Honestly, I can't find a good reason not to buy this. Can you?
WoW: Legion
What about the fact that the game is in such an outrageous state it has ceased being a part of its alleged MMORPG genre, being neither an MMO or an RPG.
Wish i was in beta.
Yes, I haven't played WoW in 5 years.
Legion is way different than WoD my man, I wouldn't be recommending it if it wasn't.
Not at all my friend, we should all purchase the latest great product from Blizzard Entertainment™!
I swear, Blizzard has some of the worst shills on this site.
Price, they should pay me for playing such crap.
Honestly, I can't find a good reason to buy this. Can you?
I'll buy it and play for a month or two.
Like most video games I get bored after playing awhile. It's like people here need a video game that keeps them entertained forever at the cost of $9.99
I haven't played WoW since 2007 but I'm feeling the itch again. Should I pick up Legion, Sup Forums?
If you want to hunt down legendaries, fight monsters with randomised affixes in scalable dungeons, perform short tasks that are highlighted on your world map and gain paragon levels, then Diablo 3 is the game for you.
Alternatively, you can play Legion.
I got it. I hope warrior order halls aren't shit.
Thing is, I think I'd enjoy it for a while - at least the bits that I can play 'solo'. Got a job that takes more of my attention than the Vienna boy's choir in a pedo ward. As such I need to be able to jump in and out of a game without much fuss, preparation - I need a 'journal' (questlog) in the game so I can quickly read up on what I'm supposed to be doing etc. I wouldn't have time to got farm and prep for raids...
Might skip this one and keep playing EU IV and the occasional Diablo 3 romp.
It's a repurposed new dungeon and we get fuck all for important people. Sadly
Well that's shit. At least i have a lvl 100 mage.
Seconded. A month of WoD at launch and a month of WoD recently was all I needed, and I only played maybe 15 days of the recent month. Legion should be entertaining for a time.
What's up with the war right now?
Now that Varian is dead how is he gonna dismantle the horde? Are horde and alliance gonna call a truce to stop the legion?
No. Never make that mistake. Just stick to good private servers like nos-
Mate, don't listen to the shitposters. Legion looks solid.
Lots of quality dungeons, 2 great new raids, tons of world content, hard as fuck dungeons with the new difficulties if you're into that, tons of new lore. Lots of customization. Transmog system. STRONG post-release patch support unlike WoD. They are promising it and they know if they don't keep that promise they will lose a record amount of players again.
It's all there, mate.
Think about all the cool stuff in the previews, beta footage, etc. and just remember how often blizz fucks up a good thing.
If they fuck up again they are finished. Remember that WoD did a lot of damage to them.
Don't you think they will try and avoid that?
Don't you think they would have tried to avoid that in WOD?
Playing better games.
Well at least there's going to be a lot less orcs for this expac right?
itll come out, get one patch and you'll be doing nothing for a year again
get off the ride user
Yeah lots of reasons. But I've been looking forward to a Legion themed expac since Warcraft 3 and I've wanted to use Ashbringer since Vanilla, so I'm more than happy to give it a month or two.
Also in the beta and things are pretty good so far so hard to complain.
The beta is much better than the WOD beta was at this point. I was surprised at how smooth things were.
I'm being cautiously optimistic. Some of the things they're adding look really good, but I thought the same thing about WoD when it came out and look what happened with that expansion.
I can, it's made by modern Blizzard.
God, what have they done to Maiev?
You think you want to buy it, but you don't.
>2 great new raids
Only 2?
>It's gonna be good THIS time, I swear guys
Quality over quantity. MoP had 3 raids at launch and the only one that wasn't forgettable was the Mantid raid.
Plus we'll fight iconic beings like Cenarius, Dragons of NIghtmare, Xavius, Gul'dan, Tichondrius etc.
Blizzard's broken too many bridges over the years for me to even give them a chance nowadays. I haven't forgotten the mess that was Cata, SC2 and D3.
>They are promising it and they know if they don't keep that promise they will lose a record amount of players again.
That won't stop them from not keeping their promises.
>tons of new lore
come on
Cata on release was good. MoP was good. WOD was a shitshow but you make ti sound like they haven't done anything good in forever.
>Quality over quantity.
Fair argument but I don't believe Blizzards capable of making quality content anymore.
>Xavius, Gul'dan, Tichondrius
There's 3 final bosses for a raid right there, why only 2 raids?
You haven't seen how bad the game got in Cataclysm and WoD. WoD tipped it over the edge, there's too much bullshit for any new expansion to be redeemed by a greater feature. I don't know how you felt about the game in 2007, but if you loved it you should absolutely avoid the present game to preserve its sanctity in your mind. It's not worth it at all.
>Cata on release was good.
Then they decide to nerf the content
Cata, MoP, and WoD are all terrible, these are indisputable facts. Also, Legion adds a second garrison, why the fuck would you want that?
Opinion discarded.
furfag detected, only possible reason someone could like MoP was if they look past all the shitty zones to masturbate to fat pandas
You lost when you said the order halls were a garrison. You failed twice when you said 'twice' as if the first were relevant now. They're nerfing the garrison to give no gil thus it might as well not exist.
hey the pandas were good fap material
There are two at release, then two more released in content patches. So four total
Already bought it, not like I'm buying other games at the moment (Everything is so shit its actually worse than current WoW which is saying a lot)
Fucking game is so bad people want legacy servers. Now what does that tell you? Also garrisons? Cities and popular hubs are almost ghost towns now because blizzard just had to rip off FFXIV housing in a sad desperate attempt to stay competitive.
>You failed twice when you said 'twice' as if the first were relevant now
literally never said "twice." Also, the class hall has missions just like a garrison, I don't know if they're deleting the garrison, but so long as they don't, its just unwanted bloat.
Only 4? I don't see the point in bothering unless each of them have 8+ bosses
garrisons won't exist in legion
Just because I've spent hours fapping to LiLi doesn't mean that was the only thing. Also had some really good raids. ToT was one of the best raids they have ever done. MSV was really good too.Really fun tanking with brewmaster. Good overall world experience. Isle of Thunder and Timeless isle were fun.
Tichondrius is basically Gul'dan's supervisor because of his failure in WoD
>shitty zones
I'm the only person in the world who loved Dread Wastes, Jade Forest and Valley of the Four Winds, aren't I?
The point is that youre trying to use the WoD garrison as ammo against Legion when it has nothing to do with Legion. Just having a few missions does not equal a garrison either. Theres fewer followers, less freebie missions, longer missions (less management), more sending you into the world missions, no buildings to upgrade and manage, no free professions, no free reagent farms, and no personal instancing.
Im not saying its a good method of introducing quests or storyline, but its hardly a garrison.
So there is less content?
>shitty zones
kill yourself
How come people like you never realize that the Garrison experience in WoD was so much more than just the mission table?
It fucked over a lot of the game, only a very small part of it is coming to Legion, and it's nerfed to shit on top of it.
If you're so triggered about visiting a table a few times a week, then I don't know what to say. It's like less than 1% of your experience on Beta.
except that the first tier contains about 17 bosses, and given the last 2 expansions, the next two tiers will probably have 10-11 bosses each.
The expansion looks great, I'm in the beta and am happy with what I've done so far. It really looks like they've fixed all the shit from WoD while also adding a ton of cool new stuff.
The new melee animations make it a whole new game and they're promising new caster animations too.
>tfw playing fury warrior
>tfw playing shadow priests
>tfw DK
Professions look really fun, Suramar is a story driven zone rather than a glorified lootbag, and Class campaigns look fun.
Also new animations look pretty neat.
These are my concerns as follows.:
>The longevity of world quests.
They seem to only offer introductory max level gear and nothing long term to convince people to engage in them once their reputations are max.
>The lack of more cosmetic options in artifacts.
As much as I hate to say it, they may have to add cash shop skins and I bet they will resort to it.
>Short sightedness of timewalking and zone scaling.
Needs to be extended to all old world zones and dungeons if not at least optionally.
This is the biggest mess because they are rewarded so randomly and arbitrarily. It might determine who is invited to raid spots and limit your progression to factors out of your control. They also gravely shape how you play with particular pieces.
If all you had to do was buy Legion, I probably would.
But since you also have to pay every month (or spend days farming gold), I'll pass.
>STRONG post-release patch support unlike WoD.
They said WoD would have this after failing with one content patch over 14 months in MoP. Why would you fall for this lie again?
Here's a good reason to not buy it
Literally a Band-Aid over a festering wound.
>The longevity of world quests.
They're mainly used to get artifact power. Plus, some give pets/profession stuff. As someone with a ton of alts, at least I can gear them up with actual content once I'm done on my main rather than just running around Tanaan.
>The lack of more cosmetic options in artifacts.
I dunno man, I think there are a ton of great skins to pick from for each weapon, plus the new transmog system will be the icing on the cake.
>Short sightedness of timewalking and zone scaling
I'd rather they focused on new stuff. The old world is boring and outdated, I don't know why people would want to go back unless they pulled a cataclysm 2.0
I doubt they will matter that much, if they do they will likely get nerfed. Don't really care either way, I have enough friends who play that I don't need to worry about not being picked for spots.
I think the whole legendary thing is a decent idea, but we'll see how it pans out.
This is the biggest mess because they are rewarded so randomly and arbitrarily. It might determine who is invited to raid spots and limit your progression to factors out of your control. They also gravely shape how you play with particular pieces.
As someone with irregular schedule to raid, I actually like this. This gives me hope and a reason to keep playing while the extremely calculated and repetitive autistic raids doesn't appeal to me.
Gold is piss easy to make right now, I have over a million gold and all I do is the Garrison tables once or twice a day.
that's clearly just a night elf warden as the render states on the bottom right. Faggot just renamed the image to Maiev
Didn't buy WoD, only buying Legion because it will keep me busy until Final Fantasy then Legion will rot away until it's f2p in 1.5 years
But how long did it take you to develop your Garrison or 10 into a gold mill?
I need to find out exactly how likely you are to get legendaries.
>buffing LFR rewards instead of nerfing them into the ground to promote the new dungeon system
dropped so hard
What sold me on it is the ability to hide shoulders
Finally I can make the barbarian ive always wanted
pre ordered the day it was available for pre order
quite the blizzcuck i am, still didnt fall for the ebinwatch meme
>why do you have that one particular helmet equipped instead of best of slot!
>why are your artifact powers so fucked up you are clearly not following the icy-veins mandatory guide
>you dont even have the proper talents equipped what the fuck
oh cause i use this legendary that all this works better with
>oh cool thats fine then
sure all this means is that instead of 1 build for each class with 1 best in slot there will be diablo3 style sets you need to follow, but fuck yeah it was 11 years late
World Quest rewards scale with ilevel. Theoretically, you can get a Mythic Gul'dan ilevel piece if your ilevel is high enough.
They've said they will likely be adding more skins as the game progresses, as they feel the current amount isn't enough for how fast players can consume content.
Timewalking will get more dungeons, but they figure there needs to be a grace period before they add another expansion's timewalkers. MoP was one they brought up for doing later in Legion possibly.
Legiondaries have some form of bad luck protection and are still in the process of being tuned.
which is stupid, because you shouldnt be doing the same content once you progressed past it, nor should world mobs ever earn you fucking mythic gear
Timewalking is shit if they dont nerf old legendaries too. At least tier bonuses have been nerfed
If they follow through on all/most of their plans and promises, Legion could be okay and worth playing to a degree, but I'd recommend against playing daily or spending as much time on it as some of the better expacs.
can't expect blizzards target audience to do things that require much(if any) personal responsibility, user.
There's nothing wrong with World Quests, user. Also, that's theoretically - given the insanely random nature of said WQ loot, you'll likely not find an 'Of the Whale Ass' piece that eclipses 'Gul'dan's Assless Chaps.' Or whatever.
4 Garrisons and like a month and a half each. If all you're doing is the tables then all you need is a Level 3 Inn for Treasure Hunters and a Salvage Yard, maybe an Enchanting Hut if you're feeling adventurous
The hard part isn't making gold right now, it's not spending that gold on dumb shit
>which is stupid, because you shouldn't be doing what i dont want you to be doing
hmm, how come if blizzard removes something like the waterwalking from the waterstriders people complain that "no fun allowed, fuck you blizzard you cant tell me how to play your game"
its the main argument vs vanilla servers as well.
sounds a bit disingenuous, no?
>Honestly, I can't find a good reason not to buy this. Can you?
I'm already playing FFXIV.
im sorry
>Can you?
Oh yes, casting from weapons ruins all the casters for me so I'm done with that game.
You shouldnt be stuck in a rut because RPGs are about progression you fucking tard. Anybody who wants to sit doing the same thing with no progression shouldnt be playing RPGs they should go play fucking Spelunky
I own original WoW and the first two expansions (BC and WotLK)
How many more expansions and how much more shekels do I have to give these jews to be up to date and be able to play to max level?
Do I just have to buy Legion? someone plz advize
Hehe, silly goyim. Just buy the game, you know you want to!
Played it for a month and got bored.
If you own the base game you own every expansion except Legion.
Except you're still progressing. If you argue that doing the 'same' WQs is a rut, then you are also arguing the fact that farming the same dungeon/raids over and over for that mythical BiS is also a rut and not good for the game.
>anybody who wants to sit doing the same thing with no progression shouldn't be playing RPGs
Don't be. I love this game and have been playing it for years, including 1.0, without ever wanting to quit other than when 1.0 came out as a complete blunder.
Everything ARR and forward I've enjoyed and have felt no reason to leave the game.
>dont cry for me, im already dead
fixed that for you
im a exploration/lore fag , as long as they add new zones for me to explore ill go
I'm guessing Legion is probably like 70 bucks though
fuck that I'll just play Rift to get my MMO fix. I don't have the time necessary to devote to Wow to actually be good.
>being this salty that someone is enjoying something you don't
Your life must not be very nice.