Is PS4 Neo bad news for MS and good news for us?

Is PS4 Neo bad news for MS and good news for us?

More like bad news if you own a console, good news it you don't.

I don't understand why Sup Forums hates the Neo f.a.m. I think it's good for us.

Nope, if it was an upgrade to the existing PS4 instead of a new console it would be bad news for them but I can't wait for half the people who buy it to go "wait, now I need a 4k tv?" and piss all over Sony for their incompetence.

Seriously though how much are PS4s worth at Gamestop? 150-175$? No way the Neo is going to be anything less than $400, probably $450 or even $500 depending on how "advanced" it is from the PS4. They're burning the casuals on this one and it's going to cost them.

>reading polygon

>3 year console cycle
>another console at a 400 dorru minimum
the only winners here is sony that conned you Again

I'm Microsoft and I don't know how to feel about this now.

Into the trash, etc..

>good for you
>now you have the opportunity to purchase your PS4 all over again
>Sony has given you the privilege of forking over $400+ USD for a nominally upgraded product

I don't see the point of this unless it's purely for VR. Consoles don't make money by shifting hardware, they do it by shifting software and this doesn't help shift software at all if developers are required to support the old machine and can't reduce features on the old machines.

Shame the next gen of GPUs didn't come out a year earlier, being able to blow away the current gen with a $200 graphics card upgrade would have been great.

>great news for you
In what way? This is a slap in the face to all PS4 owners and it sets the worse precedent ever. If Sony really wanted "great news" they'd release a decently-priced upgrade solution for current PS4 owners alongside an already-upgraded new SKU, but they won't. Even worse than having to spend more money just to get proper framerates in games is that you'll have to spend hours doing HD transfers for all your's obnoxious.

What's worse is if it sells bad from people not falling for it they'll probably use the numbers to say people don't actually want better hardware

Great news for me, because I don't have a PS4 and the old one just dropped in price.

Yay! More sony hardware we can buy before sony drops support for it in just a few years. #4theplayers

How is flocking the market with early upgrades good for anyone? Sony will alienate their own fan base.

This is going to backfire hard.

Casuals don't care about framerate. 1080p 30fps is fine for them. Sony just wants to make everyone buy another PS4 so they can shift more hardware sales.

but but but i dont have a ps4 yet!
thats like 900 dollars now!
what the fuck!

>die shrink makes gpu cheaper and more powerful
>charge more money on the lie that a more powerful gpu is costly to produce
sony making more money is the point

...350 actually

as a trade in?
are you fucking insane?

This just feels like the console version of the New 3ds.

It'll probably have a few exclusives, but it's going to cause a shit load of problems too. The biggest one I can think of is that games will be made with the Neo's power in mind and the regular PS4 will struggle to play them at an acceptable level.

>this is a slap in the face to all ps4 owners
So is the constant stream of remasters and indies whilst very few triple A games are launched. And the exclusives are cinematic garbage.


>ps4k exclusive
>we promise it rune at more than 15 fps
>it doesn't

Are you talking about buying one or trade back money? You didn't make that clear

Lost interest in it when they said they would increase the price of the Neo instead of lowering the price of the current model

>People think the Neo will maintain good fps
As soon as devs start targeting the Neo it'll be 20fps business as usual just with "better graphics".

upgrades are bad
btw preorder that 1080 yet?

fucking this
its been the same literally EVERY console generation there's ever been

help i'm feeling slapped in the face

I feel like the 1080 is complete overkill, but at least it's nice to see an overkill card that's less than $800.

>pcucks think consoles care about muh60fps
30 is the standard with 60 on very specific genres

I just wish there were graphics settings.

If I could tone down some of the features just to maintain stable FPS I would.

It's bad for everyone.
MS and Nintendo are forced to jump into the iterative console cycle in order to stay relevant, when they just wanted to restart.
Old PS4 owners are going to be left at the mercy of lazy developers that push graphics at the cost of everything else.
PS4 Neo owners are always going to be held back by the base PS4.
The Neo doesn't appeal to anyone if sold at the rumored price of $499/$599. Those willing to spend that kind of money will go for PSVR or a high end PC.

I don't get it, they making a PS4 Slim?

With smartphones you know this happen.

The PS3 is 10 years old and still getting games. It was only obsolete 2.5 years ago.

oh so thats why we have a dozen LOOK AT UNCHARTED YOU PKEKS threads

New 3DS only has like two games that needs the hardware and they're both ports from other systems.


>Playstation 4 Neo
>PS4 was released only 2 1/2 years ago
>Two games worth owning alongside bombs and multiplats

I am really, really glad I didn't pay for my PS4. Sony has shit the bed.

>decade long console generation
that's why it was stagnating and killed a bunch of developers

uncharted is 30fps

why do gaming journalists love sony's dick so much ?

That's completely the wrong way around.
The reason the new console generation took so long to appear was because it was too expensive to happen. They couldn't afford to make new consoles until it was absolutely necessary.

I game on Linux and even that's had more fun games released than the PS4 over the past two years.

I know people who basically use their PS4 as a Binding of Isaac, Risk of Rain etc. indie machine.

Mine is a Netflix machine. I've used it to watch more streaming TV than played games on it. That's when I have 40 hours logged on my PC in the last two weeks, none of it indie shit...alright, I did play a little Oceanhorn.

>Two games worth owning

Because you might get harassed if you don't.

and now you have to deal with mid-gen upgrades because nobody besides pcucks wants to pay $599 even if sony/ms/nintendo take a giant loss like selling top of the line tech

The Order is definitely not one I was thinking of. That shit is bad and the developers should feel bad.

Yeah, I'm sure technology is really marching forward when you sell an upgrade with outdated hardware to a system that was already outdated on launch.

>spend hours doing HD transfers
Can't you just swap out the old HD?
