>pay $60 for a multilayer only game
>still locks voice acting and cosmetics behind a pay wall
Why is this allowed? It's like if you had to pay money to get the skins in smash bros.
>b-but you can still get it for free! You only need to grind for 500 hours!
Pay $60 for a multilayer only game
Their justification is that is supports the free maps / champions
So I can feed my crate addiction, fuck off.
Shit's free, senpai.
>he actually got the origins edition
Nigga the standard price is 40 bucks.
I only paid 40$
>pays 60 bucks for a game
>need to pay a monthly fee just to play all the game
>grey, grey, blue, grey
Five boxes in a row.
I doubt the next one will be any better.
I haven't spent a dime on these awful things and I never will but it really sucks the fun out of progression when I know with almost complete certainty that the next box will be grey, grey, blue, grey.
>grind for hours
>1 hour = 1 level
I see you are into instant gratification, are you a premature ejaculator as well?
>tfw got 2 of the same line in one box
>get fifteen coins for a dumb Torbjorn player icon that I got two crates ago
At least you get paid for dupes, but fuck.
On ps4, you can only get the $60 version, because money
Sony needs that extra cash so they can make a "NEW" PS4.
Oh look its that guy who got 3 grays and a blue
Go fuck yourself, seriously. If you can't play the game without already having cosmetics you shouldn't be playing the game in the first place, faggotron.
>tfw get Riverboat McCree and B.Va in the same box
also, seem to be averaging a yellow skin every 20-25 boxes, seems like a similar drop rate to Heartstone cards
why is mei so fat?!
>Five boxes in a row.
How about you get to level 21 with that shit, fempai.
dont bother neo-redditors support blizzard fucking them in the ass with loot crate micotransactions just let them wallow in their own shit
only smash had a campaign and had good replayability because its skill cap wasnt so low you could master it in a week
Do not play FPS games on a console.
>playing babby tf2.5 when for 15 dollars you can get csgo which is vastly superior
>15 dollars
what the fuck no
You're trying too hard
>buy an rpg
>dont start off as level 100 with all the best equipment
wtf? I bought the game..
i got all the skins, emotes, player intros i wanted for the mains I play within 20 hours, what's the problem.
>pay for internet
>have to read this
sick retort
well then you're a lucky faggot because I have none of the shit I want in 24 hours of play
so players have motivation to play
It's a progression system
You are 100% retarded if you think otherwise
>Implying those shouldn't be free in any game anyway
Why would anyone play a game where you have to pay to unlock content?
one of the legendaries and two of the player intros i had to use the in-game coin system to get. i figured it would be shitty for some other people, i've not had a legendary drop in 20 levels now.
>Why would anyone play a game where you have to pay to unlock content?
So, any modern game? I don't
yeah, loot is pretty much the only goal, everything you do in this game is for loot so if you want loot you need experience if you want loot quicker you need to play well to get more experience for time. i see no downside really.
motivation for people to actually play well.
players never needed stupid rpg mechanics to play a game all the time. why did CoD have to make things this way
Don't bother OP, nobody with a brain larger than a peanut actually plays this game on Sup Forums
>behind a pay wall
Its all free bud.
You level up every 3-4 matches until you hit the level 50 which is every 4-5 matches
step up your game
>people actually defend skinner box grinding/cash shop cosmetics in a paid game
Remember when you could just hop on down to Fpsbanana and download a skin if you wanted to put shit on your guns or something?
actually it's after level 20 that leveling up ceases to get harder.
Because progression motivates people to stick to one game in a martket where theres a lot of companies competing for more players
who cares
And then people would complain and call the devs lazy
its a lose/lose situation where in one instance you lose even harder than in the other
You know at release I would be inclined to defend this but after playing now I know this is pure jewery, all my boxes are just 3 whites and 1 blue, they had higher rates in beta to increase word of mouth and positive impressions and turned it down when they started selling the boxes. Fuck off blizzard
>And then people would complain and call the devs lazy
Who, though?
The progression of the game is getting better at actually playing, if the fun of the game for you is the skins, you will get bored of it pretty quick
>They should work to provide the game with new content FOR FREE
Name 1 game that isn't dead as fuck or only supported by its fans community that pulled it off
Battleborn>Overwatch from sheer progression and content.
Tons of characters to level, individual challanges for every single, story mode, AND loot boxes with skins, new taunts, and gear.
Fight me you gearbox hating blizzard cock sucking blizz drone faggots.
>but m-m-muh waifus!
This game's a timblr tier meme.
Does the enemy team hear my voice lines? This is important.
t. Mei mainer.
>i am going to bitch about 25 coin items
But the only extra exp. you get from being good is if you win the game (which doesnt matter how good you are if your team is shit) and getting a gold medal, which is easy as fuck.
Let me amend that.
Getting absolute fucking garbage in boxes sucks the fun out of leveling up, because it does fuck-all else, it's not even a solid indicator of whether or not someone's good at the game. I've played with at least a couple level fifty people by this point who clearly got there via playtime alone.
The "I play Hanzo on attack and get a free play of the game off one of the eleven ultimates I use, but do nothing to help the team" types.
INB4 Heroes cost 1.5k jew gold, OVERKEKED
>still free buy playing the game zozzle
>a couple level 50 people.
How long have you been playing? by the time I was 10 I was getting matched with lobbies of 40-90.
It's 22K exp. required to level up past level 20. You'll get roughly 3-4K exp. per match. So it's 5 matches, slightly faster if you're in a group getting the 20% exp. bonus.
I hope they do cost money so I have something to spend my neosheckles on
blizz said no charge for future heroes or maps
plus it would fracture the community doing that
I don't even think I've had it for two weeks yet, I'm level 34 and I've spent a lot of time playing with one friend and his co-workers who are all below 20, a couple of them are below 10.
The match-making may have changed since release, or it's influenced by how low-level the rest of my team tends to be.
>get legendary widow skin
>20 levels later
>get it again
They said "free" doesn't mean they won't jew you by making you use the shekels to get the heroes for "free"
People complained in all chat when I spammed aMEIzing so I assume so.
free means free. They seem really adamant about making sure that coins are only for cosmetics. I.e., seasonal outfits, new outfits.
she isnt
Overwatch is a shallow, empty fucking game that appeals to the lowest common denominator of "pick up and play for 15 minutes" hyperactive grindfest kids. The majority of the audience are hardcore League of Legends kiddos who don't even give a fuck about games let alone care about a good experience while playing, and just get high off the feeling of shooting someone and seeing them die over and over.
The loot and all that excess shit isn't gameplay, nor are "customization options" and "cosmetics" part of the game. They're just literally useless things to make the game seem less empty than it is.
This shit is dying, though, because thank fucking god people are waking up. I enjoy watching it fall on Twitch every week.
Post 'em.
stop posting that version of that image
you need to take your own advice if you actually pay for crates
>blue icon
Good. I spam HANG IN THERE when freezing people but I never get triggered people. I'll keep at it.
>hiding your name
literally why
If i cum quick im a loser
If she cums quick im a rockstar.
Fuckit i want multiple o
>One of them is a repeat
Every fucking time. I swear they're doing it on purpose.
At least give me a gray blue gray gray on occasion to break up the monotony.
Yes, otherwise the SORRY SORRY SORRY BM wouldn't work.
Consoles have licensing and publishing fees, on top of additional Q/A costs, whereas on PC Blizzard just dumps it out onto their own distribution software and it sells digitally for a much larger profit ratio.
Blame Sony and M$ for the $60 price tag.
The GG people who just like to go through matches mindlessly killing others can stick to League and Overwatch, honestly. They aren't hurting anybody. But I really wish companies would stop trying to monopolize off MOBA style games. They're worthless.
>They're worthless.
that's patently false though, they make an absurd amount of money
Counter Strike, Team Fortress, in the past years, Quake, and DOTA /WHILE/ it was on Warcraft 3 were fantastic.
This whole new wave of team based shooters with heroes with my epic special abilities are just a fuckload of empty stupid fucking games.
You are stupid.
It's patently true I'm about to fuck you in the butt.
Sure, I like buttstuff, go ahead
I spend more money on MOBAs than any other type of game. Blizzard is right to appeal to me.
is that fucking italy's flag
yeah i get the same combination nearly every time as well. haven't seen a purple or higher in about 10 levels, and the last one i got was a duplicate.
>you just need to grind
Back in my day, we called that playing the game, and it was the reason we bought the fucking thing. I can't believe we're at a point where kids think of playing the game to unlock new stuff is a bad thing.
what do you think the design process for mercy went like
>what if she had an ult that ressurected a player? you could use to revive a key class like your tank and keep on going
>dude what if she ressurected everyone
>well, we better give it a slow charge then, since that ult could completely nullify damage done to your team and turn the fight around completely
>dude what if it was one of the fastest ultimates to charge up
Literally what makes you think every single thing in a game needs to be unlocked the second you buy it?
Do games other than overwatch let you play with the best items/fight the final boss before you play the first level?
dude what if you fucking suck at the game so you complain about every little thing and blow it out of proportion
So kill mercy. She's only got 200 health. Jesus christ you people suck at games.
100% this
>not immediately focusing down and killing the mercy
You deserve to be butthurt.
Other games let you unlock things through progression not RNG
There's no excuse for not being able to unlock skins for a character by playing them
Tf2 gives you random hats for playing and nobody's throwing a shitfit over that.
shhhh you're ruining his point, let the baby throw his hissy fit
TF2 is free
That has nothing to do with progression vs. RNG. Try again.