Persuade me to play it Sup Forums

Persuade me to play it Sup Forums.

I've wanted to play it for a while and start getting in to the lore, but I'm worried it isn't as good as any says.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's not that good. I honestly think Bethesda has always been overrated.

Are there any games you recommend instead?

What kind of RPGs do you like? Are you willing to deal with unconventional or keyboard controls?

Takes a few hours to get into it, but its worth it.
Once you got the basics down, its great fun to just explore and finding shit.

Most newplayers will usually play ~2 hours after the start, but get overwhelmed by not really knowing what to do and where to go.
That's something you'll have to stomach through most likely. Or its not your kind of game, try and see for yourself senpai

I like all kinds of RPG's desu and I don't mind awkward controls as long as there is something good hidden behind it

Best thing to keep in mind is that it's more 'pen and paper' than action. Every weapon swing and spell cast is a dice roll, so it can fail if you have crappy stats in those areas.

Sounds like sound advice to me

The best game in the series. You're a faggot if you don't like it.

I regularly play D&D with friends anyway so I'm used to that

>need convincing from a bunch of faggoty little kids on a malaysian knitting board to play a god tier game


Very insightful and well thought out, thank you for your contribution.

Do you like
>boring open worlds
>ugly as sin graphics, full of bugs, glitches and constant lags/load screens
>terrible characters who dump whogivesafuck lore on you
>MMO-style quests aka go do a thing 25 times and come back
>game basically being dull and over after initial jumpstart
If you answered yes to all these, welcome to Morrowind!
Otherwise steer clear and play Gothic 2

To me, the definitive 3D open world RPG games are Gothic 1 and 2 due to the way the world is designed and how the game is structured. Might and Magic 6 is great if you enjoy open world RPGs with large and challenging dungeons. My problems with Morrowind are a bad implementation of a keyword system, generally uninteresting quests (a few stand out in the expansions and some final quests for the guilds), and the combat is a drag and easy to break just by drinking a couple potions of sujamma. It's by no means a bad game and definitely the best TES game I just don't think TES is a great series overall.

Why is Sup Forums like this? Why can't we discuss games like we're supposed to... fuck sake

I would play Gothic or even risen instead. Risen is pretty good despite what other people say about it. As long as you play it in PC. Morrowind takes a long time to get into, which isn't bad I guess, but if you don't have that kind of time then I wouldn't even try. If you do have the time then I would definitely play it. Pretty good stories presented in an interesting way. Lore of morrowind will definitely suck you in and let you know what has been going on and what each faction expects. Combat isn't terrible. Just pump agility and your weapon of choice when you make your character. I would even get a mod that doesn't fatigue you by just running. The game is already slow. Let's not make it any slower. Or just enchant some shit for constant effect restore fatigue.

Because "redpill me on x or convince me to play this" posts are fucking super aids

I was looking at the Risen series but heard Gothic was better by far. I may have to give it a look. Sick of the playing the same RPG's I played as a kid for nostalgia sake and then say I like RPG's when I haven't even played that many. Thank you for an actual contribution. There is hope for /v yet

Are you like 12? Fuck outa here

Get the system pack for both Gothic games. Also some people don't consider it an RPG but Jagged Alliance 2 is on sale on GOG and it's top tier.

Oh shit! I didn't know that, thanks user!

The first Risen is really good. Not sure about the others.

YOU get the fuck outta here shill, nobody on this board is going to buy your shitty remaster. Crazy how there are no posts about elder scrolls games until a week before e3 now theres at least 10 new threads at any given time. How much are they paying you?

Literally no reason to play this Bethesda turd when Witcher 3 exist.

It has good things and bad things. It just depends if you're willing to get through the good things. I remember playing it when it first came out and me and my friend spend many weekends staying up late doing everything. I went back to replay it 2 years ago and I found it pretty boring and tedious. Sup Forums will say it's because I've been conditioned to like more modern videogames but I'm not sure if I agree because I also replayed fallout 1 and 2 this past september and I still like them just as much as i once did.

The reason I'm asking is because I just finished TW3 and all its DLC

The idea of the game is that you start out as a weak and worthless prisoner and end the game as an unstoppable demi god. It might feel shitty when you start playing but if you stick with it you'll become immersed in the characters, story and location. The fun is in figuring out how the world works and exploration. There's a reason a lot of people wish they could experience Morrowind for the first time again.

Don't play Morrowind. You will get bored to death. Seriously there is no reason to play any old rpg after playing Witcher 3.

>those animations

i dont remember it looking that bad

don't, wait for skywind.

Holy shit you appear in every fucking ES thread and scream shill like an absolute autist.


Why in the fuck would anyone try to 'shill' decade-old games to a bunch of NEET weebs with no money who pirate things?

Jesus christ you're so pathetic. Just kill yourself instead of making the taxpayers support your waste of a life.

TW3 was good but it wasn't THAT good. Calm your tits user

Gothic honestly accomplishes that feeling much better.

Skywind? That sounds like a mix between the two... So I'm presuming someone is re-creating morrowind in skyrim? How close are they though? Unless I'm incorrect

>There's a reason a lot of people wish they could experience Morrowind for the first time again.

Yes, nostalgia, which is the same reason kids want to play Oblivion and Skyrim for the first time again too.

So if nostalgia isn't a good enough reason does that mean everything is just shit then? Regardless of age?

My african americans

Totally a QT grill here
Buy me morrowind

This 'hurr durr you get to be God' argument never made sense to me. So you suffer through 50-100 hours of janky boredom just to earn your right to effectively play with cheats on? Sounds like some kind of twisted masochism paired with autismal tendencies

Isn't that every game user?


Check the GOG site for lots of top tier RPGs. Don't be afraid to try the older ones from the early '90s too. They're often more mechanically interesting than modern games.

I just got it. How is it compared to wasteland 2? Better in its combat I hope.

Pretty much the best of its genre. Read the manual.

>no public commenters
you're fuckin gay

Not really. For example, Fallout 2 allows you to reach god mode but nobody actually does it because the game gets dull, and best played with gimped characters. In Fallout 3 you can't reach god mode at all because Beth scaling

I have been lately. Got the stalker pack awhile ago and got system shock 2 a few days ago. I forgot that I had fallout 1 and 2 from years ago, so I'm going to be busy for awhile. Just got ja2 also. Balls deep in old games for the next few months. Thanks!

Will do. Toilet material.

Oblivion and Skyrim have leveled enemies and loot, rather than hand placed items. You cannot find in the world a daedric sword until the game thinks you're high enough level to get one, at which point the generic enemies also have daedric weaponry.

The fun of exploration in Morrowind comes from the fact that there could be anything in that nearby dungeon or cave, rather than a pre-determined list of 'level appropriate' enemies and items.

Having said that, Oblivion still has a very good thieve's guild and dark brotherhood and Shivering Isles is fantastic.

If you want a really unique RPG, check out King of Dragon Pass.

it was the peak of the elder scrolls series
needs mods to be playable today

Will fix for games :^)

no that's dumb I just wanted to shitpost comments
morrowind is like 2 dollars just buy it yourself

I prefer Gothic 1 to 2.
I'm not 100% sure why. Gothic 1 really got me hooked and I couldnt stop playing. With 2 I'm barely getting anywhere, the game seems bigger and better than the first but I am just not enjoying it as much.

Looks quite interesting actually. I'll add it to the list, thanks

Not really an RPG. KoDP is more like a 4X strategy done entire through static images. And with plot. Its weird, but it works

wizardry 6-8 are top tier dungeon crawlers that are on sale too

>Persuade to play a shitty game

Why would i do that OP?

>So you suffer through 50-100 hours of janky boredom just to earn your right to effectively play with cheats on?
You can become god strength in less than an hour if you know what you're doing. You can beat the game in less than 5 minutes if you know what you're doing. The fun comes from figuring out these things yourself. It feels good getting to that strength because you built it yourself. Then after you've done it, it's fun going back to the start and feeling weak again and realising the restrictions you overcame.

There's no point to Skywind while OpenMW exists.

gothic 3 is good too ?

Does anyone have that screen cap where the guy beat the game so hard it crashed and broke the game?


It's a good game if you want to read a book.

I like strategy games. Been a console gamer for about 20 years until I played xcom on ps3 about a year ago. Now I can't get enough crpg and strategy games. Especially after playing wasteland 2 and divinity original sin. I just keep going backwards in time now checking out different games like that.


Check out JA2 and Silent Storm.

I actually just bought ja2. Someone else recommended it further up. I'll check out the other one though. Thanks!

>same webms
>same filenames
>every thread

Soon you will leave the realm of storyfaggotry and understand combatfaggotry is the way to go for RPGs.

Unless you want to play as anyone besides Geralt.

What mods are being used in that video? Because vanilla Morrowind doesn't let you cast spells with weapons in your hands.

if somebody isnt into a fake open world and an even worse combat system than skyrim

I've been interested in Gothic for a while, but I've heard it has terrible controls and no way to change them. Am I misinformed?

They're not terrible just unconventional since you use the keyboard.

I played it for the first time in late 2014 and it was pretty fun.

The only 'terrible' thing about it is inability to rotate the camera apart from your character moving direction. Everything else is perfectly fine

What about changing them?


I would recommend sticking with the default controls. Arrow keys to move, A and D to strafe, left CTRL for actions.

Its a modern ES title with no random content or level scaling, and D&D combat where everything is determined by rolls based on your stats.

>that one whitemane greatsword in the starting area on top of a dresser

There is level scaling and the systems are nothing like D&D.

You can press R and rotate your camera with the arrow keys.

You can with morrowind code patch or something like that. Even if you want vanilla morrowind I would use that patch to tidy the game up.

what the fuck does luck do in oblivion

I do think it's kind of funny that people say Skyrim has a terrible magic system compared to Morrowind, when the actual method of casting spells is actually superior to Morrowind's.

Just read on steam that buying gothic 2 on GoG comes with much better optimization and less bugs. Is this true? Should I avoid the steam version?

All you need is the system pack. The DX11 renderer is nice too.

I agree with all the posts on Gothic. I happened to play G2 right after finishing Morrowind, and it felt like cleansing experience. I actually felt bad for wasting all that time on Morrowshit

Also you should play Gothic 1 before 2 since 2 is much harder with NotR

Yeah, but its hardly practical in the situations when you actually want to use it (aka when you run away from a gangbang party of orcs)

Thanks gentlemen

That's when it's most useful since it turns the camera directly behind you.

don't. it's shit.

Make sure to get Stracciatella for Jagged Alliance 2 so you can play it at higher resolutions without changing the core game mechanics like 1.13 does.