This doesn't feel like doom at all....
>Wayy too bright and neonish
>enemies easy as fuck
>literally no tactics necessary
>generic level design
>unmemorable slogfest
This doesn't feel like doom at all....
>Wayy too bright and neonish
>enemies easy as fuck
>literally no tactics necessary
>generic level design
>unmemorable slogfest
Other urls found in this thread:
>blatantly incorrect factoids
>absolute shit opinions
don't worry user it's okay to be wrong every once in a while
Your checks still haven't cleared from Bethesda yet?
>>Wayy too bright and neonish
Jesus fuck did even play doom 1/2?
>>enemies easy as fuck
Stop playing on easy mode
>>literally no tactics necessary
See above
>>generic level design
>>unmemorable slogfest
shit taste
The shills are real.
First turn up your FOV to max and then play until you get some upgrades and weapons. Only then does it become fun.
The shitposters are real.
You're the one defending a shitty game.
I thought this game sucked until I turned the difficulty up to ultra violence, now if I stand still for 2 seconds I die. It's pretty fun now desu
playing on the hardest difficulty doesnt fix some of the glaring flaws with the game, such as the chainsaw having limited ammo and spewing ammo for all weapons whenever you kill something with it (no enemy in doom should spew any sort of pickups, they drop 1 small ammo pickup if they have a gun like former humans, former sergeants, etc.), pathetically low amount of total enemies you are fighting, or the MMO-tier boss fights, especially the cyberdemon which literally has bright circles on the ground so you can avoid his attacks.
it's nothing even close to doom
>enemies easy as fuck
Sounds like Doom 1 and 2 to me.
>wahhhhh I can't spam the chansaw all game.
I though Sup Forums was actually good at games?
You literary pick up a gun and start shooting shit until every demon is dead how the fuck is that not like doom.
The boss battles in Doom were literally just strafing in circles firing rockets
thats it
not exactly the pinnacle of encounters
Too bright and pg-13...not gritty...not dark...not scarey at all. Sound effects also suck...enemy AI is retarded and easy.
>Wayy too bright and neonish
Oh God no. Sup Forums is shit at games.
Literally ALL I want is to go Sandy Ravage on some demon fucks. Is this the game for me?
It was a good game but i was not a big fan of the level design and how literally all fights were in closed off Arenas.
Fuck off
Please enlighten me about the bosses in Doom 1 and Doom 2 and explain to me how they were better.
Nah new Doom Gut is totally silent. No promos. He just strolls in and wrecks shit.
If anything he's Goldberg
>enemies easy as fuck
I haven't played doom4 but enemies were easy as fuck in doom1/2. The enemies are not smart and are easily dispatched on their own. Doom builds difficulty via stage design.
Whoa, he just called a game shit. Better listen to what he says.
Stop trying to shill this boring title.
Just stop before this turns into a flamewar.
The level design it's main flaw. I was saying this in another thread. Doom had actual maps. Modern Doom just has stadiums full of enemies strung together by corridor sections. It isn't deep or intricate like some of the Doom maps are.
Modern doom's maps are still leagues above most shooters on the market.
No, fuck your maze maps. They contribute nothing other than getting lost and needing the check the map 10 times, all while monsters pop out of closets each time you enter a room.
The lore justifies enemies dropping health and ammo desu
that's literally the most shilliest thing I've ever read.
doom 1 didnt have a boss, doom 2 only had the icon of sin, which could have been better, but is better than "stand in a tiny room avoiding massively telegraphed MMO attacks, and the boss will spew health and ammo for you when you shoot him"
or are you retarded enough to think the spider mastermind and cyberdemon are bosses too, when you encounter multiple in later levels
>Wayy too bright and neonish
Doom 4 looks just as dark as Doom 1-2. Doom isn't a horror series like 3 leads you to believe.
>enemies easy as fuck
Just like Doom 1-2
>literally no tactics necessary
Doom never required tactics besides learning how to press your strafe buttons
>generic level design
It's a fucking doom game the level design isn't a high point of the series
>unmemorable slogfest
You're thinking about Doom 3
>he still hasn't played Doom or Doom 2
Op is 100% correct
Enemies are stupid as fuck and die without effort on any difficulty. The maps that were in doom 1 and 2 are gone, instead annoying as fuck shitty arena shooter maps that shouldn't exist and only do so which leads to another stupid as fuck problem like KILL X DEMONS TO PROCEED, that shit needs to stop, even more so since it's buggy as fuck
That isnt even dark.
Citation needed.
level design was a high point in 1 and 2, nudoom fucked up
Doom 2 is the posterchild of fucking obtuse map design you fuckwit. Have you even played it before?
nice meme faggot
>Enemies are stupid as fuck and die without effort on any difficulty.
Just like in Doom 1-2 then? Lad you seem to be confusing this game with old Halo. Doom was never known for having good AI. It was known for having enemies that were basically glass cannons and if you didn't know how to dodge it would fuck you up the ass with a chainsaw.
Play the game bitch nigga, happens way too often that enemies get stuck inside walls or ai fucks up and it's hard to find them, forcing you to restart that boring as fuck survival shit over.
I beat Doom 1-2 when it was relevant. The maze maps are shit and are only remembered fondly because of nostalgia.
>doom 1 didnt have a boss
Yes it did, the Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind, try again.
i'ts 2016! some things need to change some things don't, enemies are the one thing that really needs to.
>doom 1 didnt have a boss
This is literally a lie.
I've both watched and played it and I've never encountered that problem. Can you maybe post an example of your problem? If not then you're talking out of your ass.
Just remember Sup Forums, shills don't just promote their own game but also relentlessly shit on competing games
as someone who replays doom one and two all the time, nigga u ghey
those are regular enemies which you encounter multiple of in later levels, not bosses. the only boss is the icon of sin.
>IT'S 2016 meme.
Yeah things changed for shooters before and look what fucking happened, we still don't have old Halo level AI anymore.
Episode 4 wasn't a part of the original game.
But that's not true. Doom has always been about ripping through glass cannon stupid enemies. Doom isn't meant to be some tactical bullshit where demons from hell hide behind pillars and try to flank you. Play any other FPS series if you want that shit.
OP is a retard, what a surprise.
Nice try shill.
Reminder that the board is much better if you filter the word shill. The people who spam that shit on every thread aren't worth talking to anyways
>niggas like to be dis ignant
TNT and chaingunners say hi
>it's nothing even close to doom
Alright, so which one are you?
Are you the guy who's played literally nothing but DOOM wads for the last 25 years?
Or are you the guy who's never touched Doom 1 or 2 in his life, and only ever watched Lets Plays of Brutal Doom?
Because that's how you get to be as deluded as you are.
There are valid complaints to be made about the new DOOM, don't get me wrong, but "It's nothing like the originals!" really, REALLY is not one of them.
It's actually really common
I have never been lost in 1 single doom map. Are you literally fucking retarded?
I never understood this maze map meme bullshit spewed by plebs. It's like you never even played the fucking game before. Only wolfenstein had that maze like quality.
Doom maps were varied and unique from each other, they all posed threats that required different approaches. You had to pick up powerups and health at certain times so you didnt fuck yourself. There was just so much more fucking creativity on a geometric level and that in turn made the game so much more replayable and variable. That's why the old doom games still have a community and why everybody will forget the new Doom in 4 years tops.
>enemies easy as fuck
Plasma Rifle stun mod + super shotgun trivilized the game for me. You could just stun > shoot > shoot > shoot > stun > repeat every strong enemy in the game.
Yeah, lots of games do that, it doesn't change the fact that their initial encounters are clearly presented as boss fights.
If you didn't get the most kills with the Super Shotgun by the end of the campaign, you're a big faggot.
one thing that I really didn't like was how easy it is to break the game using upgrades, sad times
This guy is a shitter.
I dun git dis here post right here cuz i'm one of dem dum sumbitches, are you trying to point out enemies are dumb and pushovers or are skilled killing doomguy mvp 360 noscopes
>why wasn't this game hard on easy: the thread
Quality post
I don't know why some of you have to choose a good game to make a shitty troll thread over. Especially one that doesn't get enough threads as-is.
nobody is trolling.
>game is great
>Sup Forums doesn't wike it not gewd enuff bawwwww
>wrong a-fucking-gain
Why is this shithole so shitty? And yet you fags jerk off over shitty games like GTA V and Overwatch....fucking lol.
lots of people shit on gta and overwatch, me included.