The usual blend of social justice pandering and committing reputational suicide

The usual blend of social justice pandering and committing reputational suicide.

Other urls found in this thread:

>some random EDM fag

>Black guy vs Aryan white guy


I hope each have individual streams so I can just watch the people who actually knows how to play the game and can commentate properly

Zedd is as mainstream as it fucking gets. I guarantee you've heard Clarity at some point.
He's not particularly good, but he's not "random." Then again, any electronic artist is probably random to you apart from Daft Punk and Skrillex.

Luke Fiasco loves games though, he beat that street fighter guy, remember.

>Rooster Teeth

Give us Funhaus

Lupe is the one that makes sense.
I've never heard Snoop, Wiz, Game or Kesha associated with vidya before. They could've at least gotten celebs that are known to be gamers like Vin Desel, John Cena or Kanye West.

>we want the CoD fanbase

they've been trying this for years. nothing new really.

>>The Game
Triple HHH?

>JackFrags, LevelCap and PonyLion on one team
Its going to be a fucking slaughter

one side is completely stacked.


One of the most underrated channels out there

>we want the normie audience
>we want to trigger Sup Forums
which is good

The largest demographics of gamers in america are black males.

Blacks literally fund EA with the millions of NBA and madden games they but every year.

Now that would've been fun to watch

So what your saying is that EA got cucked by blacked?.com

>The largest demographics of gamers in america are black males.

more like lower class white kids who love nigger music

>no del the funky homosapien team

fuck this gay earth

>lupe fiasco team

well shit guys he beat daigo so we have a real contender here

>some nigger calling himself The Game

The fuck?


>Rooster Teeth

>no lil b
>no soulja boy
>no viper
>no wu tang team

I want to see BF1 gameplay. I do not want to see it played by people who have never touched a video game before. What the fuck does EA think they're doing? Who do they think it watching livestreams of Battlefield? I'll give them a fucking hint. It's not anyone who wants to see Kesha play it.


Snoop and Lupe play alot of games

If they were going to do this, they should have invited people who stream on Twitch like Might Mouse

pandering to niggers, the usual. theyre also going to have that disgusting monkey Lil Wayne on the Youtube e3 stream on monday.

this shit is getting out of hand. some jew must have been put in charge and is now shoving down all this filth into the minds of the gaming masses.

Funhaus is part of Rooster Teeth

Apparently my script blockers won't show anything on there. Works for me

lupe is a fucking fraud after all of that street fighter shit though

>dissin the dogg
fucking underages man


you have zero fucking self respect if you buy this

hey can you drive destroyers and aircraft carriers again in battlefield yet, like you could in 1942 in 2001? no?

who here /battlefieldfriends/

>What the fug is EA doing
Gee, I don't know, maybe they're appealing to their shitty audience.

>levelcap and jackfrags on the same team

The other team has no chance of winning

hope we can listen to the marshawn lynch commentary

I don't care, they're trying to make ww1 hip.
>rappers/blacks are popular with the young people right?
>hurr yerp
>so lets make a campaign about a black american regiment in order to market this to burgerfags and chavs.
>hurr hurr hurr.

something to that effect.

Fuck those who can't get over this, it's a distraction from the actual issue of gameplay.

they're going to make this CQC-ish, look how much emphesis they place on melee weapons in the promotionals, how little emphesis is placed on rifles or bayonets or anything that might bore faggots. (maps won't be designed with ironsight sniping in mind, rather you'll have ahistorical scopes that aren't shit).

Fuck the consolefags for infecting the market with the demographic of stupid normies.

surprised they didn't throw ice-t in there but he's more of a cod fanboy anyway.

I'm alright with this

Great website.

>match bunch of casual gamers and superstars against bunch of autistic youtubers who played bf 24/7 ever since bf2bc2 got released.

Lmao, it will end with baserape


Legit one of the last people I suspected to be in this list.

used to hear "clarity" at my gym at least once each day, sometimes twice. holy fuck is that song cancer to my ears now

>no MC Ride

Lmao how is that possible.
Alot of blacks play games but I would think the number of whites who do outnumbered them


yes ww1 was diverse, you had ottomans and colonial regiments, those are the things to emphesize, not a regiment of americucks who fought for 6 months in 1917 against exhauseted

Are you implying that there is something wrong with having Snoop Dogg on something?

You can't sell a game about the Ottomans or colonial regiments in the west.

It's almost as if EA doesn't actually give a shit about "honoring" the small amount of blacks that served in WW1, like we all suspected, but are just using race as some sort of voodoo to trick sports gaming niggers into playing a shooter.

>Still 64 players max



All those sjw faggots that have been shitting up these threads with:

>ackshully according to a brief and frantic google search the Harlem Hellfighters were basically the heroes of WW1
>haha totally not pandering

And then this. Comedy fucking gold.

Battlefield: Worldstar Hiphop

>Battlefield: Worldstar Hiphop
Are you implying that wouldn't be a 10/10 game?

To be fair, Lupe Fiasco actually plays video games

this x1000

EA has played you idiots like a fiddle
just put a black guy in the game and aspies will start flame wars all over the internet, giving them free publicity.


What are they doing? Well looks to me like a typical star studded AAA game reveal. What's the problem?

> they want the black audience

Yes, let's decrease our target market to the 17% of the US population that has the least amount of disposable income.

Great business strat.

Any more than that and multiplayer networking becomes a fucking headache. You honestly think EAs servers could handle a 128 player game with hundreds of thousands of people playing at once?

Richard Sherman is gonna shut only one side of the map, guaranteed

love, Sup Forums

Gotta admit, it'll be funny watching the celebs on team stone get base raped for 20 minutes.
>Only in Battlefield

thats right user, billion dollar EA needs Sup Forums to market their game

triple H will be there? that's awesome.

If it was the streets of Detroit? Fuck yeah.

But this is shitting on western civilization. Thousands of thousands of men died. Our forefathers. Dead and buried. For what? Their memory being boatz n hoez the Game.

Like, Dice just couldn't have produced a game like they did in 2002 and have a generic outset of a war that was fun but also respectful. Nope, can't get white kids to like shit anymore without a couple Will Smiths to make it trendy and cool.

I don't even care anymore, I'm so fucking jaded it's hilarious at this point.

>tfw zedd went from Legend of Zelda, Dovregrubben, Slam the Door and Shotgun to his mainstream songs
Does he experiment anymore?... I stopped listening around Clarity.

>Implying whites care
Thy will but it for the title alone

>thinking cuck whitey won't buy it anyway

>But this is shitting on western civilization
>For what? Their memory being boatz n hoez the Game
You people are so funny, that you actually believe this.

>Snoop Dog

Everyone else can fuck off but he's cool OP. Your a fag.

faint chuckle outta me


they work separately though for the most part, you rarely see AH and FH people in the same videos

I personally enjoy funhaus content more than AH

The only thing I care about is them trying to glorify WWI. It was a terrible time for pretty much everyone and for the majority there was no glory.

>finally a video game where the setting could totally be Serbia
>they fuck it up this bad

I give up
I go make game myself

I don't think so.
His remix of Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites was pretty good back what, 5 years ago?

>Gavin free and roosterteeth are seperate


Also I'm pretty sure the only people in that list who actually play battlefield are roosterteeth, jackfrags and those people from the battlefield friends videos. Why the fuck are there so many non battlefield players for this shit

>No Africans playing a game set in Africa
>Just Basketball-American niggers

blunder of the year coming up

>all these no name internet """""""""celebrities""""""""

hi can we just end this civilization already and move on to the next thanks

I'll be mad if Noob doesn't T-bag anyone.

>Tfw Snoop Dog dies.
>"Dip, Dip, Potato Chip!"

>forced black American dude on the cover over scores of other minorities that saw shit hit the fan
>nevermind minorities were still a minority in the war
>invented a female Muslim, even though there was a Serbian girl that actually fucked shit up on the front lines
>Dice directly mentioned they wanted to push diversity
>Missing factions like France and Russia
>3/4 of the classes won't be using bolt action rifles opposed to automatics
>the first play of MP will basically be the cast of a MTV reality show

Yeah man, totally not pandering. Totally not an insult to the Great War.

I thought Sup Forums was stupid, but there is some serious white self-hate to the point where they gotta stuff every video game with brown people to get white people to buy the shit.

>>Can you drive Destroyers and Aircraft carriers?


>EA/DICE will dumb this down to something palatable by ADHD 15 year olds who have no interest in history, and think the transformers films were "okay".
>EA/DICE will make it so that 15 year old doesn't see it as "lame" or "weird", and isn't "restricted" by class/faction limitations on weapons. Meaning we'll probably see MP-18's being used by a british or french faction when they were only used by the Germans, and only elite Germans at that.(along with shotguns for everyone, instead of just americucks because why not?)

>attempting to bring this up and recommending a change on the forums/boards will lead to people accusing you of wanting the game to be "ARMA" or something,
>they'll even go so far as to equate "Red Orchestra"(1 or 2, or rising storm) with "ARMA" even though Red Orchestra is just '"Battlefield 1942: PTSD edition"
>meanwhile hardcore mode is inadequate in actual tactical gameplay and only popular because of the low Time To Kill it has.
>Close Quarters Combat will be popular.
>the game devs will make a big deal about "flow" in interviews/behind the scenes.
>the actual maps will feel tiny or repetitive far too quickly.
>you probably won't be digging trenches, or firing artillery guns.
>you probably won't have class limitations in order to enforce some sense of "mass cannon-fodder infantry armed with bolt-action rifles".
>the main soundtrack will have dubstep instead of period songs or emotional compositions.

See now I know they're pandering to the SJW's here. I can stand Snoop and Wiz since they play vidya a lot, even Game, but Kesha? Really?

I gave them the benefit of the doubt and thought they used a black protag because they wanted to tell a story but the track list makes it pretty clear they're pandering to the yoot.


Also Ice Cube, he's been playing games since the NWA days

It's about appealing to Americlaps.

>what big name american regiments were there that are kinda cool?
>these guys?



>13% of the population
>Niggers everywhere

Black representation in American media is bizarre.

I'm fine with the black MC since blacks were in World War 1. Chances are the MC is in the Harlem Hellfighters

Do they really think all the apes will bought the game?

Anyone and I mean ANYONE that had even a sliver of hope for this game being anything besides casual hyped up shit should literally off themselves to improve the human race because you've clearly demonstrated that you can't use the critical thinking that separates us from animals.

>more like lower class white kids who love nigger music

This. America is a country of nigger loving faggots. They'll be 3rd world soon enough.

I dunno. I kinda like her. She's totally different when not doing famous people stuff. I'm pretty sure she wants to do her own thing but it won't pay bills or keep her relevant.

Could not agree more. The Funhause/IG team is the best

It genuinely triggers me that this is going to affect the perception of WW1 among young people.

So was I, but are you ok with this music in a WW1 game? I'm not.

I dont understand, will they really make Kesha play the game?