What the fuck? This is a thing now? I thought it was only going to be video game related things like that one documentary
What the fuck? This is a thing now...
Other urls found in this thread:
You can literally watch all of the mad max movies by buying them from steam.
Guts going to rape griffith for real at the end.
How is the adaptation? Awfuly bad?
Casca isnt anywhere brown enough.
I wish
When I opened steam and saw a Berserk Thumbnail I almost lost my shit
Then I went to the page and saw it was this shit.
fucking steam.
looks like shit and is less intense
what the fuck, is this seriously on steam?
it's not in my region
Only bad thing about it is its use of cg.
>implying this wasn't their endgame
they want to be the all in one entertainment service
Steam video stream coming soon
I live in the US and see all 3 movies
these burn scars look like absolute shit.
im glad he didnt keep them forever.
just read the manga
They're good.
Why does Sup Forums love berserk so much?
Mad Max has a game though.
Because every woman gets raped and Sup Forums hates women.
The entire golden age arc bluray is on sale at bestbuy for $25. Better investment than buying digital shit that you could've gotten from commie years ago.
I enjoyed them a lot, but honestly, I'll take anything berserk at this point. The eclipse scene in the movie was pretty bad though
the dream
So does Berserk
I just think it's pretty rad. Why do people like Harry Potter so much? (assuming it's because they think it's pretty rad)
>Griffith's tongue is cut
Because they go to a comfy school?
This is pretty cool
Steam went from anime games to anime
its ok but skips some stuff
like that time griffith whores himself out for money
The anime is better than the movies even if it had a shit budget, because it had great direction and played to its strengths of focusing on characters
also the dub is great
That movie is pretty bad. The cg looks like shit and it cuts out a lot of character development scenes from the manga and even the anime series.
To anyone that's new to Berserk, do yourself a favor and either read the manga or at least watch the series from the 90s first.
>Guts gets cucked by Griffith
>Berserk on the front page of Steam
PC confirmed for cucks.
And Berserk has multiple games
Steam has been hosting moves for the past 2 years, there's quite a few of them. Most aren't remotely videogame related, a lot of shit indie films.
Be prepared to suffer in the end though, because new chapters come whenever.
Why is that list just proof that with a few exceptions none of the boards are qualified to talk about good anime?
They're good when they're being animated properly. The CGI dominates the movies and it looks like garbage. The Eclipse is also entirely done in CGI and it's a fucking joke because of it.
You could have been a human bean.
What if you browse all three?
Fuck, why do people sperg out about things that don't cater to them? I don't like Pretty Cure, but I won't call it the cancer killing anime because it's just not intended for me.
They're said to be """""monthly""""" starting around the 24th
All around good taste except Madoka.
The writing is cliche and it being "dark" doesnt make it good. Everything else about it is fairly solid.
The image is bait.
Berserk doesn't really have a proper, nor a properly faithful, anime adaptation at all.
The 90's anime is the best we have.
Even the new anime coming out in July looks like hot garbage.
But I'll fucking take it anyway, since this is the first time we see something animated besides fucking Golden Age.
I mean, it might have shitty 3D which has someone been cheapened and downgraded EVEN MORE, but holy shit bro, it's gonna have fucking Mozgus!
Eh, half the stuff on there I don't really care for, but you fucking know Cromartie is fucking rad.
I mean, it's a stupid bait image, but those are anime Sup Forums-goers post about quite often.
Because Dark Souls is pretty much just Berserk
I'd be up for that, desu.
>Akagi instead of Kaiji
I kind of don't get this need to add in unnecessary 3D animation. Is 2D animation more expensive or something? I thought it was the other way around.
skims over a lot of stuff from the golden age rac, like griffith whoring himself for money, or that plot vs. the queen. its a good adaptation that gets it the golden age arc across in 3 movies, but it still skips a lot and its easier to just read the manga instead.
I've only seen the first season of Nanoha and I can honestly say I don't know what people see in it beyond loli.
Not that it was bad. It was good. Just not THAT good.
>This taste 2 good 4 me
I don't know why everybody says Akagi is better than Kaiji fucking Akagi is a literal Gary Stu
>everyone cums all over Berserk
>decide to read it yesterday
>lose my sleep by reading 3 volumes
Sup Forums was right, holy shit, it's so good
I read ten volumes in the first night, get on my level.
I dropped it after Mozgus, goes in a retarded jRPG direction.
I usually read late at night. I probably would've read more.
Tonight is the night.
>tfw the new anime coming out won't even have the Lost Children arc
Nah, 3D is cheaper in comparison to 2D and is usually the less time consuming option in comparison to handdrawn animation, especially good hand drawn animation.
Good 3D also exists, but is almost unheard of when it comes to anime.
Read this after you're done with Berserk. It's also pretty damn good.
I actually read a lot of mango, just not very fond of action stuff. My junior high years reading Naruto and Bleach left a bad taste in my mouth.
I usually read Slice of Life or /u/s
read shit that isnt aimed at children.
Eat a dick
The CGI during the Eclipse was the only time it was good though
>My junior high years reading Naruto and Bleach left a bad taste in my mouth.
See, that's your problem right there, younger you had garbo taste.
Check out Vagabond Berserk, or JoJo if you're into the more abstract fighting and comedic kind of shit.
You won't regret it.
No, but seriously.
It's definitely a mango that gets its dick sucked for good reason.
>new characters join the protagonist
I hate this meme
The environment looked good. The monsters were shit.
Most complaints are completely valid, but one thing it does right is that it nails the visceral violence of the manga
A circlejerks around NNB like it's the second coming of christ tho.
>No Kaiji in sight
>No HnI
>pani poni dash
Sup Forums knows their shit
Didn't you see the new PV yesterday? They toned down the CG a shitton. It actually looks damn good now.
You could try TG if you want to get a Supernatural horror mango that turns into a battle seinen.
Anteiku arc and the torture arc are some of the best arcs in manga history I swear to god.
user guts literally slides and models rotate around him
All 3D is bad. Fully hand-drawn animation is ALWAYS better. There is no example of a single piece of 3D media that looks better than the best hand-drawn media.
wow of course Sup Forums kids would have to find something wrong with these great movies
yes the 3d animation is kinda bad in the first one, yes it improves massively with each movie. didn't bother me.
"wannnh it's not absolutely 100% perfect like it looks in my mind"
New Guilty Gear was pretty good in that regard.
>tfw trying to read this in Japanese
>compare my readings to the translations and everything I thought I was reading was wrong
YKK is good shit though.
The CGI in the first movie is unbearable.
Wait what? YKK translation isn't acurate?
No, I meant my readings weren't accurate
I agree. It made me audibly groan at times. Still enjoyed the movie as a whole though.
Yeah me too.
That series sure started going downhill with the introduction of Juuzou. It wasn't monotonic, but I'm pretty sure that's where it started to go wrong.
Also Arima a shit.
Oh, well that's a relief. If the translation was diferent from the source material I would've learned Japanese more efficiently in order to read it again.
Cuts out a good bit and has shit-tier CGI.
Funnily enough though the parts that are actually drawn loom amazing. ESPECIALLY the nude/sex scenes. It's quite jarring when compared to the god-awful partial CGI.
True, but the fucking Anteiku raid man. That was some really good ending. Along with the foreshadowing in the "Checkerboards in the sky" page.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, remember that Kaneki touches his chin whenever he lies.
Also, props to the translators for tranlating EVERYTHING in this page.
it's fine.
You know what's unbearable? The 90% of animes that are animated at 4 frames per second or less. But you don't have an issue with that, right?
That's Witcher 3 tier downgrade.
the vast majority of that looks better now
Guts' hair is retarded.
>tfw your favorite mango is also on hiatus
At least it's only for one week instead of untold months since the author isn't a lazy fuck.
You know it, senpai.
black reaper kaneki a best
>not a dumb clusterfuck of poor symbolism, pseudo-psychology, and terribly grounded philosophy
oh does it come back this month? last I heard it was still ""summer""
pretty much this
not to mention that it has one of the most obnoxious "fanbases" ever, especially on Sup Forums
everyone says eva is boring until episode 6 or whatever, but honestly, I liked it better when it was just a weird mecha show. then it got all 2deep4u empty symbolism and went to shit
Overall they're pretty bad because of the shit CG. By the third movie they realized faces are better 2d so you have 2d faces on CG bodies sometimes and it kind of works
The Eclipse was really well done but they skipped shit.
New TV series is going to be terrible
Really good, loved it. Blur your eyes when a CG scene comes up. Blur your eyes for the first half an hour.