Why do we even bother?

Why do we even bother?

Gotta justify 2,000 dollars

>AMD sponsor
>Most games in the show will run like shit on AMD cards

Half-Life 3 will happen this year user

you just gotta believe

Cant wait to see the new indie games coming out

>Arma 3 Apex
>Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
>Dawn of War 3
>Insurgency: Sandstorm
>Chivalry sequel with magic

Fuck off this will be good.

Oh I remember that from last year.

It was terrible.

>Red Dead on PC

never go full retard

Any chance that paradox will show off some Tyranny or PoE2 or will they only shill their own grand strategy titles?

>E.Y.E 2
I can dream

You unironically convinced me, good job.

That would be nice. Had the old "borrow my game and move to a different state" happen to me, even as adults. Might as well make buying the game even better, for PC this time.



This and Talos 2

The Planet Coaster reveal was nice.

We don't

We quietly ignore that it doesn't exist

Just like last year

>AMD sponsor
>because the host last year made a total ass out of himself in front of the nvidia presenter

What exactly is the problem? Last year is focused 100% on the games, no stupid fucking skits, celebrity shilling, etc.

The writing was amazing in Talos, they hired the same guy for Sam 4, and hopefully he'll still work on Talos 2.

And it still managed to be awful somehow

>PC Gamer lived
>PC Zone died
There is no justice in the world

Not enough flashing lights and sports niggers to keep your attention?

At least Day9 is hosting again.

All this triggered cuckposters. Last year was great other than the cringeworthy opening.

Devs and directors had actual time to showcase the games and talk about the new technologies behind the game, instead of just going presenting a shit trailer with less than 5 seconds of their input.

For example, their showing for Deus Sex was much better than the showing of said game on the actual e3.

You are just confused because instead of presenting you with false marketed hype it was a calm and comfy talk show with decent interviews to devs. Id wish all the presentations were like this noe.

it had just as many awkward presenters to make you cringe every 2 seconds, as a big show presentation

But user I can't enjoy the show unless some NFL player announces the plays the game as well, with at least one music number from a famous musician in between.


I can't find a video, but the host just spends the entire segment begging the nvidia rep to give him the card for free. He also drops it at one point. The rep looks really out of place in comparison as she's super professional and composed.

Thanks for being a cool dude and answering the question.

Because they're going to show Bannerlord and Serious Sam 4

I cant believe it's been 1 year

is that what I think it is?

stop seeing it in everything user, it's not there