Dark Souls

So, after this how much is there left of the game?

Depending on how you played, you're about at the 50-60% mark.

I rang the two bells and killed Sif.
I think I should visit the catacombs next, right? Or should I go to Ash lake first?

A lot of shit.
OandS is the highpoint of the game outside of the DLC.

All bosses now are either underwhelming or copy pastes.

Ash Lake is optional, so you can do it whenever you feel like. Honestly, you can go to pretty much any of the four areas if you feel like it: Catacombs onward, Izalith, Duke's Archives, or New Londo.

I don't know man, Four Kings was a pretty great fight, and Gwyn is a good setpiece.

Bed of Chaos is the best boss in any souls game ever.

As far as mandatory stuff you have around 7 or 8 bosses left. Some of the best content is optional like the DLC or the painted world.

Four Kings is a simple DPS test.
You are either too slow and get ganked or you are too fast and get one of the most easy fights in the game. It's hard to find a decent middle there.

I did the painted world but didn't manage to get the tail. She never became visible again, so I didn't know how many life she had before killing her.

Everyone let him live, right?

Did you do Darkroot? Ash Lake? Valley of Drakes? Tombs of Giants? Undead Asylum? New Londo Ruins? Painted World of Ariamis?

Nope. And with every new playthrough I save him just to kick him off of the Firelink ledge.

kicked him into the abyss at firelink, felt good

I did beat Sif and the Hydra. Don't know if there is more to it.
>Ash Lake?
>Valley of Drakes?
No. Only went there to go to Blighttown.
>Tombs of Giants?
>Undead Asylum?
Stray Demon? If so, yes.
>New Londo Ruins?
>Painted World of Ariamis?


God damn right. Fucker deserves it, ruining Firelink.

Go to the Demon Ruins behind Quelaag.

That and Lost Izalith are the worst areas in all of Soulsborne with awful bosses, ugly leveldesign and the worst final boss in all of Soulsborne.

After that everything feels a lot better. This is why you should do that first.

>Sif and the Hydra
There's also Moonlight Butterfly

Oh, I did go to the Demon Ruins, defeated the lava guy and got the Chaos Flame or whatever it was called.

Fastass and Fatass and the half way point
Sadly though everything after the following level (minus the DLC) is a unfinished mess

There are two more bosses in Demon Ruins. You can visit them after getting the Lordvessel.

Oh yeah, forgot about her, but I did beat her.
So I guess there isn't more in there? I saw some mushroom babies walking to the right of Sif's arena and thought that there could be something there.

Why would you allow him to live? There's no reason to
> kick him off the cliff
> drops life ring , firelink stays active

If you reignite Firelink, you can get your waifu her voice back

To let a friend live.

Well, to be honest he never harms you until you invade him, he calls you a friend and even helps you out during boss fights.