Is Mario Party beyond saving?
Is Mario Party beyond saving?
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Yeah probably.
They should just release Mario Party 3: HD REMAKE.
I'd get that, if they didn't shove poorly realized gimmicks into it somehow.
Just stop with the everyone moving together crap. This is not a hard problem to solve.
I remember growing up and playing MP with friends.
Then when I came here, I heard stories of neckbeards tearing into vaginas over Mario party minigames, clammy flesh, sweat and tears and semen and discharge over fucking Mario Party.
B-but, everyone has to win :^)
Listen, the only eave to save Mario party is to kill it.
Nah, they just have to forget the retarded cart idea.
Bonus points if they actually used their brains and ADDED ONLINE MULTIPLAYER
Seriously ffs, some won't buy it because they have no one to play it and even if they do have people, they are not always there, therefore making this purchase bad in the long run.
Online = this problem is fixed.
They shouldn't have messed with the board game motif, the 3DS mario party doesn't even feature game boards, every map is a straight fucking line.
No coins, or stars, or anything. First to the finish is the WINNER
Island Tour didn't have that and it was still the most boring shit I've played on my 3DS
What would be nice if they did an N64 HD collection, 1-3 would be pretty cool
>keep pushing the shitty car instead of having everyone roll their own die at the same time through temporary splitscreen or a full view
>keep adding half-assed gimmick modes, like Bowser Party which had a whopping ten games on the same board maps
>keep making board maps linear races to the end
>progressively getting less extra content with each iteration
Just kill it.
As long as virtual console is around, they'll never do it.
Even if they did, they'll sell you one fucking game rom per disc like they did with super mario all stars.
>Mario kept flying, and was never heard from again.
I want sonyggers to leave. We don't need more remasters in the industry thanks to your cancer.
There's nothing wrong with remasters, especially when they breathe new life into great games and introduce them to a new generation of people.
It's better than playing bi-annual AAA trash.
If they remove the cart mechanic, it will be
>Sonygger for not wanting gimmicks
Grow up faggot, I've been playing Nintendo games for 26 fucking years, which is probably longer than you've been alive.
there's nothing wrong with wanting the three best Mario Party games together on one disc on a current console with controllers that aren't COMPLETE FUCKING ABOMINATIONS
They fucking charged me 20 bucks for this 2 hour content game, seriously.
The minigames were decent enough but all boards were boring to no end, no branching at all, rules were streamlined (how do you manage to streamline rules you need 1 minute to explain to somebody) and nearly no versus minigames.
The cards thingy board were you had to use different numeric values to progress were neat but underdeveloped and ultimately fell flat. The Bowser battle tower was easy but just a chore when you've lost one of the pure luck minigames. I remember items or fields in the older games where you could steal stars or when the system gave you stars for winning the most minigames or having the most coins.
It was a shameless cashgrab, all I wanted was a portable Mario Party 3 or 4 and they blew it.
Mario Party DS is an alright portable mario party, it's much more fun even if the maps are too small.
I picked it up for 10 dollars and I couldn't have been more disappointed even for that price
it sucks because Mario Party DS is one of the best MP games
The amiibo party thing had potential. Every amiibo compatible with Mario Party 10 has an associated board map in Mario Party 1: the main six, Bowser's magma land, then Rosalina for Eternal Star and Toad for the Minigame Mode board from the pot.
If they expand on the amiibo concept and combine it with nostalgia, they could remake the N64 games' cardboard cutout aesthetic while giving you physical game pieces to use on them. From there they just need good minigames, which can just as easily take inspiration from the older games.
I'm not paying 40 bucks for amiibos just to play a video game I already own. I usually defend the amiibo crap but this is fucking jew robbery.
>minigames based on skill, not luck
>go back to the individual format, no karts
>go back to having coins and stars, where stars are bought by coins
>go back to looping boards with multiple paths and actual strategy/decision making required by the player
>go back to a 1-10 die
Do they know that their current format is completely different and objectively worse or do they just not care?
Shut the fuck up you cock sucking nigger.
A remaster if the first three MP would reanimate the whole series and consumers would actually fucking realize that they can expect more than a bare minimum rehash for their money.
Island Tour would've sold like hot cakes if it weren't for the abysmal scores resulting from the little content, lack of polish and creativity.
>when they breathe new life into great games
By fucking definition remasters do the opposite of that.
Why not have a good new game rather than demanding literal rehashing of previous ones? Dumb sonygger
>Nintendo need to stop rehashing things!
>except all these remasters I want!
Nobody buys the shitty modern games, and nobody would buy remasters as only sonyggers want rehashes. Maybe they'd get away with it if there was something actually new involved but none of you chucklefucks requested that.
Will definitely look into that one then.
I'm disappointed there aren't more cooperative games on the 3ds worth playing
Because you xbot, modern Nintendo is incapable of making new games without faggy gimmicks attached that sap the quality of the game. They focus too much on the gimmick or casualization and completely forget to make solid gameplay. This is why remasters/remakes work.
but why remaster it? You can literally download it on the Wii or emulate it on fucking everything.
hell, buying a 64, 4 controllers, and the game is probably not that much more expensive than a remake.
No, this is why listening to the fans would work. You don't need fucking remasters to solve this problem, stupid sonygger.
>let's remaster a game that hasn't aged one bit since 2002
>wait, it looks exactly the same in HD!
Great idea. Totally worth the $60.
>but why remaster it?
Because he's a dumb sonygger that believes all games need remasters this gen.
t. Sonygger
typical saturday evening huh
go get laid dude
Where do you think you are?
Nice rebuttal btw.
>Where do you think you are?
a mario party thread where a guy popped in to play make believe
Look dude just kill yourself, okay?
You clearly don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about, wanting to start some falseflagging consolebait shit or whatever talking about sonygger despite this being a thread about fucking Mario Party, not knowing that All Time Classics like Mario Party 1 to 3 would help consumers telling Nintendo to go back to their fucking roots as the current path MP is following leads to a dead end.
You are a fucking moron if you believe that it's smart to either leave behind what could be a good IP or continue the Death March we're currently able to observe
Jesus christ no wonder we get called fucking manchildren and everyone shits on us. Everyone who disagrees with you is a sonygger. fucking kill yourself holy fuck.
I don't even browse Sup Forums, why do you think everyone who disagrees with you is a sonnigger?
>still thinking you need remasters to solve this gen
Fucking Sonyggers are so stupid
you can stop pretending any time
always an opportunity to lose your virginity, even at your age
I can see right through your bullshit falseflag charade, sonygger. Time to give it up!
I don't want to see it in antique graphics and controls and buying a N64 and all three games which cost 100 bucks each plus 4 controllers is not cheaper than that.
I am forever Sup Forumsirgin
t. pretending to be retarded but is actually retarded
>I don't want to see it in antique graphics
muh graphics
>anyone that disagrees with me is just retarded
Ebin reddit logic
It was FUBAR after 2, but I think 4 was the point of no return.
There is no way thos post isn't a sonygger falseflagging
If he (you) actually had a point, a view, an original thought or even one braincell, I would've responded in another way.
>4 ponr
4 sucked, and is the worst (excluding 8/9/10), but 5 and 6 were still quality.
A party game like mario party/fuzion frenzy would do very well on PC.
Speedrunners, gang beasts, that shooting chicken game.
Party games do well on PC yet no one makes them.
So you truly believe a remaster of fucking mario party of all things is warranted, let alone whether it'd sell at all?
The zelda remasters didn't sell especially well and Zelda's a significantly larger seried with a stronger fanbase than filler-style games like mario party. Think before you shitpost, sonygger.
Does any mario support Online multiplayer that shit would be fun with randoms
No, hopefully the next one does.
Yes, nnow its the time for splatton party
do people seriously just want to replay the original games?
then fucking do it, whats stoping you?
Why the fuck is everyone obsessed with the fucking board? The point of Mario Party is the minigames. 9 and 10 have fun games. Nothing needs saving.
Mario Party x Sonic Shuffle crossover when?
To end all of the comments about the car
Skip to 6:18
The car is NEVER EVER going away
I did try it. That's how I know there's LOTS of things wrong with it.
Because the board game format was fun.
You actually had to ration your moves and plan ahead when hitting junctions.
Fucking this. I mean holy shit Sony ruined this gen with their ridiculous remasters already.
No online, and not on current platforms, faggot.
Did you even TRY reading the thread?
they shouldve stoped after mario part 4. went downhill afterward
>The point of Mario Party is the minigames.
>Nothing needs saving
>No online
No you've got to roll the highest and win at least one minigame.
It's a board game. It's inherently luck-based, but you can still fuck other people over with some forethought.
So make a new one that listens to the fans rather than waste time with a remaster for us to play old minigames. We can play them online via emulator anyway so it's already a moot point.
The fuck? Who does that? I've been playing since MP3 and I've always won by simply winning the games and leaving the rest to RNG.
I bet you liked MP8 you fun hating fuck
Ocarina of Time sold more than 4 million copies, more than any of the 12 Mario Party games save the one bundled with the Wii and the one on the DS.
It sold slightly less than Wind Waker (also bundled) whereas the 3D remaster of Majoras Mask sold a bit more than 2 million.
Saying that the Zelda remakes (not remasters you mongoloid) sold poorly is fucking retarded and you know it.
Mario Air Ride
nearly every nintendo franchise has been JUSTed beyond salvation for the past few years... so i highly doubt they gonna pull anything good ever again
>The fuck? Who does that? I've been playing since MP3 and I've always won by simply winning the games and leaving the rest to RNG.
>I have never played MP with other people
It must have sucked not having friends
I was referring to less popular GCN zelda remasters, obviously the MM and OoT would do well since they're regarded so highly as classics.
>2 is the only Mario Party game available on VC
They try to take the hate and conflict out of Mario Party. Fucking idiots.
mainline Zelda's been pretty good at least, DKCTF is the best 2D platformer in decades, and SM3DW is the best Mario since Mario World
For as long as Nintendo keeps outsourcing its development.
No online
>So make a new one that listens to the fans rather than waste time with a remaster for us to play old minigames
See . They literally refuse.
>There's a marginally applicable solution to the old games so the entire point is invalidated
Just because it works for you doesn't mean it works for everybody
>I bet you liked MP8 you fun hating fuck
>Mario Party 9
I cast [Reflect]
9 and 10 both have fantastic minigames. They should just do a Best Of game. Then everyone would be happy.
There is literally nothing wrong with the car. I bet you've never played the recent games and only joined in the Sup Forums hivemind.
I feel like this would be just as well received as all the recent Katamari rehashes.
Non of them have brought anything new to the table since We Love Katamari and most of them rehash stages from older games.
>There is literally nothing wrong with the car. I bet you've never played the recent games and only joined in the Sup Forums hivemind.
I literally said I played Mario Party 9, you dribbling, underaged retard. You're the hivemind following dumbass who only likes the car because you probably got the damned games as a present on your 10th birthday.
If you like it, fine. Most people don't. Know why? Because it's shit.
Holy fuck why not just let us set the car to on or off in the options menu?
So, tell me, what is wrong with the car?
As without the car games take forever, with you waiting for each dice roll and there being a strong chance of waiting 20+ minutes until the next actual minigame.
Nintendo never developed Mario Party
>As without the car games take forever, with you waiting for each dice roll and there being a strong chance of waiting 20+ minutes until the next actual minigame.
False (or at least hyperbole). As brief as I can possibly make it, the car takes away the player's independent choice (half of the player's ability to actually play the game) by making many of the player's actions become solely or largely based on the actions of others. This works on the classic games because you have the ability to make choices that allow you to avoid the other players actions, or to meet the other players head-on. For the most part, all of the players are headed toward the same goal, but each person gets to choose how he or she wishes to meet this goal. The player can go for the star, try to aim for where the next one might be, or ignore all of this entirely and just play randomly trying to disadvantage other players. Turns only take as long as you as a player make them take. Roll your die and do your action. There, your turn is done. Couple this with the fact that you can have as few as 10 turns or as many as 50, completely invalidating the complaint of how much time the game takes. If your shitty friends can't take their turn faster, get better friends. Then you get rewarded with a fun minigame based on your own independent actions, and not the actions of others. Then there's the whole "ministar" bullshit caused by the uniform movement. Coins and stars used to be separate things with separate purposes and uses, but now they're all rolled into one. The car creates shallow gameplay and limits what can and can't be done with each new game.
Lastly, freeroam board games > race to the finish board games
I didn't realise Mario Party fans had so much autism over their boards
listen, there are 8 (EIGHT) games with the traditional format, all playable online with friends. do you think that's enough?
experimenting with the formula is exactly what they should keep doing. so what if it doesn't work? the alternative is to just do what's been done EIGHT times already, clearly not reasonable at all.
this really is a non-issue
If the series continued without these (generally disliked) changes, you'd all complain about its rehashing. None of you actually know what you want.
>user asks why someone doesn't like [thing]
>give brief answer
>give longer answer
And yet here we are, having a conversation together. Let's face it, you people don't want discussion. You want to shitpost, and to have people agree with you. This is your validation in life.
See the 2 posts above you.
If.I'm honest though I couldn't be bothered reading all that text for just Mario fucking Party.
Nope. Most of those Mario Party games were successful despite glaring similarities. The only reason the series is in decline since 8 is because each new iteration makes the gameplay more and more shallow.
And again, you can NOT play them online.
You're not a filthy pirate are you? I am, but you're being a gigantic faggot.
You can use netplay in an emulator.
>ask for conversation
>ignore dialogue
You're a "skips tutorial then gets mad when he doesn't know what he's doing" kinda gamer, aren't you?
I said your game is shallow, dipshit
Okay. Now how do I play with my friend on official hardware?
Why don't you retards read?
What's wrong with playing on a pc?