Bach-tier music

>bach-tier music
>van gogh-tier pixel art
>Shakesperean-tier dialogue

Honestly, they fucken took all the best artists in all genres of all time and mixed it into this game, and what came out? A masterpiece.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night=A masterpiece.

Give appreciation where it's due boys.

Other urls found in this thread:

shut the fuck up

Game is too good for Sup Forums. Your average person on here nowadays is too young to even remember the PS1 era. Better luck on /vr/.

>van gogh-tier pixel art



holy fuck that's gorgeous.

God taste. Also, Alucard was the best castlevania protag and is to date the best animated sprite I've ever seen in a castlevania game or possibly ever.

Underage millennial piece of shit. You have no respect or appreciation for the work laid out before you. Born into a world with real-time physically based lighting, high polygon counts and texture resolution. You have no idea what it's like to witness the sheer will and determination to innovate and progress to where we are today. You just assume everything has to be as it is now, and if it's not it's shit. Fuck you. Fuck you and your fucking hipster haircut. Fuck you and your smartphone mobile shit. Fuck you and everything that you are.

Whats the best emulator for pc?


I use epsxe. Bretty good.

Is this pasta

>van gogh-tier pixel art

SOTN is one of the few games that even though I've played it billion times I can still play it again and have fun.

I support his contempt of your casual disregard for the medium. You stand among contemporaries and can only speak in base curses or by parroting the foolishness of those you consider your equal. You make no attempt to rise above the median in any way, and only perpetuate the anti-climatic world we live in. It is people like yourself that draw the colour from this reality, leaving only a monochromatic husk in it's place. Begone from my presence, you fool.

Come back when you have something worth saying.

>copy of super metroid with barebones rpg elements included to make the game as easy as possible
>innovation and progress

you donated money to bloodstained didn't you

shut the fuck up


How Can I enjoy Castlevania?
I love the music, artstyle and gameplay but that backtracking is killing me while playing the game, I cannot explore the castle because I need to find some item god knows where or defeat some fuckwit who also is hidden somewhere.
Is there some pattern to the level design or I just need to aimlessly go around the whole map?

I hate how they ruined the iconic VA for the PSP version. That was unneccessary.

We are falseflagging SOTN now?
I mean, I guess it does make a lot of sense as a method of shitposting. Not like you can find many things to complain about in SOTN so you go for the opposite approach, blow the positives out of proportion to get people to disagree with you.

Dealing with the map is quite simple: go down a hallway, and keep going until something blocks your path, then go back and try another hallway until something blocks your path, then go back and try another hallway until something blocks your path.

Basically, if you just keep heading to new areas, then you will stumble into the direction you need to go. The part you might be having trouble with though, is remembering where you have been before, and returning to it once you're capable of passing. That just comes down to memorization. You simply need to get good at remembering the blocks you've encountered. You can usually guess where those blocks are, by looking at your map and seeing hallways that are not bordered. That means you didn't fully explore that area before. So you can think about how you got there before, in order to jog your memory of what's at the end.

You forgot renacentism-tier cover art

I do love Symphony of the Night, but I don't like how it completely changed the nature of the series. I'm more fond of the Classicvanias than the Metroidvanias.

Indeed. It's the simplified version of the Right Hand Maze Rule

Is SOTN the only PS1 classic that didn't age like shit?

My friends and I still beat the shit out of each other in Tekken 3, I believe so many people do.

A lot of the 2D games aged fine. Mega Man 8, X4-X6, Tomba

If you haven't playes it yet, at this point you should wait for the remake one guy is doing in unity

I mean, if Metroid 2 remake is being finished, everything is possible.

All this effort could have been used in making an actual new metroidvania game...

Thanks to the AA of epsxe I honestly think every 3D ps1 game has aged pretty well, for example I'm playing King's Field II (or 3) and having a blast with it.

Yeah, it's not like we have dozens already because indie devs shit them in a monthly basis.

Too bad they spent all their budget on getting those god-tier artists and forgot to get people to work on the gameplay. The game is way too easy and becomes a leisure stroll like 10 minutes into the game.

I bet you also use znes

Play the classic games.

What is a man

A miserable little pile of secrets!




Game is good
Music too
Artstyle even better
But OP is a faggot

SOTN being a high watermark for the series is only made exponentially more evident by the games going to the GBA and handhelds afterwards.

Like a transition from filet mignon to Alpo.

>he thinks SOTN is better than AoS or OoE