Is this really necessary?

Is this really necessary?

Why does every modern game need to have fucking "pop culture" references these days?

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kys honestly



ayyyyy dude shoutout to my pal captain coli
keep dabbin bro

Who cares autist

>being triggered by this

What's next, a white male main character is going to offend you?

I'm honestly really surprised at the lack of this in a game like Overwatch. Knowing Blizzard, they could've memed it up so fucking hard but they just didn't, and I'm really glad. Then again, maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.

>nigger culture
>my own
fuck off cucklord

Games have always referenced pop culture.

I really hate it too. I think it's okay to reference something like Terminator, but referencing memes that literally everyone will forget in two years is a really fucking bad idea

I don't even know what it's referring to, I don't understand all the autistic hate it gets.
Maybe you should stop paying attention to pop culture shit if it triggers you this badly.

>motion blur

>First 5 posts.
>All without punctuation and correct capitalization.
>Defending shoehorning nigger memes into games.

I want neo-Sup Forums to end.

kys my man

Is this really necessary?

Why does every modern game need to have fucking "piss ass motion blur" that I can't see shit straight?

A bad game references memes for easy hits. It's not done in games really made to last.
A better game makes jokes or have something iconic that will eventually become references.

I have no idea why arrow to the knee became so popular

>The Dab

I don't think the games life should last 2 years desu. Rarely do most games lives last longer than a year.

Noone will be talking about Uncharted 4 in 2 years.

I'm not 100% sure what dabbing is exactly, but all I know is some black dude who beat the shit out of Low Tier "I'LL BE THAT MONKEY" God on Street Fighter kept 'dabbing' on him on stream and it upset him greatly.

>zarya makes in soviet russia jokes, even though she's russian and soviet russia never existed
> makes vidya references

Gotta keep people interested somehow when you can't string them along with good plot or game design.

>Rarely do most games lives last longer than a year.

Not if you play flavor of the month shit, I guess.

Why are acting like this is a new thing?

Naughty dog think they slick...

>muh punctuation guiz

How to sport a redditor

ayy square enix think they straight slick xDDDD

Name some pop culture references in:

Half Life
Mario 64
Final Fantasy 7
Diablo 2
Shadow of the Collossus
Dark Souls

The millennial generation has a legacy to be proud of. They have given us "twerking", "selfies", and a dance where you pretend to sneeze.

fucking kill me please

Because older fucks like us aren't the target audience.

I really don't think this is a very new thing that in it self very much affects longevity.

The Merrie Melodies run of Looney Tunes had popculture references. Ones that are overt and make no sense without their context. I have never fucking seen anyone avoid them for that reason.

Pop music can be pop culture though. Also, half the posters here use shit like 'senpai' and type like niggers. It's a garbage trend that won't ever end.



>these days
Either an ebin shitposter or a retarded newfag.

>That motion blur

Don't you remember the famous scene in Shadow of the Colossus when Wander asks Dormin "WAAASUUUPP"?

so they date quicker
it's a marketing thing

people in 18 months will look back and say
>omg, this is SOOO five minutes ago, we where so dumb to like this

Context of pic?

The gaming "industry" needs to be burned down to the ground to be analytic of the current situation

who knows.
all it does is put a cap on the significance of the game by attaching it permanently to something else that exists on a similar plane of pop culture as itself. it can never be its own solid self as it's connected weakly to things which are inherently weak (though currently popular). in other words it just serves to date the game and ensure it can't be something that stands as "a classic". not that uncharted is necessarily capable of that in the first place...

Out of ALL the potential memes they could have jam packed in the game, you have 2 examples. My point wasn't that there were absolutely none, but there's an incredible lack of them, considering how easy it would be to fill the next big FPS/Moba Twitchbait on the market with pop culture references, and not to mention Blizzards tendency to do just that.

Never played uncharted, am I missing out?
I bet it's just a generic TPS like that new tomb raider
I bet the bossfights are QTE """cinematic experiences"""
If there are any unique mechanics, do tell me

>pop culture
It's rap culture you fucking mong.

Lmao at white people stealing shit and not giving credit. SMDH culture vultures

to be honest, Nolan North carries the first game with his witty banter with sully and elaina

by the second his quips wear thin, but the gameplay is good enough to stand on it's own

third has not many redeeming qualities
can't say about the fourth

Sorry to say, but rap is pop right now

I don't keep up with the latest hot meme's, what's the context here?

You seem to have made a wrong turn from Jezebel.

It's literally labelled as a taunt, it's designed for you to get angry at it.

Looks like it's worked hasn't it?

It pisses me off because when this video came out you had a bunch of white people claiming dreads actually came from Indians. Fucking INDIANS rather than the much more influential Rasta/Reggae culture & icons like Bob Marley? Really?

Black people memes are mostly just dance moves. Which are featured in Uncharted 4 as taunts

>Dark Souls
Anor Londo's name is a reference to the fictional Sindarin language from Lord of the Rings, plus all those Berserk references if we want to count that.

or right because blacks are the only race which happened to be unwashed niggers for 100% of their existence so their hair lumps into sausages.

Remember Gex?

>getting mad at a taunt
Guess its working

dumb faggot I acknowledge dreads exist within other cultures besides black people's. the point is it didn't become a fashionable trend until Rastas made it one.

his name is Drake for fucks sake

stop being triggered over nothing

I don't even know what it means but how is it a dance, its terrible compared to the rest

sony think they slick

He wasn't named after that Drake retard

retards and kids eat this shit up thats why

>mfw Scam Jewton got BTFO

You could literally look this up on google.

Only one that doesn't have direct pop culture references maybe even japanese ones is Shadow of the Collossus.

well yeah, obviously. I never said anything about naming.

they put the taunt in because of the coincidence that Drake shares his name name with a famous rapper

And all of the Half Life references are incredibly subtle and easy to miss.

The same cannot be said for having an unlockable character "Dab" animation.


What an analysis. Loved your many arguments.


>claims to be master of correct capitalization
>doesn't know meme arrows should never EVER be followed by a capital letter
embarrasing tbqh

Really, nigger?

Not necessary like anything relating to entertainment, art or creation, put video games in one thpse categories as you please.
However why should video games, which are not more noble than any other form of entertainment, be completely shut off from the popular culture of the time. Developers have Facebook, Twitter, etc, they enjoy the same kind of memes, jokes as anybody living today. And evidently some of them may or may not understand those jokes and memes but they want to integrate it because they simply think their customers might enjoy those too.
It's your right not to like it but you don't have to appreciate it. Don't worry our great occidental culture won't disappear the day you'll find dabbing, transsexualism or whatever offend you in video games.

Twerking has existed in the black community for decades. It's only now that white people have co-opted it.

Name a single scifi jap game that doesn't reference blade runner in some fashion.

How do you compare that to a fucking "dabbing" reference? Which is literally just "drug use: the pose".

Don't play dumb, my dude

Its from Mad Men. They're both sitting in a tub tripping on LSD. Old guy is hallucinating a baseball game on the floor.

The "Most Retarded Post" Award of the day goes to...

Because you fuckers keep spamming it, what people spam here on Sup Forums will eventually reach the rest of the Internet.