calls etc?

Why would I want to spend £350-400 every 2 years on a fucking console when it would cost less than that to keep my PC going. I'm done buying consoles and I wont be touching the 4.5

>arrogant Sony

looks like they'll be back to shit next gen

PC users do it for their pc. Every six months they buy a new fucking card. He's probably not wrong unfortunately.

>frequent, and often costly,
>often costly,

wat? they give them to you for free

dey probably waitin for xbox to show the new console

Except phones are heavily subsidized by rebates and deals from contracts. Plus you can usually pay off the phones in monthly payments. None of that shit is happening with consoles

This, plus phone choice is a fashion statement so people like to refresh them frequently.

And with games costing £50+ now how the fuck do they expect people to afford this?

>Plus you can usually pay off the phones in monthly payments. None of that shit is happening with consoles

I can literally get a console right now from Amazon or ShopTo under a pay monthly deal.