D.Va is getting buffs.
Do you think she needs more damage or her ult to not be painfully easy to dodge?
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stop talking about this shit game
Read the comments.
Source for the webm and her buffs?
Her ult probably needs to go off faster or have less warning.
She should move full speed when she shoots
What is the nigger doing, oh god I'm dying
>buffing one of the best heros in the game
It's your funeral.
As long as she isn't Bastion-tier broken it should be fine
Stop posting this ugly cunt. Her ass looks shit and she has n thighs.
>D.Va Butterface
I don't know what they should do about it but being able to block her ult by standing behind a street sign is dumb as shit.
Do you think Momokun's ass looks like shit too?
Which level you at senpai?
>shotgun range
>shit damage
>huge critbox
>in the age of widowmaker and hidden op genji
l o l
Yes, it's just big, but not goodlooking. Get some taste. And drop your HUUUR BIG ASS WANNA FUCK nigger attitude.
I read this as Monokuma's ass and was vaguely bothered
I'd still wreck it given the chance!
i'm not playing awful sniper characters just to kill one player. I would rather walk right in front of him and shoot
>walk right in front of him
There's your problem senpai.
>best hero next to mccreeasy mode
enjoy begging for bastion nerfs for the next year
Her ult is fine. The game is not deathmatch.
She ether needs better damage, or she should be able to move faster while shooting.
Now unless she rams you in some corner you probably can just walk away when she comes for you.
It's an ass, not a General Electric GAU-8/A Avenger.
I knew a man who ripped farts like a GAU-8.
He could knock down cans with his farts from 5 feet away too.
He now goes by "Sherry"
Half chink, nigger, fag and mexican. That dude has it all.
*sniff sniff*
Make her health bar all armor or give her some shield health so she can be more independent.
Lucio then?
Get out of here A-10. The air force lost your development plans, you're so bad.
Get rid of the critbox completely for her mech. Make her completely invulnerable during defense matrix in addition to preventing incoming projectiles. Give her a grapple hook when out of her mech. Don't change her range, damage or speed. This keeps her as a hard counter for entrenched defensive characters like Bastion, Torb and the snipers since they can't just crit her to death or wait for her team to deal with her, and gives her an easier way to GTFO when her mech is down, without making her OP.
Just fly off and get a health pack you nerd.
That's why her shift cooldown is only 5 seconds.
IMO tighten the spread on her cannons and decrease the damage falloff.
back to your containment board
>Get rid of the critbox completely for her mech.
This most of all. Her mech feels way too squishy.
>tfw didn't notice the overtime timer until I saw the PotG
I really hope it's her ult getting buffed. It's fucking rare that I ever get a kill with it since everyone runs the fuck away when they hear NERF THIS.
Honestly as it stands the only use for her ult is forcing people to run away from the point, or trying to talk a zarya or mei to team up and use their ult with you
That's the point, it's area denial and killing off idiots. Use it smartly instead of spamming it.
i want to see this cartoon naked
so when do you think you'll reach level 10?
But so many ults do area denial much better AND are better at killing at the same time. McCree ult can be used purely for area denial plus you get 50% back if you just use it like that and don't shoot. Plus it actually gets kills if you have a pulse. Mei ult denies large areas and gets free kills if you place it right.
Either D.va ult should be the best at area denial and be hard to get kills with, or it should deny less effectively but be easier with kills. Right now it's the worst of both worlds.
Winson does a better job at area denial.
Hell, so does McRee.
>area denial
It's shit at that though, every important area has a shit ton of things to hide behind. Almost every point in the game has a few things around to safe you from dva ults while still staying on the point. I think Dva ult is probably one of the worst area denial ults in the game next to healers and widow.
Too much ass.
We'll be the minority but I feel the same.
>capturing that face with film, not to mention even allowing it outdoors while the sun is op. WTF?
Have her start with her ult fully charged, but she still needs to recharge it after each use. That way she can use it on built up defenses without having to die half a dozen times first.
She's literally the most useless hero in the game and everything she does is done better by another character.
>too much
You need to play her with mobility. Her shift is basically a flank this enemy button.
why is reaper best boy?
>its a "2 people pick the same character in pregame so you pick the same one to highlight the issue but instead the rest of the team picks them" episode
>Desperate sluts cosplaying so they can get beta attention
What's new?
>it's a "entire team is retarded so you switch to S76 and get 5 gold medals" episode
Why does she need a buff again? She has the second highest KD ratio in the game and the 5th highest win rate. Maybe just a buff to her shields and hitbox but that's it.
Also they should buff Zenyatta and/or nerf Lucio slightly
Because Blizzard balances for competitive and her stats in pub matches are irrelevant. She's a noob-stomper, who gets stomped farther up.
I can guarantee after they buff her everyone will complain and she'll get nerfed
Mods are literally tumblrfaggots who play this game
Is this the overwatch General?
He's doing the dance of his people.
Her ass will smell like POO!!!
Lucio is way too easy mode. Literally just skate around and don't die and you're a huge asset to the team meanwhile Zenyatta and Mercy are getting destroyed because they're slow as fuck and always get outhealed by Lucio.
Also I think D.va's ult is perfectly fine. She def needs a little buff but sometimes I think people forget that with her mech you basically have 2 lives with her so it would be pretty lame if she could outright tank as much as the other tanks.
wow, I find the D.va in that webm sexier than the Mei. that's quite the ass.
Please don't bully the thunderbolt
>dat black guy walking by with his sons
He knows what's up, I would destroy that chicks butthole
And her mech is a giant KILL ME target combined with her nerf guns means even when you try and flank they turn around and fuck you up.
who /Widowmaker/ here?
who /non-stop poison traps/ here?
who /best waifu/ here?
Well if you're no longer a virgin that would be news
The only buff D.Va's ult should get is that it's ground based so you can't hide behind payload to dodge it. The entire point of the ult is line of sight zone denial. When you just hide behind the objective your'e trying to deny in the first place, it feels really bad.
I would say that her minigun dropoff is ridiculous, but I'm regularly getting Silver/Gold in damage done when I play D.Va. Just have to realize she's not a burst hero, and you start playing a lot better with her positioning.
>I would say that her minigun dropoff is ridiculous, but I'm regularly getting Silver/Gold in damage done when I play D.Va
Probably because infinite ammo and no damage means you're just spraying damage everywhere but it's negligible and they heal it back up easily.
But then I'd have shit accuracy all the time.
A lot of the damage is just chip damage and pressure to force them off of a point, but that's kind of the point of consistent damage.
It's kind of like Torb turret's auto acquire hit scan. If you walk in range you are taking damage, bu tit's only going to kill you if you refuse to respect it. D.Va is just a constantly repositioning version of that that also blocks projectiles and has huge area denial with her ult.
>le you just have to be good with her
no shes never played in competitive, she is so easy to headshot, her ultimate is almost close to useless, and she does fuck all damage
I honestly think girls are only interested in cosplay for the attention. So they can go to conventions and obtain the highest test 6/10+ male. While nu-males watch
I haven't met a girl who genuinely likes anime or video games seriously
Have you ever been friends with said cosplayers?
I'm not saying there aren't some attention-seeking girls that just use it as an excuse to dress slutty and get pictures taken off them by slobbering nerds, but as someone who has a whole social group in that scene, I can tell you a lot of those girls are stereotypically cringey nerdy girls you wouldn't normally want to interact with in a normal setting. They just don't seem so bad when they're dolled up in mountains of makeup and costume.
>I haven't met a girl who genuinely likes anime or video games seriously
it's because they're at home, watching anime and playing video games
I hate her face too much to care about that ass.
qt girls don't poop
Would still smash that, i don't even care
stinky kimchi farts
>I honestly think girls are only interested in cosplay for the attention
No shit retard.
Hey guys, I think women try to be sexy for male attention. I don't know though, it's a bit of an outlandish theory.
Is this ingame footage? Looks pretty low res
Damn that butterface has a rocking body.