Overwatch AMV



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What the fuck is this board right now?

>Overwatch Anime


we Sup Forums

i fucking hate anime

Would you say something along the lines of

"Anime was a mistake"?

>no linken park

>doesn't have Linkin Park music
Into the trash it goes.

Pretty good desu.

>this board
>implying not 50% of the post on Sup Forums are being made by moderators and staff (yes Sup Forums has staff, how else are they going to sort all the user data).

Most users migrated to different chans like infinity-chan.

IT ... FUCKING .... ........... GOOD!!!!

I'm laughing right now. Is it wrong for me to say that I kind of enjoyed that?

At first I thought I was going to cringe
But it's actually "well done" in the sense of really looking like an actual anime opening

That was...
That was actually really good.

What the fuck

ok you made me buy the game... congratz

Alright, this has convinced me to get the game.

>Not posting the more cringe one


kill yourself

>this thread
The shills have won

Damn it. I was just about to take a break from the game.

>fat zarya

I love anime style

I can't tell how serious this is and it makes me uncomfortable.

But I kinda like it

I didn't want to like it. I wanted to hate it. I failed at both.

They got me.

I can understand one of those posts, but seriously dude? Calm the autism.

Blizzard's target audience, everyone!

>plebs don't know what MAD's are

Stay quiet kids, Sup Forums is posting.

da fuq? this has a good production and if you cant see it then fuck off


I tried to be reasonable.

Oh, user. You haven't seen the half of it.

>Overwatch fans

Wow. I didn't... dislike it. I mean I played the beta and enjoyed the game, I didn't see it blowing up this much though.

Expected cringe but that was actually pretty well made. Hats off to whoever did the editing.

So now that anime is becoming mainstream and everyone wants to be in japan, does this mean we will finally get rid off all the moeshit, and big tits harem bullshit in anime?

>hot topic bag
You seem to be implying that video is not excellent entertainment

fucking Cromartie. Best dub ever.

>Sup Forums
>Liking KLK
How old is this image?
I still make bait threads about their past love


I'm cringing

this is fucking hilarious though

so Sup Forums has the better tastes?

I like it.

Haahaha nope faglord get use to it it's here to stay

and wrong everyone doesn't want to be in Japan kids these days want to be in Korea

Treating women like objects is not okay.