Hey user I just wanted to check in on you...

Hey user I just wanted to check in on you. You still going to preorder Skyrim™ Remastered and the Skyrim™ Remastered Season Pass, right? It'll be really fun and you'll be able to do anything you can imagine!


Fuck off Todd, i'm busy with my girlfriend right now



oh shit, poor dog

>white ppl

Didn't you guys already release Skyrim: Legendary Edition as your re-mastered version?

Come on Todd, you can't do that twice, that's retarded.

why the fuck did I watch the whole thing.

man I thought that was a boy

But this time it's for Xbox One and Playstation 4. Aren't you excited to see the next gen of Skyrim?

Skyrim™ Legendary Edition™ was not a remastered version of the game. With Skyrim™ Remastered, we'll up the resolution on textures, add more NPCs, quests, enemies, thousands of voice lines, and bring it to console in 1080p at 60FPS. Don't believe me? Just preorder it when we announce it and see for yourself.

How can whitebois compete?

>white people

time to shitpost


Anyone mind telling me what is in this webm? I am too scared to click it.



I've jerked off to this before and felt ashamed every time.

A dog fucking a girl in the booty. It's actually not illegal to view or own that webm in most places. In fact in the united states the only state it's illegal to have beast videos in is Oregon.

Wew lad

It's not that hard to compete for a dog's attention, they'll fuck anyone.

>white "women"
Would feel sorry for whitebois if I wasn't getting my dick wet in your women 24/7 lmao

>white people

>it's still the same fucking shit engine
>it's just Skyrim with the top 10 mods from Nexusmods but now consolefags can get them too