I fucking hate Red Orchestra 2

Fucking hell, 4 hours in onthis shit and I still die like a fucking noob, even though I am a noob to this game. I don't remember aging this hard since I played BF4, and I was a pretty good player at it. Fuck, I miss 50% of the shots with bolt-action rifles, the enemy ALWAYS kills me and I don't know where the FUCK they were to get a shot like that! What a fucking hard game, I am NEVER going to play this again.

People in-game are very supportive, i'll give them that, that's nice. But how i nthe world am I going to accept dying so often in a game? When I see the enemy it's already late, they're fucking shooting at me, I cannot understand how they can be so fast.

PS: I just got out of a match. Probably killed 6 people and died 40 times. Fuck this game, this thing fucking sucks.

Ok, see you back tomorrow.

>he fell for the red camping 2 meme

What, you think I am going back to THAT shit? I'm not playing a game where I kill 4 people and I die what seems to be 50 times. Where is the fun in dying in a video game? Fuck, what a WASTE of money.

You have to accept that it isn't call of duty or Battlefield, you won't get mad kill streaks until you get very good.

Jest stay low and barely move, focus on not diying instead of killing people you dumb faggot.

>stay low
>barely move
>focus on no dying

And contributing to the team goes to the trash then? I don't want to be some useless player on the team.

>Fuck, I miss 50% of the shots with bolt-action rifles
Because you're firing while moving, from the hip.
Laying down iron sight the bolt action is 100% accurate for 200m.

> the enemy ALWAYS kills me and I don't know where the FUCK they were to get a shot like that
Behind cover, peaking out as you were running in the open without smoke.

>But how i nthe world am I going to accept dying so often in a game?
Take cover. Use cover. You always respawn on your squad leader, so as long as hes not retarded you will always be close to the action. It's not CoD, you don't lose anything when you die.

>When I see the enemy it's already late, they're fucking shooting at me, I cannot understand how they can be so fast.
Defenders are always expecting you. SL's need to lead squads around flanks and use smoke to advance.

>Probably killed 6 people and died 40 times.
You'l git gud soon enough.

RO2 is heavily objective based. The goal is to get more bodies on the point then the other side.

As long as you have more people, you start capping. Staying alive is contributing to the team.

I can guarantee you that usually when I miss, it's because I get so fucking desperate to thoot the guy that I fucking miss. It's a long lasting problem I have on FPSes.

Okay, i'll say, I might have be i nthe open, but how do people see THAT far? How the hell do you even kill people while staying on cover?

This game has proven to be very, very frustrating to me. I don't take dying very well. And to make it worst, I curse out those who kill me. And the ydon't reply back most of the time.

Jesus, why this game is so fucking hard? And I thought Battlefield was a pain in the ass.

>but how do people see THAT far?
You're the only thing moving.

>How the hell do you even kill people while staying on cover?
If you're defending, people come to you.
If you're attacking, advance through smoke, flank, wait for artillery, or run through cover.

Squad rolls are just for getting better guns. The team depends on MG's to spray and keep the enemy in cover so you can advance. The team depends on SL's to throw smoke so you can advance, the team depends on snipers to kill the other teams MG's and so on.

>I don't take dying very well. And to make it worst, I curse out those who kill me.
Sorry then this game might not be for you. You normally don't die as much as you did, but unless you are a squad leader you can expect to die a lot. The name of the game is slowly taking ground so you're SL's can safely advance, you die, and respawn on them.

>Jesus, why this game is so fucking hard?
It's ARMA lite.

>Squad rolls are just for getting better guns.
Are not just for getting

Any news on it ain't me expansion

you sound like a child

_______________________________________________git gud

Git gud froggy bitchboi

>crawl for 50m
>never see anything but ground
>spawn squad of rifleman behind enemey
>they just run around like it's call of duty
get good

>that fucking git gud bitchboy

Fuck you, not everyone has the patience for that.

So I am suposed to die a lot then? I am starting to accept deaths. Perhaps I shouldn't just make it a big time thing then. Sometimes I should have done a long time ago.

Just because I don't deal well with deaths?

>So I am suposed to die a lot then?
As a rifleman attacking? Yes. You spawn on SL and stay in front so you're the first one to take a bullet and not the squad leader.

If you're defending find a good spot in front of or on the objective, go prone and hold the line.

When I started playing I would run ammo for mg gunners. That's all I would do in a match.

This explains why. I have been going as rifleman because I tend to lose control of the recoil when engaging targets.

This brings comfort to my heart, user, plus, i`ve been telling myself when I die It doesn`t matter, it`s okay, etc. I hope going like this eventually I will not think of dying as something bad ever.

>Just because I don't deal well with deaths?
because you swear at people and act like a child when something doesn't go your way


If you die you learn another thing not to do. Don't cry because you are having a hard time starting out.

>Lose objectives A
>TL orders everyone to B
>Refuse and keep spawning my squad on A
>Enemy SL's try to flank through A
>Run in the open because they think everyones at B
>Entire squad of rifles always waiting in the trees
