why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet? having a job isn't going to validate your inexplicable excuse to justify your morals and paying for nintendon't's games
Why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet...
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Literally no games BabyRage
why do you care what people do with their 3DS's, mate?
I would trust me if I wasnt so fucking lazy
Will you do it for me?
I've hacked it already only to learn that it's a shitty platform without games.
>hacked my o3ds
>download freeshop and ciangels
>feel overwhelemed by all the free games
>end up not downloading anything.
i played the kirby game today, which i bought despite being able to get free since april.
i don't know what's wrong with me.
Well, why have (you)?
I dont know how
Because I'd likely have to buy some other equipment anyway and part of me feels like it defeats the point. If I'm enthusiastic enough to play the game in the first place I'd rather just buy them at whatever pace I'll want to play them anyway, since I have such a large backlog of games as is and so many of them I can play for free on my PC.
I'm immensely lazy.
If you are truly wasteful, wouldnt you rather send me the money? I honestly have no clue how i am going to pay my bills in 4 days. I would really appreciate 28 bucks user plz
no hacks on 11.0.0
I don't have a 3ds, but I'd want physical copies of handheld games
Dunno how, can the N3DSXL's be hacked?
if you haven't updated to the latest firmware then yeah.
if you are like me you fucked up your only chance and are now forced to wait until it's possible to use home brew again on latest firmware
I might get a 3ds this weekend. What should I look for if I want homebrew?
Piracy apart, serious question, what good cias/homebrews are there? I only know about mediocre emulation so far
I can't play the thing for more than 30 minutes without my my hands shutting down, its just so fucking uncomfortable.
No games.
Fire Emblem Fates is asking me to update to 10.5.0-28 to play it, should I do it? I'm on 10.3.0-28.
>paying for nintendon't's games
>implying we all didn't get this shit for Monster Hunter and Monster Hunter only
>Most games are obscure shovelware shit i can't find
>Need a powersave to go with oot
Even if you don't pirate, having a hacked 3DS is beneficial. Allows you to play carts from any region. Custom themes. Ability to take pictures of the screens and save them to the SD. Nintendo fucked up on that one.
You guys can still get the best way to 3DS hack around. If you know how to follow a step by step guide, it's gonna be worth it.
teach me how to do this on my n3ds
Check the thread on /vg/
I have, that's why I'm playing final fantasy explorers
>main monk through most of the game
>think ninja will be cool, try it out
>it isn't
>buy a bunch of magic for sage to see how it works since there's white, black, time, blue
>game autosaves and i'm down 200k cp
>might as well stick with it
>holy shit this is awesome
>oneshotting enemies with nukes like holy and meteor and ultima
>healing my full hp bar with curaga, chakra came nowhere close
>concentrate lets spells hit halfway across the map
every wizard class should be like this
ugh, that seems like so much damn work, to the point where my current working rxtools setup is good enough.
Why do you make this thread all the fucking time?
If you only use rxTools to boot into emuNAND then I suggest you replace it with Luma3DS. If you install homemenuhax then you can autoboot into emuNAND. It takes like 30 min to setup and is worth it. At least it was to me. Check the following link:
I know people hate these threads, but I only learned how easy and almost fun it was to hack through one of these.
I really think it's good to have these threads for newbies.
i like having physical copies. just bought senran kagura 2, for 20
There isn't anything I want aside from SMT: Apocalypse.
I know I'll sound like a fucking Jehovah preacher doing this, but hacking can help you mirror the physical copy into a digital one.
That way you both have the cool library to show and all your games at hand in your SD.
You see, I want to do this but I'm too poor to get a 3DS in the first place.
nah, im fine with just my physical copies. ill just emulate them later on when the system is dead.
Robobot wont work on my cfw, what gives?
guess i'll have a look, but desu i haven't touched my 3ds in like months, i got all these games and shit but nothing really i want to play.
but hacking for the hacking i guess.
What are emulators? The 3ds became the most perfect emulation machine with its low res screen that gives 1:1 pixel emulation without shitty filters.
As you said the 3ds games are shit, but the emulators are godly. And no, you never finished the whole snes, gba and px catalogs.
fun? yeah right. i hacked mine
downloaded some games, got bored, i just dont feel it. removed hack, bought cheap games i wanted. am happy
That's another reason I'll recommend it. I installed rxTools way back when and then my 3DS collected dust for ages. I upgraded to Luma3DS because it was simple to install and didn't take 300,000 hours to install like a9lh would take.
All I have to do is press L during the boot and wait 30 seconds to boot into emuNAND. Good enough for me.
But I have.
Anyone wanna play MHX