Name a more annoying enemy

Name a more annoying enemy

I just want to know what this guys day is like.

Well there's other skeletons that roll in the Catacombs without the wheel, so I'm assuming the ones with the wheel graduated from the art of rolling and upgraded to their dumbass spiked wheel.

>this cave is too dark
>i miss my flesh
>who are we fighting
>i just roll with whatever everyone else is doing
>the other skeletons wont stop making wheely bad puns

the mace faggots in the dragon shrine of dark souls 2

You know, the ones with infinite stamina

I bet he has races with all the other wheel skeletons. There's probably like a Catacombs Grand Prix or something.

>take a step to either side

wow so annoying


Return of the
>hurr durr any enemy I cant kill with R1 spam is artificial difficulty

ur mom

>tfw i finished the game as deprived using only two of these shields

>how do i roll???: the enemy
nice meme


>Not the chain axe dragons who can throw their axes 40 ft through solid walls.

Wheeled Warriors!

Reminds me of the first boss in Kenseiden.

desu it can be annoying down at the bottom of the catacombs where there are many of them coming at you at high speeds from every direction.

Yeah, you can lure them out one by one to deal with, but it's a major buzzkill that you can't just run past them because they'll speed up to you and catch you from behind.

Basically RNG: The Enemy

If you're not using a faggy little weapon you can crush them pretty easily.

>Get fucking poise and a shield
Pick one or both

I think the skeleton wheels are fine, they are pretty fun to fight and you can do so pretty reliably. I think there are enemies and areas that are a lot worse than those with wheel skeletons, like Shrine of Amana, because it's not fun or varied or hard and it forces you to go really slowly,


>I am the Anti-Fun
Also Dragon's Dogma harpy varients when you're anywhere near a death drop.

But user, they're easy

>Have Giant's halberd
>Use power attack to poke/electrecute them

easy peesy and Ive never managed to beat O/S yet (i accidentally killed solaire :()

>i accidentally killed solaire
How the fuck did you even do that?

>standing at bonfire with solaire
>had run into room from main hall/opening gate
>silver knight apparently followed me
>I swing and accidentally aggro solaire
>he never stops attacking and dies at my hand

Its a source of great shame for me.

Why are you attacking peaceful creatures?

you bring great shame to your famiry, commit sudoku

Not gonna lie, user, that's pretty goofy.
You do know that you could've gone to Oswald and had him de-aggro Solaire for you, right?

Get out of here, Priscilla. Go back to being Gwyndolin's final memory or whatever.

>he never stops attacking
You fucking idiot

>I can't dodge

No, I didn't know this at the time, because on like
This fucking autist I didn't use a walkthrough prior to playing. And don't fucking tell me I should've remembered that I could run all the way back to that fucker and fix things.

Cliff Racers

>tfw you're an autist for having functional memory


The knife-throwing skeleton ninjas in the Catacombs of Carthus. Bonewheels are only bad until you get them to run into a wall, which isn't hard. They're mainly a threat in the Painted World because there's no room to dodge in the tunnels.

Also, . And Brainsuckers. And Fish Giants. And Bloodlickers. And the maggots in the Nightmare. And fucking bell-ringer witches. About half of Bloodborne's enemies, really.

Russians, children

Fuck those fuckers


these faggots

Low to mid range kek

>Put any shield up
>They take off pitiful amounts of stamina per hit
>Kill them easily while they're getting back up from the ground

Never understood the big deal people make of them, not once have I had trouble with them in any playthrough.

What the fuck is the lore of the wheelie skellies anyway?
Were they attached to it as they died or was it after the fact?

Breaking wheel?

Dark Souls 3 has less enemy variety than Bloodborne.

This is relevant to the thread how?




Fucking instant kill grab from five meters away bullshit

rom the bullshit spider


True, but unrelated.

>trying to make it back to the surface from the Tomb of the Giants at lower levels, without the lordvessel

You have not played Dark Souls till you've tried this. It's an entirely different game.

>not dodging the shockwaves
What a shitter

The ones in DS3 with instant 270 degree swings and homing R2 attacks.

Which is like half the enemies in the game.

Annoying as shit nonstop growling noises haunt me to this day.

>The knife-throwing skeleton ninjas
Fuck those bitches. Bonewheels were nerfed hard, they don't track you at all and you can just sidestep and catch them with an attack as they roll past. But those ninja skeletons are some real bullshit.

Fuck, don't remind me


oh, were you enjoying this area?

I love Mega Man, but holy fuck.

I would have been fine with the old Bonewheels since there were so few of them and there was space to maneuver. All you have to do is dodge a bit, and it's actually kind of fun. But the ninjas?




They're hard to fight, but they're easy to kill once you figure out the trick.


enlighten me

To hell with those things, especially the ones carrying anchors. The Fishing Hamlet would be a nice, atmospheric, somewhat challenging area if they weren't around. Add one fishfucker, though, and suddenly it's the kind of place you don't even try to fight through- just run to the next lantern.

>you feel a little woozie

Be relentless. Ration your stamina bar, and move in constantly, circling left.

>Oh? What's that? You didn't bother to save? Oh well. Lets hope RNG is with you at least... :^)

>Ration your stamina


>Using a shield at any point

>Put any shield up

What's it like playing on easy mode?

It's difficult to be relentless and ration your stamina at the same time.

Any enemy from DS3

>It's too hard!
>Use a shield

These things should not be as annoying as they are. They're just little lizards that bonk you with their face and roll around a bit. But somehow they're absolute cancer.

>He didn't invest in Explosives
>He didn't pick "And Stay Back!" and a Hunting Shotgun
>He didn't Ranger Takedown their asses and stomped them to death

Shameful display.

If you use iron flesh on them they will kill you almost instantly.

Oh hey, how would you like every negative status effect at once?

This whole section.

>Dark Souls is difficult

Water is wet, friend.

Cathedral Greatsword Knights from DaS3 are probably worse than the Dragon Shrine assholes since they're autistically faster and encountered earlier in the game.

Is it just me or is using shields in DaS2 actually harder than just rolling through, especially early-mid game? Stamina drain is ridiculous and the amount of time you're staggered once it runs out is quite punishing, not to mention 100% phys resistance means a lot of extra weight.

Difficult relative to what you normally have to do, I mean.

That's the trick. You can do it.

>Using a walk-through makes you an autist even though it makes any game easier for you

This was a really great section of the game actually, I felt like a badass knight near the end of my journey walking up the stairs of adversity, cutting my way through some of the last defenses Lothric had.

faggot, that's one of the best sections of the game especially if you solo it

not really, the dino in izalith was worse.

I just ran past them and summoned three golden bros to beat the boss with me.

Yet you bash darksouls 2 for doing the same thing.


One of my favourite sequences

Of course it can be done. We've all beaten the game here, after all. However, it is much more irritating than most combat, hence why seeing that enemy is an instant signal that life will become less fun for a minute or two.

just a soulsfag things

They nerfed them so hard on the PC version. They should have just removed them.

Colossal faggot. Seriously.

No I don't, nice projecting. I'm gonna get lambasted but I really liked DS2. Obviously the worst of the series but it was fun, I enjoyed my time with it. Nice try though.

Just hit their shield a few times, and they stagger, allowing you to riposte their weak point for massive damage

easy as fuck to manipulate

>autistically faster

What does that even mean? That word has lost literally all meaning.