What's the Sup Forumserdict?

What's the Sup Forumserdict?

The Sup Forumserdict is make your own opinion.

I still haven't finished it, but so far a ton of fun/10. The 3D minigame is way too short though. A full game like that could work I guess.

Really well done, please go further in this lite-gimmick direction game-developers/10

It's another standard Kirby game.
I can't remember the last time they shook up the formula since amazing mirror. Game was fucking excellent. They should outsource more Kirby games so we get better than 'it's another Kirby game but with some new powers and gimmicks'.

It is ok. I enjoyed it while I played it but now I have a bad opinion about it.

Fantastic, loved every minute of it. About to start Meta Knightmare Returns.


9/10, fixes most of the issues Triple Deluxe had, I like the sci-fi theme, the robobot is more flexible than Hypernova & I adore the OST, it has some nice original tracks & remixes. My big complaint with it is I wish the robobot could use every ability & that it was on the Wii U, it already looks good as it is on the 3DS, if it was on the Wii U it'd look so great.

Too bad it's fucking dead. They better at least announce a Kirby NX whenever they finally reveal the damn thing.