ITT: game mechanics that are universally shitty and should fuck off forever

ITT: game mechanics that are universally shitty and should fuck off forever
I'll start

>inventory restictions of any kind - weight, size etc
Fuck off and let me carry as much shit as I want
Just no
>walking in a non-stealth game
>random generation
Fuck off and design your levels properly

>randomly generated level up stats

>restricting quests based on level

>special vision that reveals hidden items

>ITT: i hate this therefore it shouldn't exist

All of those depend on the genre, the style of the game , and how well they are made.

>stealth segments in anything but stealth games

RNG gear drops

you described digimon world 1 perfectly

These mechanics are just fine as long as they are properly implemented in a context that makes sense relative to the game they're in.

Open world

There is no such thing. It's a meme for sandboxed areas of fucking nothing

>game mechanics that are sometimes executed in a less than perfect way

>>inventory restrictions of any kind
stopped reading right there

fucking killyourself

Resident Evil 4 would have been a worse game without the item management.

Hunger and sleep is important in survival games, but can easily be done poorly like in Minecraft

Depends on the context, forced walking cut scenes for example, while something like Vergil's focus in DMC4SE is a neat mechanic.

Spelunky wouldn't have been nearly as fantastic without the randomly generated levels

OP just has shit taste

Turn based anything. Like holy shit, it's 2016.


OP is a complete fucking faggot, games with no restrictions are boring as shit. Go back to minecraft creative mode


Here's a suitable pic for that post.

Player classes

why would you be angry at walking

if you don't like walking just don't do it

there's no reason to be upset that it's there

>Resident Evil 4 would have been a worse game without the item management.
You actually liked the suitcase tetris?
>Hunger and sleep is important in survival games, but can easily be done poorly like in Minecraft
Survival games as a whole are cancer
>Spelunky wouldn't have been nearly as fantastic without the randomly generated levels
Rogulites are even bigger cancer

Turn based is fine. You just have no attention span because your life revolves around constant facebook and twitter updates

Holy shit, this.

Turn based is still ok as long as you don't take damage trying to flee.


It's not about enjoying the maneuvering of items in your inventory, it's about understanding that a game where you can have everything and have to make no choices about what you take with you vs what you don't leads to a lack of tension and I'd less enjoyable

>weapon durability

The only series I've seen where this was a meaningful mechanic was Fire Emblem to make special weapons/items/tomes require some resource management.

Almost every other game you're out in the middle of the woods bashing goblins then the game gives you a chore to blow some gold on repairs.

>i should be able carry all the guns and unlimited ammo / hp restoration in a horror game
You're the reason RE went to shit

So you just have extremely shit taste, okay.

Magic asscreed vision.

>reach gear limit
>character is able to sprint around all over the place and walk at normal pace
>get 0.00001 points over the limit
>character is reduced to walking very slowly

It's shit in FE too.

Breakable weapons has never been fun in any game ever.

It makes even less sense for special weapons.

>this is the greatest sword ever, forged from god's penis
>breaks like a piece of shit

Ye ok.

>being this bad at video games

>Turn based rpg

Random drops from a random extra part of the mission that randomly happens even if you do everything required for it perfectly. Fuck you Dimps.

open world

>sniper classes in multiplayer FPS

>game based around capturing objectives and close/mid range combat
>one class exist just to stand on the other side of the map and farm frags while completely ignoring the objective
what is the point


its literally retarded that games do this

Just casualize the fuck outta all the games faggots.

>everything is arbitrary and I shouldn't have to

kill yourselves

It's better than gimping yourself by having everything you pick up slow you down slightly.

>OP confirmed for retard
Keep your opinions to yourself next time. Nothing of that was universally shitty.


That shits fine as long as you're allowed to opt in or out of it.



where have you been?
its been pretty bad for the past 7 years

i think the way you described is better, atleast it works in dragons dogma

Fucking DOOM's multiplayer.

What games do this nowadays?

>inventory restictions of any kind - weight, size etc
Resident Evil 4 inventory system is GOAT though. Admittedly certain RPGs do this really good as well, it's just shit games like Earthbound that fuck it up
Depends on the game, obviously works for sim games and (again) RPGs when you need to recover. Side note, eating in San Andreas is really not that bad since your character will probably never get hungry if you're saving regularly
>walking in a non-stealth game
What's the problem here? Walking is pretty essential for transitioning from a stationary position to a run. It'll look retarded without it, and running usually lowers precision (see Dark Souls).
>random generation
Depends what you mean by this, if you mean RNG loot systems then that is indeed awful

this is Sup Forums not reddit

>Inventory weight- Carrying too much slows you down
No. This is a mechanic which DIRECTLY counters the entire genre of a sandbox game. Why make so many items and punish the player for picking up the 'wrong' ones without letting them know beforehand?
Immediately uninstalled Fallout 3 because of this garbage. A shitty mechanic that does nothing for the player, game or world building.

in tf2 is a casual filter.

more like a casual magnet
>3-5 people in your team are either snipers or spies

Fire emblem has been doing it since the beginning


fucking elsword did this, was especially annoying when you hit level 50 and beyond, jezus fuck even warframe isnt that grindy

But thats good for those who plays as a heavy of soldier. Nothing more satisfying than killing hordes of snipers as a soldier or demoman

Here's your 'you'

Enemy level-scaling
Why even bother having a leveling system?


>he doesn't like inventory tetris
Is this the biggest faggot on Sup Forums right now?

this thread (at least the OP) is the truth

>if you don't make a godtier build other players will radically anal rupture you

In Oblivion, you couldn't move at all while overencumbered.

Pokemon, right?

The mapper in Ratchet and clank kinda does that, but it's okay because you have to find it and it only reveals optional stuff like gold blots

Morality systems like karma in fallout and the paragon/renegade system in mass effect. Turns everything into a binary good/bad decision and removes any ambiguity.

>Two weapon carry limit in anything but a hardcore tactical shooter like SWAT 4.
>A pistol counts toward that limit

Or better yet, a certain item in your inventory gets you overencumbered.

Take it out of your inventory and hold it in your hands, run freely.

Monster spawners/generators are good indicators of a poor game. In and of itself it is usually poor design and shows a lack of thought process on enemy placement, level design, and general play flow.

> it has the word "craft" and/or involves zombies

>rubber banding ai

>Pokemon, right?
every fucking MMO has this.

>weapons and other items are never worth buying from shops either because its shit to way too expensive versus what you get as generic loot

>t. casual

>You can have one RPG and one AR
>You can't have three pistols

Fucking casuals... And maybe what? Fast travel everywhere you want?

No. You are not casualfag. You are spoiled idiot who was raised in easy way and you onyl want easy options.

Fuck you and may the life be hard for you as heart of my ex-girlfriend.

Even FE has gotten rid of weapon durability now. It's just a trash mechanic.

I don't really like Random Encounters, especially when it's like
>Take two steps
>Another encounter

But I'm not saying it's universally shitty and should fuck off forever, some games does it well, but it just feels old

> Every MOBA ever made

quest markers

>not playing on lunatic

>one save file
>in a game where you can have multiple builds and branching paths of content/story

>some legendary weapons are worse then commons

>too pussy for random encounters
>muh time

Blame "muh immersion" for all of that.

>You actually liked the suitcase tetris?
Bestnpart of the fucking game, m8.

Go to bed, Justin.
You have a country to be running into the ground.

>item durability

>stuns in multiplayer

>blatantly cheating AI

>You actually liked the suitcase tetris?

You're not a true fan of Resident Evil unless you actually like inventory management.

I think he's mostly refering to when the player has two speeds, slow ass walking, and stamina consuming not as slow sprinting.

Okay but the Cod MW2 mission was amazing

>game has a technique that lets you move faster than your default speed
>you have to constantly spam it and it makes an annoying sound

>This fucker and his fucking infinite freeze blasts.

Pic related is adorable but how did they get that thing on snek you'd think he or she would bite you, I legitimately find snakes cute I want one for a pet but I am afraid my dog would eat the poor thing


>Design your levels properly
There's something that's shitty, linear games suck dick

RNG having any meaningful effect on the game





what's wrong with turn-based games?