Which PS3 model do/did you have?

Do/Did you have Phat, Slim or Super Slim?

>fat broke
>slim collects dust

PS3 had no games

Want one
Either fat or ss

I bought a 500gb Superslim second-hand for £60 at Christmas and I've been very happy with it.

slim with cfw

I have a slim. I did have 2 slims, but one got stolen when my house was broken into. I also have a backwards compatible fat that I got a a flea market for cheap, but it doesn't work. I took it apart to try and fix it, but never put it back together. Maybe someday I'll get around to it.

Pro-tip: You don't want a fat, unless you want a timebomb.

I've got a fat, but it's so loud I rarely use it.

I'm probably going to just blow another $150 and get a regular slim. Super slim feels too cheap.

I had a fat PS3 that I tossed about a week ago because the disk drive had died and although I'd taken it apart and considered buying the new part, $60 or so isn't worth me just playing more Demon's Souls. It's basically the only game on PS3 I care about nowadays.

Mehhh, people say that, but the superslim looks better in real-life than in does in pictures, it's significantly smaller than the Slim and all three look ugly.

i had a fat for almost 10 years. What is wrong with them?

Fat 40gb
Slim 210gb

Both run great still.

So glad I gave up buying a new crapbox every year.

They have a high mortality rate. You've been lucky.

They all break eventually, same as the original 360. Just a matter of time.

This. Fat PS3s cook themselves over time.

had a 60GB launch phat (hardware BC)

took it w/ me up until 2013 where it ylod'd

then super slim

Die faster.

BC/launch 60GB. Obviously there's a bigger hard drive in there.

CFW PS3 Slim

>ps3 gets yellow light
>there are people here who just buy a new one instead of doing a simple reflow

I bet both of you faggots got it off ebay.
No one here has a competence to do it themselves.

Used to have a fat, when it died I got a super slim.

Fat 60GB
Then Superslim 500GB.

t b h I actually like the look of the Slim, and the Super Slim is more expensive where I'm looking. Plus manually operating that shitty bit of plastic that covers where the disk sits looks jank as fuck.

Super slim because of the sliding disk tray.

Can somebody tell me why game consoles have mechanical disc drives? They're always the first fucking thing that breaks.

>cfw on your fat
>turn up the fans to keep it under 60 degrees
>play natively PSX and PS2 games for another 10 years
Digital output for life yo. I can live with blurry upscaling, but not 150ms delay or a flickering CRT

>liking the shitty disk tray
>he's so much of a poorfag he owns the worst model

None of the PS3s play PS1 games natively you fool, all models use emulation. Early models of the PS3 play PS2 games natively only.

60gp launch model.

Every time I turn it on I worry it will be the last.

Picked up a Slim for 50$ 1 year after it launched.

No actually, I bought an E3 flasher and did it myself. It was a fucking pain getting a valid dump, I had to hold pressure on it myself for the whole 5~10 minutes

super slim
has more than ps4 that's for sure

gb, even.

I picked up a super slim earlier this year, it's a great console. I like the disk loading better on ss, it's one less part to fail.

That's some nice projection you got going on there, son.

>>turn up the fans to keep it under 60 degrees
I have my slim set to maintain 65 degrees celsius, it averages 40% fanspeed. Should I be worried?

Had the fat one and have a slim one. The last one looks like one of them chinise shitty game machines that play 6bits games

>I had to hold pressure on it myself for the whole 5~10 minutes

Tape is a thing, you know.

My Slim PS3 recently stopped reading discs

Should I get a superslim? I heard there's a bunch of problems with it

Superslim is good if you don't give a shit about CFW.

>put in USB with cfw file on it

only problem I have with it is the bluray drive being loud as fuck in more demanding games, the only one where it was properly troubling was RDR though, it was SO bad I had to stop playing and now I'm waiting for the remaster or I might pick up 360

Backwards compatible and still truckin. Feels good mang.

gl trying to do that with any firmware above 3.55

Wouldn't apply enough pressure, whatever makeshift weights I had around weren't doing it so I just ended up using my thumb.

That's only if you're on 3.55 firmware (which is what you find on ebay, nobody has it legitimately)

now. the 2 usb ports of my super slim doesnt work
after no use for 3 months.

slim is the prettiest
anyone who disagrees is a faggot.

Stop living in the past. You should buy a Sony™ PS4™!


>nobody has it legitimately
well, the people who sell it on ebay do

fat 40GB which got the YLOD and then the first gen slim, 500GB 7200RPM drive in both of them

aren't all non super slim models downgradable?

Slim models above 25xx are not downgradable.

Slept in a Walmart to get the original 60gb fat.

Five years later got a second-hand slim.

Both still run, just want to keep the fat in good condition for a collector someday.

Fat 40gb

hack it and run your shit through an hdd.

I got the slim. I went with 360 on launch and after several years of disappointment finally got a PS3. Still play the fuck out of it to this day.

The people who sell 3.55 consoles on ebay typically downgrade with hardware flasher, and then just sell it on with exploitable OFW instead of preinstalled CFW to avoid any problems from the site.

The original PS4 is such an ugly looking console.

matte>glossy finish

Phat then slim

glossy finish > literally everything else
fuck you and your shit taste

Is ODE worth it?

I got Red Dead Redemption with all the DLC digitally on my 500GB PS3 (got 82 titles installed, will install about 7 or 8 more and that will be it). I have a super slim so that implies that I have paid for these games.

Does ODE support folder rips or just clean ISOs?

by purely financial pov? yes, it pretty much pays for itself after you download a few games.

>Reflects light and your ugly Sup Forums-tier face
>Literally any dust in the air makes it look like your house is filthy

Glossy is terrible.

Underage or ricer bitch

I need this thread so much
I have 400$ I've been planning to blow on a PS4
but my cousin told me not to waste the money because he'll give me his PS3 for free
so what do Sup Forums ?
Take the 3 and keep the money or?

Enjoy your fingerprints.

No idea, all I know is you run the game off an external HDD
Guess so. Is cobra the best I can get?

Take the 3, keep the money. It will be worth it. It has better games.

>80GB Motorstorm bundle (Partial PS2 B/C) - Stolen
>60GB 2nd hand - YLOD/RLOD
>120GB Slim 2501-A - Working w/ CFW

Cobra CFW Slim plugged to both an HD TV and a CRT for PS2 emulation.

Why not do both?

take the 3 and when you're done playing everything you want get a ps4.5
also this, but 4 is getting some nice stuff in the future

But it also has 256MB ram
that has been messing with me so much
Do the games look like absolute shit?

Take the PS3

That's super important, because it's hard to find ISO rips of PS3 games. You typically find pkgs such as on PSNDL, or folder rips.

Take the PS3 and at least wait to see what the next PS4 is going to be like.

Slim 160GB (upped to 500GB) and Super Slim 500 GB

I'd say the sliding would break first. Should have made it a top loader like the PS1/PS2 slim.


I have a PC, I really don't need 2 consoles

The multiplats do look like shit, which is why you only play the exclusives

og, still chugging along

The Slim is better. The Super Slim has really thin covering so the drive is extremely loud when reading discs.

Had my phat 60gb for 9 years. I can still play all my ps2 games from 16 years ago, feels great. It never died. Now I have it tucked away since I don't play games as much as I used to.

>Enjoy your fingerprints.
Most people don't hump their consoles like you. They sit on top of an entertainment center or desk and is left alone.

No. Games like the Ratchet and Clank : Future series, Demon's Souls, GTA IV, Red Dead look really good on it. The PS2 ran games with much much less RAM.

>it's hard to find ISO rips of PS3 games
ps3iso . com/forum257/

Take the PS3 and buy the PS4 when it gets cheaper. Come on, you totally could have figured this out on your own.

Alright thanks, I've been planning to play JoJo on it anyway, and the new AoT game coming up
Last of Us, too
so its not like I'm that needy

I bet you ebayed your E3 flasher, and I bet you googled how to use it, too.

>he doesn't love his consoles

I bought a phat, my brother bought a phat and my cousin bought a phat.
You know what else we have in common? All our phats got YLOD.

Is the slim good? I always wanted another PS3 because theres a bunch of games I never got to play and will never get to play again.

Idk, I've been planning to spend the saved money on a Vita and maybe a trip or two
its money from summer jobs, its not like I have a full time job

Why are you bugging yourself when you obviously have no knowledge or understanding of computer hardware?

I have a dead Phat in a box somewhere and a Super Slim.

who /rebug/ here?

Slim PS3
Living the dream

Why use Rebug and use Multiman instead of Webman?

A free PS3 doesn't cost you money, nor does not buying a PS4.

Man my phone has fucking 256MB of ram and I know I can't even run chrome on it
but I'm guessing the structure of a console is different
I have no idea really