>you're an hero... and you have to leave
You're an hero... and you have to leave
Have fun with the incest ya cunt
Yeah, you're probably right. Rejoining the vault could undo everything I've worked so hard to achieve. Thanks for giving it to me straight, Overseer.
>its supposed to be a sad moment
>implying I even wanted to go back and live underground with these cunts
Vault Dweller an hero'd because he saw the future
thanks for bringing us the wall building chip pedro... but you have to leave
Well shit,thanks for nothing.
You're lucky i'm practically the fucking messiah, asshole.
Are there any functioning closed vaults even left anymore?
They can always add more. There's plenty of unused numbers.
Its cause I'm black isn't it?
Yeah the ending didn't make any sense and it was just as bad as the writing in Fallout 4 but the only difference here is that 1 is a 90's circlejerk game so it gets a pass.
It worked a lot better in Fallout 3 when the characters were actually developed somewhat
You have to be eighteen to post here, user.
Spot the negroid
Want some help opening that watermelon ya fuckin monkey? "Ohh ooh ahh ahh gib me dat waterbelon" STOP GO AWAY LEAVE ME ALONE
Notting personnel gramps
I'm 25 and most likely played F1 before you, it's not a very good RPG when you compare it to other games of that era.
Don't let the bandwagon fool you.
So, did anyone not kill him?
>blood doesn't bleed out before he dies for good
Video games.
Post the text for a retarded character. Its way better.
What games are better in terms of dialogue?
His dumb vault just gets fucking wholesale kidnapped by the Enclave anyway.
>canon death is him getting executed by the people after they found out what he did
Don't take the bait user. At the time the PC RPG scene was mostly Ultima clones, Fallout was innovative as fuck when it released.
wut he do
Canonically don't others leave the vault with the VD and end up establishing Arroyo? Or was that with people who just started to tag along with the VD while adventuran?
He exiled you after you saved everyone so nobody else would listen to your story and want to see whats out there.
He screwed up the Vault tec order form and ordered 2 GECKS instead of extra water chips.
I'm gonna do a 1 luck jinxed playthrough Sup Forums, what should I expect
Saving your game a lot,
some from the vault some from outside
If you take bloody mess a lot of people exploding on their own with the risk of the same happening to you.
i always like this game more than 2 for some reason
I thought the "everyone else would want to leave too" argument was retarded.
Why not go with "you've been in the outside world too long, you'll contaminate the vault with diseases"?
It's a game mechanic, the blood confirms that he is truly dead.
Do 10 luck and specialize in melee
Its a common belief that 1 has the better setting and theme and 2 has the better mechanics. Not being able to push an NPC in 1 drives me insane at times when Ian blocks you into a shed.
Isn't Fallout a Wasteland clone?
So much for orginality.
"The Slayer walks the Earth!"
he was part of the vault-tec conspiracy
Would it be all too bad being in the Unity? It seems judging from a lot of things (Marcus), you have a relatively safe living.
You just have to live with knowing your boss looks like pic related.
mole people in the subway
no i'm doesn't
>I am a super intelligent mastermind who wants to bring about a new race of mutants
>But I never bothered to check whether they're fertile or not
>even though I had intelligent mutants working for me who could tell me
F1 writing sucked.
I think he was supposed to come across as pathetic and unreasonable.
living comfortably is unjustificiable if you are doing evil to mantain it
jew pls go
All the women you meet are Super Mutants and their downstairs parts don't work.
I mean, it's clear he was afraid that you, as the hero, would have the favor of the vault people and become the leader, usurping the overseer.
It's just that his excuse for exiling you was stupid and nobody would fall for it.
>Going back to the vault instead of using your fortune of caps to buy a farm or hookers or a farm to grow hookers.
More or less what ol' VD did.
>wanting a dirty contaminated woman to carry your seed rather than a pure vault dweller woman
>blow your old overseer in half
>acquire hookers and a farm
Not a bad ending considering everyone else that got mutilated over the course of the game.
Mutants are sterile.
The lieutenant actually knew, but he probably didn't tell the Master knowing he'd freak out. Lou is actually sane while the Master is incredibly deluded so there's also that.
Good by video game standards.
The Master wasn't written to be right, just to have a sympathetic goal.
Basicly it was the idea of a utopia based on the asimilation of multulralism to create one homogenic society.
Pretty good VA work too.
Then you realize Jim Cummings also voiced Winnie the Pooh and things get kind of weird.
>>you're an hero... and you have to leave
>I guess this was... a Fallout.
Holy shit the writing in this game fucking sucks.
>Implying I didn't have Bloody Mess on and straight killed his ass.
which traits were actually useful rather than just gimping your character for roleplaying?
Gifted, small frame, cheesiest build.
I have played through this game like at least a hundred times and I've never seen this animation, I've always just blown mariposa up and had him die in the explosion, thats fucking awesome.
Lieutenant knew that mutants are sterile but he was lying to the Master.
I thought it was pretty funny compared to other games.
Wouldn't that make him over 100 years old?
>Playing Fallout 2
>Pop-culture references every 3 fucking feet
Eurgh. At least it's trailed off in NCR.
>ordered 2 GECKS instead of extra water chips
That was a mistake by Vault-Tec itself actually, they just messed up.
>go down that well
>my character suddenly quotes the goonies
>uninstalled the game
I was kidding about him actually doing it. Just that's what causes the issue to pop up in V13 in the first place. And yes I know the chosen one somehow time travelled to break the water chip, but if they'd had the spares they would've been fine. And it wasn't a mistake, V13 was deliberately not given any spare water chips as part of the vault tec experiments.
Why can't we get another turnbase fallout game?
Because Obsidian can't make money for shit.
People who like turn-based combat are in minority, be it because of preference or attention span.
Majority is money. Bethesda is all about making money, everything else is secondary.
yeah it's a good example of how adding excessive memes/pop culture references shits up your game. it's not just a "I'm a jaded Sup Forumsirgin thing who hates memes (but uses them all the time) and hate new games" thing.
FO2 as well as its pop culture references are old by now, but it still suffers from the same distaste people have with games like borderlands 2. Just don't go overboard with the shit.
I feel like Beth should start making games earlier in the fallout timeline rather then later. They clearly love to use the "Just exploded" post apocalypse aesthetic rather then the frontier world Fallout actually is.
Is wasteland good? I was thinking of giving it a try
It's free for the weekend so you have nothing to lose by giving it a try.
>Goodbye forever, childhood friend and hero
Which Overseer is worse?
Fallout 2's quality is all over the place.
The Hubologists genuinely made me laugh but still, thats too much.
Just realize that it's a wasteland game, not a fallout game. It's not about the deep RPG experience, it's about your party getting stronger and it's pretty much entirely combat focused.
What's that little seizure at the end?
vault 420
the largest aquaponic marijuana growing facility in the whole world
>I feel like Beth should start making games earlier in the fallout timeline rather then later.
Bethesda heavily relied on content from F1/2 when making F3. It's pretty clear why, they wanted to maximize profits by selling the game both to original Fallout fans (that's why they drawed upon F1/2 so heavily) and people new to the setting alike.
The problem is that people who played F3 first now recognize all of that F1/2 content that was put in F3, so Bethesda has to keep using them. They literally tied their own hands.
Imagine the reaction of you average F3/F4 lover if Bethesda would annouce a Fallout game without Brotherhood of Steel or supermutants in it. It would hurt the hype, and lately hype is the vital part of their sales.
Wasteland 2! Its good! Unless you ask Sup Forums if it is good. Then its bad.
>playing fallout 2
>pop-culture reference every time I miss a fucking attack
Wasteland is its own thing though. I know Fallout was inspired by Wasteland, but they are still vastly different.
Great game if you like the first Wasteland or Icewind Dale though.
>Growing hookers
Now you peaked my interest
>You'll never see a more wretched hive of scum and villiany. Hmm, now where have I heard that before?
Yeah, okay, I get it.
>that guy in the den who quotes goodfellas
fuck fallout 2 is awful
>or a farm to grow hookers
i like this idea
I didn't even notice 95% of the references when I played it
They're pretty hard to miss unless you have seen any of the films or shows that they reference.
What's weirder is that he does Tigger which is pretty much his regular voice and used that for Set and the Master. You have Tigger telling you he's going to give you a dirt nap.
so sweet