Dark Souls 3 has only 17 weapons, and even then the amount of variety between them is laughable...

Dark Souls 3 has only 17 weapons, and even then the amount of variety between them is laughable. Bloodborne has 25 unique weapons. This is not considering magic, but also not firearms or hunter tools either.

A single Bloodborne weapon untransformed has a larger moveset than any of these weapons, including 1H and 2H it, put together. Then add transformation into the mix.

So how exactly does Bloodborne lack variety? All I see is people crying they can't cheese the game with magic or shields.

nice b8

Bloodborne doesn't lack variety.

>mfw DS3 only has like 4 viable weapons

You're a fucking retard
>Favourite boss of the series
>Favourite weapon
>Favourite build
>Best NPC

True, but Dark Souls 3's weapons are vastly more nuanced and varied than Bloodborne's.
>Differentiates between the straight sword, greatsword, and ultra greatsword
>Two different kinds of curved swords, maces, and axes
Are you telling me that Bloodborne has a whip???

>encountering any of those only
>mfw Perseverance with my trusty mace

Chain whip on the Threaded Cane.

Threaded Cane

>show mace

>Laurence / Ludwig
>Saw Spear
>my healing gimmick build from DS1
>Maiden in Black

6 W E A P O N S

>Dark Souls 3's weapons are vastly more nuanced and varied than Bloodborne's.


boom hammer

>Deacons of the Deep
>Greatsword in DS2
>Guts cosplay build for PvP in 2, or spellshield in 2 as well

could not have shittier taste

>Deacons of the Deep

>Sir Alonne
>Church Pick/DaS3 2 handed caestus
>Quality build
>Invader Maldron

>Strength Knights or Paladins

But I also had a ton of fun with a dex/faith build in Ds1 where I used sunlight blade on ricards rapier.

>Sieglinde or Lucatiel

Fuck you have three
OS, Darkluker, Pontiff
Kumo, Gaxe, Quelaag's
Dex, Str, Hex

>guts cosplay

Seeing as this is a bait thread I guess i'll just ask here. Anyone on the ps4 want to help me kill the dancer early? I'm level 17 but will use a password if i get any responses.

>anybody want to play Ds3?

Not on ps4, but try using the uchigatana, since bleed melts away the dancer

Darksword, longsword and estoc are basically free parries.

>hit twice
>let off for a split second to watch the player spam parry
>run around to backstab them

Not when the first hit gets parried.

> Getting backstabbed
