Sup Forums can't have one thread, ONE SINGLE THREAD about this game without "muh chiv" "muh mountain blade" "muh piratevikingknights" "muh realism"
It's like you faggots don't want to have fun.
[Spoiler] can't forget about "invasive UPlay REEEEE" [/spoiler]
Sup Forums can't have one thread...
>impyling vikings fought anyone but peasant militias and clergy.
that being said, the game looked cool when I say gameplay of it. when is it supposed to come out anyway?
I played the one closed test and it has no depth. It's made for the masses are stupid and bad at games. I know that sounds fedoraish and everything but it's the only reason i can think of that the combat is so bad
February 14th, 2017.
Leaked yesterday on a video they posted to Twitter but deleted. No I don't have proof but Monday they'll most likely confirm.
How about a single thread about news from the game.
How about that.
Until then get fucked and enjoy the comparisons.
No fucking reason to give this game the time of day until we actually hear something about it.
That makes me think you didn't play the game because it's not what I experienced.
What would you like to know, my son?
Something new.
Which we haven't got since it was announced.
it's because it looks like shit
they had the right idea with making a combat based swordfighting game
but then shit the bed by making it COD with swords style objective modes, filling the map with retarded useless AI knaves, and making the actual fighting a glorified QTE session
if they had actually polished a system similar to Mountain Blade's and made the game modes more like big sieges or tournaments, I would be excited
but it's Ubisoft, and they are both retarded and incompetent
>Can only attack/block left, right, and center
>HAVE TO BE LOCKED ON to actually fight
>Test restricted you to only a controller, showing it's made for a gamepad
How is that deep combat? How is that not the most simple shit for the simple minded? You cry about people talking about other games, you know why? Because Chivalry, M&B, etc are better than this in everything but the graphics department. I have no idea why you wouldn't instead play them. The only reason I see is you only have a console
This is yet another game with good graphics and shit gameplay. The pretty visuals are all casuals care about. They don't care about the gameplay at all.
So buy bannerlord, no skin off my teeth. Not every game has to be large siege nonsense.
Idk what info you know or would like to know so if you have a straight question I will answer it to the best of my ability.
it looks like a dark souls pvp rip-off.
Yeah that must be why this game adds a bunch of NPCs to the map to make it feel more "Epic"
Those aren't the only attacks you can do and if you played even one match you would know that.
Dark souls combat has much more going on than this game.
Oh, sorry. You can also do a running charge attack that is pissy. You are lying if you say you are not locked to striking in only 3 directions once locked on (What you will be doing 99% of the time)
I just said if they HAD polished a system similar to mountain blades, it would be great
learn to reading comprehension
They give you points for squishing them and stalemate at control zones which give you even more points and offer you a place to heal up if you aren't contested in a control point.
The focus/threat comes from the opposing players.
They are also there to emulate M&B's sieges
3 directions, 3 styles of attacks, player feats you unlock through points, environmental hazards, face it; you got trashed or you didn't play the game.
Now let's see how many directions, styles of attacks, and environmental hazards something like M&B has and you tell me the game isn't puddle deep.
>muh mountain blade
Imagine this game with only 4v4 players. Now the only way to get points is through combat. The more you accomplish the more points you're worth when you're killed.
You've now created a crab in a bucket shitfest game. Congratulations.
So, this game is basically just Chiv with three teams rather than two?
No, chiv has at least decent combat
We've both played M&B. If you want to jerk off with fellow supporters of the game I will gladly join you if you make a thread for it. The two games offer many differences, if you can't watch even a 7 minute video to have that spoonfed to you in not wasting the time to change your mind and I'll see you in bannerlord, good sir.
I see no reason to go play a game with less depth. The graphics are very pretty, but the gameplay is what makes you stick with it and I got bored of this before the test was even done. It'll be DLC ridden too no doubt
1st person non targeting ranged shitfest with spin2win mechanics.
Exactly the same, user. Don't you dare further look into For Honor.
Now, can I ask you how you felt about being outnumbered in 2v1 matches?
It's shit. I was in the alpha, its mindlessly slaying cannon fodder until you see another player and then you either gank them 2v1 or get ganked 2v1
The combat is pretty boring to be honest. I did like how fluid movement felt though, I got bored after an hour or two
You do understand if you contested a point while getting ganked you were doing the right thing, no?
>cod invented control points in multiplayer games
>he thinks spins are good
Every time a faggot does this i distance myself and simply stab them when their back is turned.
>not complaining about drags and matrixing
I bet you haven't even clocked in 40 hours in chiv you pleb
>implying that's what I said
Well, OP, you called it.
Can't wait until their new info.
>implying you didn't auto block all the time in mountain blade
Seriously this game was the only redeeming factor of last year's E3. I, for one, am looking forward to it as long as they didn't butcher the gameplay.
Anything specific you'd like to know?