Help me kill gwynn without parrying Sup Forums
Help me kill gwynn without parrying Sup Forums
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You better not
Use a greatsword and don't get greedy.
Practice timing your rolls against him.
Removing the piss from your screen is a start.
I'm using a gex build. What weapons are there that are effective
Learn 2 roll
Literally just roll. Get him behind pillars, attack him after he tries to grab you.
Alternatively, just stunlock him.
none, he rapes all dex builds, you either stun lock with a str wep or have a parry party.
You can abuse the little hills and other terrain. If he stands on them hell sometimes swing over you, and other times he will try to walk around them (I.e. he won't be attacking)
Not sure. Big weapons and rolling was how I beat him on NG+, first NG cycle was parrying after dozens of fails without. I'm not patient enough to chip away at his health and have stressful rolls.
>gex build
Just give up and let Gwyn enter the gecko.
Just practice parrying on silver/black knights for awhile until you get the timing down then try to fight gwyn again, it's not very hard.
Never should have listened to dex fags.
nah dex is fine, it's just gwyn that's a bitch, my character was pure dex silver/gold tracer and balder side sword was pure sex.
>using anything but mercurial
Get a pyromancy flame upgraded all the way and get great combustion. As well as the ring and armor that increases magic power. He'll try dodging all the great combustion but he'll still get hit
I killed him first try i ever fought him and didnt parry once
Hes not that hard, i dont understand all the trouble people have with him
Gwynn isn't even hard. If you solo'd the rest of the bosses there's no way you should need help for Gwynn, he's a pushover compared to S&O, Artorias, Kalameet, and Manus. Probably other fights that are harder/more aggravating too. It's just a straight up, no bullshit fight, just kill him.
>EVER parrying
also OP said without parry
1h a Balder Side Sword, roll through his combo, poke him twice, go back to circle strafing and rolling.
Shouldn't be more than one or two tries.
I didn't parry anyone. There's no point practicing the timings when you can just kill them without it and not bother with all the trouble.
Team foundation server is the easiest to use user.
>hasn't experience the pure, unadulterated feelings of sexual release from hitting something 10 feet away with a Balder Side Sword for 500+ damage
>using a dex build when the man-serpent greatsword exists in this game
Well it's the fastest way I kill him. If he's so worried about parrying he can just strafe around the pillars and kill him that way.
Play the game however you want, I just personally find it quicker to kill him using parry.
Thanks im gonna try this
Stick to the stalactite cluster on the left and kite him around it.
backpedal like a mad man, OP. His gap closes and charges are easy to avoid, and if you can bait his grab it leaves him wide open.