What will it take to win you back Sup Forums ?
What will it take to win you back Sup Forums ?
a good game
I dropped it as soon as they confirmed they were rehashing the whole human centric plot shit.
A hot male protagonist.
They already won me back.
More EDI
Fuck. once I accidentally fucked one and I must say.
The hype over tight boipussy is real.
>dynamic combat like #2
>rpg choices like #1
>no gay/lgbt hamfisting/extreme pandering just make characters special in their own way and not defined by their sexuality
>choices that matter
>quests that are actually fun and have backstory
>maybe a new class this time or a small shakeup of classes
im asking for a lot but #3 was fucking awful in every way
God, I hope this doesnt turn out to be like DA:I, as in;
>6 hour main story
>10 minute quests per party members
>Giant maps with nothing but fetch quests
Inquisition was alright but the sacrifice of quality sidequests for giant maps with nothing in them was a bad choice.
Hell I'd even sacrifice the entire concept of the War Table for good sidequests, and I even liked the concept of War Table.
>accidentally fucked a trap
I'm smelling another colonial marines teir disaster
> news of it came out years ago, the only thing screen is a screenshot of a desert environment
> the desert environment pic is the only thing we see of it for years though it's said to still be production
> news of writers and head staff quitting
An apology.
Open recognition of the shitty writing direction they took, the horrific management of the ending fiasco and a commitment to pursue a more politically neutral position.
oh it absolutely is fucked. all those writers/programmers leaving was a good sign of it.
they will show some sizzle reel at E3 and thats it.
It being on a different galaxy is already legit retarded.
Have it made by a competent studio not owned by EA.
A Mass Effect game.
But seriously, I'm just hoping they bring back most of the features from ME1. Planet exploration, being able to draw and put away weapons at any time, then add the more versatile movement and weapon/power variety from 3 so combat will remain interesting. And of course, more than three endings. Asking for less gay stuff would be expecting more of Bioware than I believe they're willing to give.
Just let me gang fuck a krogan and turian already
>planet exploration meme
When will this bullshit die?
Say you want planet exploration, don't say you fucking want planet exploration from 1. Literally the worst thing in the whole series.
that looks terrible. why is everything so flimsy looking
Fire everyone and get a new team of people with actual talent. No limp-dick liberals.
Apologies don't mean anything.
Suave Satan came out last year talking about how they're trying to become a better company and all that bullshit, right before delivering their worst conference in years. And that's saying a lot.
How did they manage to make that look incredibly homosexual?
EA has fallen very low.
I want to select which companions I have on my ship
I want to explore the universe alone in my quiet and comfy ship
So is pic related actually the basis for the new story?
wait really? is there a link to this? im willing to forgive them if they apologize and work on their games rather than push an agenda
Slipped and my dick fell in
That's not what "meme" means. And obviously we don't want it to be the same as it was, but it's a feature that was in 1 and that we haven't seen since. That it would be changed in a new game should go without saying.
New developer and publisher
Literally nothing. Mass Effect was like having a great gf/bf for 5 years break up with you for no reason. Would trust that person if they wanted to come back like nothing had happened?
Every single fucking thread gets these "muh planet exploration" nostalgia goggles shit. They talk about it like it was a good thing. It wasn't.
>no male homos or bis
>no trans
>no edgy kai lengs
>more characters like Jack, Aria, Kasumi, Zaeed, Grunt, Wrex, Garrus, Mordin, and Legion
>less characters like Tali, Miranda, Chambers, Chobot, Hardbuff Curlsquat, Liara, Tali, Kaidan
>realize that Mass Effect was only good when it was a character based adventure game
>narrow the plot like ME2
>new exciting places to explore
>more romance
It was an empty, vague apology about nothing.
Just trying to do some damage control after winning the worst company award twice in a row.
Looks like vomit. Did 343i design this shit?
I don't know if I should explain or not.
sadly Nu-Bioware isn't capable of good games.
Lemme fuck Wrex and I'll buy two copies.
Didn't I just say that I don't want it to be handled the same way? The concept was good. The execution was the problem. I don't know why you're upset about this.
I'll quit video games before I get into another Bioware title again.
It'd be more interesting than the game this thread was made to discuss, go ahead
>metal thong
>No extreme pandering
Pft, good luck with that.
They are really fun in multiplayer. They basically have all the cool stuff.
Shit got too real
We got a little drunk and next thing you know he's slipping it in his ass .
>Would trust that person if they wanted to come back like nothing had happened?
it's not my job to make a good game for them
they'll win me back if they make a good game
>What is a codpiece?
You got drunk around a trap because you wanted to fuck him just admit it faggot.
Many, many people who were originally here when ME3 came out have long left this board. They lost faith in video games.
Nothing could make me play another Bioware game. I'm dead fucking serious. I don't have a picture that properly displays the anger I feel toward that series and developers. I am so fucking mad right now just reading this topic. Fuck OP. Fuck Bioware. Fuck videogames. Holy shit after so many years I'm still so fucking mad.
A gender slider
>Still forced to play as some faggot human
this is the only acceptable criteria for playing a game or not
Haha it really does look like they did, those horrible chickenfeet look ripped directly from the MC's new suit and the shitty gun with floating parts looks right up their alley.
No, we got drunk, it's an accident.
>Mass Effect could've been the Star Wars of this Generation
>EAware threw that all away for some quick money
Games are doomed to never be a serious artform.
You are exaggerating.
I don't mean to make the game look any better, it really was fucking shit from top to bottom and deserves all the hate, but people should calm the fuck down.
Why would you lose hope in videogames because of a fucking bioware game?
Citadel dlc
I feel slightly ashamed that I like that design.
>Mass Effect could've been the Star Wars of this Generation
>being this delusional
because I loved Baldurs Gate and all their previous installments. Mass Effect 3 was a shitty game and a fuck you to all the people that enjoyed their games. Why should I support those hacks?
>Star Wars
No thanks
I'm already sold. The storyline throughout 3 games was fun to play, I'll agree the ending sucked and was lackluster but I had no intentions of replaying through the entirety of the series multiple times and without looking up the other endings I never would have known how bad it was.
The multiplayer in 3 was fun as hell to me and the randomized booster pack system was refreshing and made my friends and I build completely different characters.
As long as multiplayer is built upon I'm in.
When did the armor design go so wrong?
You shouldn't.
But again, saying you "lost faith in videogames" is exaggerating.
Quarian sex scene
I've hated the series since 2 which was supposedly the best one, so nothing I guess.
so you only hated 3 fuck off retard
When they decided to make everything 'N7' armour, as opposed to distinct models and manufacturers.
3 improved on the lattermost aspect.
>ywn hug Tali
why even live
that looks like shit. logical for a girl to have less armor.. makes her tankier right?
When they became preorder bonuses
An entirely new series that isn't mass effect.
The retro synth soundtrack of the first game
There is no hope
For Bioware to retcon Mass Effect 3, fire all of their marxist staff, and make good games.
Probably never going to happen.
>not a 3rd person shooter
>no shitty dialog wheel with pointless choices
>no paragon/renegade choices
>not garbage animations
>good writing
>not made by Bioware
Green isn't a primary color, I can't believe they completely omitted yellow in favor if that meme color green. Yellow is a great color.
Don't really care about what species but the fucking abilities that suit has would be amazing in singleplayer.
>faggots harass devs of a game online
>same faggots bitch that the devs quit
>want next game to be good but wary because of devs who quit
They finally got around to using decent textures? I'm game.
Green is synthesis
Yellow wouldn't have worked
Only spinoff games.
Make an XCOM game in the Mass Effect Universe.
Make a Battlefield game in the Mass Effect Universe.
Utilize the license on stuff other than a bland shoulder shooter with hamfisted pandering.
I like it. Looks more like Destiny than ME but I can dig that.
Lol you fucking bro dude edge lord faggot. Jack is shit tier. And you basically want all discernible females gone. Just ask for a dick in your ass and let the rest of us get an actual game that's interesting
sex scenes would make me consider pirate it, but never buy it
seeing good opinions on it would make me consider pirate it, and buy it if its really great after playing it
sex scenes + seeing good opinions of it would make me pirate it for sure, then buy it if the second its true
having more than 4 choices in the game be "yes" "forcefull yes" "don't care so yes" "fuck you but will do it anyways yes" and I will not care how fucking great the game is, I will ignore it
Co-op adventuring and loot grinding.
Like Destiny but in the Mass Ass universe.
the primary colors of light are red, green, blue
you fucking artfag.