i'll give you ten seconds to post one authentic why you haven't pre-ordered yet
I'll give you ten seconds to post one authentic why you haven't pre-ordered yet
Because Pokemon sucks.
Cause the ROM is most likely to be leaked months or days before release
So piratebros win again!
because i haven't played a pokemon game since platinum and don't really want to
Why preorder a game that I know will be stocked the day of release?
competitive metagame sucks
Money, there's no reason to waste them on this.
Why the fuck would I preorder something with no preorder bonus that'll be everywhere even months after its release?
no pre order bonus
because pre-ordering hurts the industry and the only acceptable reason to EVER do it is if it's a physical only distribution and there is risk of you not getting a copy at launch.
Every Pokemon game after Gold & Silver was shit
This. Also I want to see more before I buy. Preorder culture these days is cancer.
who cares
I've never heard of a 3DS game's rom getting leaked before release. Story time?
Because Super Robobot
But I have pre ordered! Amazon.ca has an e3 sale going on!
Kirby Robobot
Also Pokemon White got leaked early before release
because far as I know, there isn't any benefit of ordering. No free pokemon or poster.
I don't think that was a leak. The JP version had multi language support.
Sick of Pokemon.
Literally a shit load of threads went up when Kirby Robobutt was leaked. For days.
Also saw another thread afew days ago that some people have Zero Time Dilemma 3DS early.
Fuck, i am going to brush my teeth now.
Pokemon or Kirby?
Because Kirby got leaked several months before release
I'm tired of pokemon. It's too stale
after the whole thing with xy and oras I'm waiting until after release to make sure it isn't crap
Pokemon is fucking boring.
The guy in that pic literally eats shit so you don't really have that much to worry about, do you?
Can't say i've tried it yet.
actually it came out in Japan, and for whatever reason the Japanese version of the game has every language on it. So if you have your system set to english then it autodetects that and the whole game is in English.
7th Dragon III: Code VFD actually did leak though. Probably will help the game's sales anyway since piratebros are giving it great reviews
because pokemon is the same shit every time. There's seriously no reason to ever play more than one of them if you don't give a shit about the underlying mechanics and playing "competitively"
Pirating day 0.
Both XY and ORAS were horribly disappointing. VII is looking like more of the same. Even thought Gens 1&2 and 4&5 were on the same hardware, they still had quite a bit of difference and feel between them. 7 just looks like more of the same, and both XY and ORAS were horribly disappointing.
>actually it came out in Japan, and for whatever reason the Japanese version of the game has every language on it.
So it's pretty likely that's gonna happen with Pokemon Sun and Moon.
I did not enjoy pokemon Ruby
I hate all this new extra shit they've added to pokemon
because the second it comes out i'll be able to download it for free
also it's going to be fucking toddler-tier garbage
i'm playing Y right now and i'm beating every single gym with just a hitmonchan
not to mention the fucking electric gym was insulting to my fucking intelligence with its who's that pokemon "quiz"
like we don't know what a 3d silhouette of fucking pikachu looks like
pokemon is made for babies, and i'll never support a pokemon game again until they make it for AT LEAST middle schoolers
i ran out of time now what?
Why the fuck would I pre-order a game that's going to have major excess stock on release?
2bh I really just like the simplicity of gens 1 & 2
Haven't even finished BW or X and I have both. Pokeymans is getting easier with every generation and it's stale. Getting Youkai Watch 3 instead, and it's going to get big free updates every few months after release.
Because it is a game from a million-seller franchise that sure as hell won't be sold out on release day and on top of it doesn't have any pre-order bonus?
What the fuck.
Does it come with 200 Potions?
Sold my 3DS when I realized Pokemon X was a shallow kids game with the difficulty of a potato. Sun and Moon better be damned good to even make me consider getting one now.
>60 maple bucks
I mean, I'm done with Pokemon to begin with but holy shit fuck you
Because it will be censored. It's a nintendo game.
I was recently thinking about this, what are the game exclusives?
Ruby and Sapphire was good.
Blue was my first pokemon game.
>Sold my 3DS when I realized Pokemon X was a shallow kids game with the difficulty of a potato.
Like every other game?
Because its been more or less the same game for the last 20 years. I'll just replay some of my old favorites instead of paying for a new ones with progressively worse pokemon designs.
Because it will be readily accessible to people who didn't preorder.
Because it'll be in large supply everywhere.
>its another "lets pretend piracy isnt a thing on 3DS" thread
god, fuck summer.
Which come out in Japan and NA on the same day.
>le preorder culture
Fuck off faggot
waiting to see version exclusives
>competitive metagame sucks
pic related; it's the amount of knowledge you and everyone else has on the new metagame.