>Game is ~LITERALLY~ confirmed to have Ys : Oath in Felghana style bosses
Who else is HYPE?
>Game is ~LITERALLY~ confirmed to have Ys : Oath in Felghana style bosses
Who else is HYPE?
Other urls found in this thread:
I've heard several "confirmations"
>Link will be a guy
>Link will be a girl
>We can choose what gender Link is
>We CAN'T choose what gender Link is
>The game will have time travel
>The game WON'T have time travel
>The game will have four HUGE dungeons
>The game will have seventeen dungeons
>Ganon is the final boss
>Ganon is not even in the game
Really I'm doubting all of you motherfuckers. The trailer will be out soon enough
This, but let's be real for a second: The only reason people are being this over-enthusiastic with guesses is because Nintendo released that teaser two years ago, and has shown off basically nothing ever since. They'll have to show off something pretty fucking amazing to avoid people getting disappointed.
literally no matter what they show theres gonna be a years worth of shitposting about the game
>Ys : Oath in Felghana style bosses
what are those and why should I care?
Zelda a shit. They're the least rewarding adventure games to date.
Overhyped shit desu
are you trying to imply that this Zelda will have decent boss fights, or even combat to begin with?
Even with non shitposters though, it's going to be an underwhelming reveal. Nothing could live up to the expectations that two years of nothing can bring, they've honestly handled this game's marketing quite poorly.
and what leads you to believe that? on the rare instances where they improved any 3D Zelda's combat, they immediately backpedalled in the sequel
The only reason people are being over-enthusiastic with guesses is because Nintendofriends have literally nothing else to be excited over.
I wanted to see the NX, not Zelda #19
Fuck Nintendo
Which is going to make the underwhelming reveal even more blatant.
So what, the bosses are going to be a bullet hell now?
I'm not hyped at all, but SS set the bar so low that even if it's mediocre I'll be satisfied.
I wanted to see the new Zelda, if only to get an idea about what the fuck it even is, but I wanted to see it on the NX: The console it's inevitably going to be sold alongside.
The fact that they're showing off the Wii U version can mean two things. Either the Zelda at E3 won't be reflective of the NX version and only show off the outdated port, or it's a sign that the NX will just be another Wii U-like system.
>I care about the NX
>but not about the newest Zelda
uh huh
not everyone is obsessed with zelda in the real world
What do you even mean by that? Emphasis on dodging?
It's not hard to lack interest in Zelda when Aonuma has run the series into the ground.
>you have to be obsessed with Zelda to want to see it more than wanting to see Nintendo's new hardware
you do realize this is Nintendo, right? Zelda has a good chance of being a good game, while their console has a 100% chance of being underpowered hardware with locked OS, and a very high probability of having an unnecessary gimmick that hinders the console's specs even more, and its games
It can mean several, including the fact the Wii U version is the superior one, as NX is a portable
>have to constantly deal with Okami/Darksiders/Alundra/Dark Souls shitposters/falseflaggers in Zelda threads
>now bring Ys into it
Hopefully this means bosses aren't just something you stun with 'item from dungeon' then wail away on with your sword.
I desperately want Zelda U to be fully revealed, just so we can begin a new chapter of Zelda U shitposting and speculation.
Ys is pretty dumb, buyers remorse on the Vita game
That's all Aonuma understands though.
It's not Aonuma's fault that he took over right when Nintendo decided to give up on making real systems.
MM3D's bosses were such an embarrassment.
Especially since FDM still makes Majora easy as piss
Do we have ANY footage of the demo gameplay from this morning?
It's super retarded that Nintendo's been keep everything secret this long and have still decided to let people play it BEFORE E3 JESUS FUCK NINTENDO WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS IS YOUR ONE ACE IN THE HOLE
I can't recall a post-LTTP Zelda game where that isn't how every boss fight goes.
What demo?
If you mean the thing from Nintendo NY, then that was just a sign up for playing the demon on Tuesday.
No, that is the darkest timeline.
>footage of the demo gameplay from this morning?
>LITERALLY confirmed
>no source
fuck off
delet this
>mfw the shitposting gonna be legendary
Why? Everyone expects it to suck
Ironic Skyward Sword appreciation is going to become a thing, mark my words.
No, you can't even pretend that SS is good.
If i can't pick a female link im not buying it
I genuinely loved Skyward Sword.
Go fuck yourselves.
Prepare your anus, friend, Tuesday will be rough.
>and has shown off basically nothing ever since
I'm still trying to make sense of what they have.
I have no idea what the hell is up with this grandstanding bullet time frontflip off Epona. It was in the teaser and demo, and seems like too much work was put into it to not be expected to be used. While that could be useful in... I don't know Mount and Blade? I can't believe it will be organic to the standard Zelda combat system. I will fucking hate if there's an 8-armed enemy wielding 6 tower shields and shooting a crossbow that can only be shot from above.
To a lesser extent I'm wondering why trees drop apples. This is an odd thing to me. I don't recall Link ever eating solid food, and I fear it might be a hunger system. But more likely since I haven't seen masses of grass being cleaved it might be the alternative to cutting grass for hearts.
i played 1hour and left. that game is a joke
The problem is that after the initial shitpost, you'll be asked to actually explain your position, but while Most Zeldas still have a lot of good qualities, SS is actually indefensible
>I genuinely have no taste
good for you, man, I bet you can enjoy literally anything
...It has begun.
>doesnt post a source
I don't know what I expected
>I don't recall Link ever eating solid food
That's only because Toon Link is a literal baby and can't handle anything that isn't green paste.
Link ate apples in Link to the Past, and they brought it back for Link to the Past 2: No Difficulty Edition.
Everything about this game is less "we're rethinking the conventions of Zelda" and more a flailing Aonuma shouting any promise he can to get people to buy the game that continues to non-sell under him
>LOOK! EPONA is back, you love EPONA right? You rike Majora's Mask? HAPPY MASK SALESMAN CONFIRMED THEN! You can hit a tree for apples just like in Link to the Past! The world will be open like that wretched Zelda 1! WHAT MORE DO YOU PEOPLE WANT FROM ME?! JUST BUY MY GAME!
Not him, but y'all niggas are dumb.
If OoT is a 10, SS is at least a solid 6. Eat shit.
That's not enough
Solid 6 hour intro more like it
>"If OoT is a 10, SS is at least a solid 6. Eat shit."
>"My shit taste is objective fact."
Get outta town.
>OoT being a 10
is this a joke?
>a 6/10
come the fuck on, you can't even be consistent with your own bullshit
next you'll try to pretend you're not the same guy who said he loved SS
>That's only because Toon Link is a literal baby and can't handle anything that isn't green paste.
Pigs are regularly raised and eaten on Outset Island
Half hour long boss fights that require actual skill and no gimmicky weak points.
That fight was annoying as fuck.
First part was piss easy.
Second part was just bullshit.
>Half hour
That's a little much.
Excellent rebuttal, my friend.
wow, I'm now convinced SS is good and your statements are consistent, thanks
They've done a pretty good job not letting shit leak
Um I played it and the skill involved is basically either having godlike twitch reflexes or jumping around like a monkey until there is an obvious gap between attacks
And then there's the fact that the bosses in OiF are basically based off of Zelda bosses in the first place if you think about it
Game isn't out for 9 months, alot of shit doesn't leak 9 months ahead of time except vague details which some of these might be true
Tuesday's gameplay will validate some information, and generally that makes the rest of the info legit too
There will be plenty of shit leaking when the game is actually released. It'll leak even more when you open the case and play the game.
>open the case
Still takes more skill than most Zelda bosses.
I just hope we get more bosses like Koloktos.
I'm not the retard who started blubbering about >mah gaem is shit ur dum ur the same poster omgaw y u hab difrent opinion den me
The only person i didn't mean to reply to is because it's a fair point. If you're looking to play only high quality games, SS is not for you. If you're looking to play an okay game with the name Zelda on it and you're not some turd eating shitposter, I'd recommend it. Face it, you're only shitting on it as hard as you are because it is popular to do so. Accept that, and get on with your life.
I stopped NG+ after 5 minutes and haven't gone back since. I decided it wasn't good enough to play through a second time.
Also, the "if OoT is a 10" comment was hypothetical rhetoric. Don't read too much into it
Sup Forums's use of LITERALLY is stupid most of the time, but I think this is the worst one I've heard since someone said Dark Souls 3 was "literally like Bloodborne". Please take a break from the internet until you remember how to form sentences.
>half draw on a bow
As soon as you accept that you're only defending it because you have a sickening obsession with a video game company's output, and refuse to accept that some may outright dislike it because "IT'S ZELDAAAAAA!!111"
>Face it, you're only shitting on it as hard as you are because it is popular to do so.
No, I'm shitting on it because
>steps back from the sword moves in TP, replacing them with...
>8 ways to slash + stabbing for sword combat
>most enemies can be fooled by doing, for example, one right to left slash, which is blocked by the enemy, followed by a left to right slash, which won't be blocked, and then you can just destroy him
>garbage new items outside of the beetle
>that fucking forced stealth section in Eldin Volcano
>the tadpole collecting jesus christ
>going back to the same areas 3 times
>trying too hard and failing miserably at making me care about Zelda and Impa
>as if 1 Imprisioned fight wasn't bad enough, they make us fight it 3 times
>instead of giving us treasure when we explore, make us have to go back to the sky to then find the treasure again
>only one good dungeon, the Sand Ship (though Ancient Cistern was really cool in theme at least)
>the memorable songs we've always got in each new Zelda game were replaced by wonderfully orchestrated music that I forget in ~20 seconds after I stopped listening to it
>new inventory/medals system and the item upgrading system were poorly implemented
>that fucking message for getting a new spoil everytime I boot the game again
>using motion+ instead of the pointer for aiming, flying and swimming (what were they thinking? the pointer works perfectly)
>be glad I'm only mentioning that piece of shit 3 times
>they actually thought dowsing was a good idea and fun
this "hurrr you're only trying to be contrarian" bullshit doesn't fly when defending Skyward Shitstain, the bad things about it far, far outweight the good ones (Silent Realms, Timeshift Stones, good use of the newly implemented Stamina System)
Are you that desperate right now?
You're LITERALLY only shitting on [thing] because someone else said they liked it, and someone else (yes, I'm not the same poster, you retard) said he accepted it for what it was.
You don't just "outright dislike it." You're going out of your way to obsessively shit on it because "B-BUT YOU JUST LIKE IT BECAUSE IT'S ZELDA. OR YOU'RE JUST A NINTENBABY"
Not that you're not gonna stop being a retard, but I have zero expectations for this year's E3. They've shit up Paper Mario, they've drawn the curtains on Mario Party and now they're doing everything they can to make up for the least engaging Zelda they've ever released. That doesn't mean I'm gonna obsessively shit on something that's okay, because I literally have better things to do. Like you. I'll call you a retard.
>being excited for an open world game
when will you guys learn
You seem upset.
Fair enough. I agree with most of those. I find a few to be excessive, but I still feel it was worth playing through once and don't regret it.
I'll never forgive that retarded as final boss stretch, though. The Imprisoned was bad enough. How did they manage to make him more unbearable? My problem is that most of the posts aren't like yours, with ACTUAL opinions. Most of the posts are literally retarded drivel meant to mask the fact that most of these people can't come up with a counterpoint and just spam "ur dumb, et al" instead.
Now I wait as you somehow turn this into you treading on me intellectually in your own mind.
Where did that come from?
Zelda deserves the benefit of the doubt, considering its roots. We'll see on tuesday though.
if it was a stand-alone game, I'd be like "well, it's filled with flaws but maybe they could come up with a good sequel", but it's a Zelda game, the very least it should do is try to live up to the standard
there's even proof that the game was a mess, right after you get the beetle and the game explains to you how to use it, Fi comes out and explains the exact same thing again, what were they thinking? did they even playtest the thing?
After The Phantom Pain, I don't think major japanese studios really "get" how to make open world games.
My love for good open world games is something that a thousand half-assed ones and all the wrath of Sup Forums cannot take away.
>editing the sprite so it's blonde
You fucker, I bet they'd even dust off Toon Link's soundbytes too.
I'm guessing they'll show the NX version as it'll look better and they want it to look as nice as possible for the stream, but they'll avoid going over NX-exclusive features in detail, giving maybe a hint here and there to drum up conversation.
Normally I would but SS's crappiness combined with the incompetency of this development process make it touch to do so
No, they've confirmed that the one on stream and playable n the show floor is the Wii U version.
nobody really "gets" how to make open world games in the first place
I'm still mad that they dangeld this in front of our faces for three years, promising over and over that it would come out soon, only to give us an inferior version of a superior console's launch title.
Its not going to be a shitfest like TPP. Kojima was proud of being "open world". Aonuma disliked how the press called Zelda U "open world".
I don't think anyone gets how to make open world games.
There's no way to know that unless we get our hands on it, and at the moment we know next to nothing about how the game will play, let alone how the open world will work.
This (entirely reasonable point) is exactly why they shouldn't have announced this game so early.
Maybe i'm being naive as fuck, but according to Aonuma, traveling the overworld will be the puzzle. Maybe SS areas but hueg? I hope is not.
Exactly. I love Zelda games but haven't cared for the bosses in a while.
>Zelda is bad meme
>Skyward Sword is bad meme
Flood the map with content. Make the game hard enough that you actually need to go after the content. Make it so the map progressively opens up and new abilities unlock as you get further in the story.
Boom, a good open-world game.
After Aonuma said that the SS overworld would be "like great dungeons" I doubt his words.
I can't believe they're delaying the only WiiU game this year until 2017 just to launch it with their stupid new hardware. Gotta feel bad for idiots who only own a WiiU.
I don't know shit about bows. What's wrong?