
>That 1 frame face reveal

Cheeky git

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off retard

Thoroughly enjoyable video, that little speech at the end was truly lovely


He's handsome for an Irish guy


Didn't see that coming

Post it

Keep watching when he's talking about choreographing attacks

the video is almost 3 hours long fucker


Nigga that's 15 minutes in, fuck you

The launch window?
Quick, everybody get on the Sup Forums rocket!
We're going to Uranus


They're messing with you

17.42 retard

Not him but I dont see a thing. Am I being trolled?

Go frame by frame

Fuck off shill


The autist who made a 6 hour video about suckin miyazakis cock?

Different guy here

Downloaded the video and looked at each individual frame from 17.41-17.43

Nothing happened in any of those 180 frames

Looks like you got meme'd upon, kid.

>As some of you may notice I'm using a technique called glans cancelling. This particular exploit takes advantage of the heightened sexual sensitivity directly below the head. It's hard to say whether the developers intended for this technique to be in here or not, but I'd struggle to say that the intention was really relevant, as it unarguably improves the core foreplay in numerous ways.

How do I get the foreskin cut-content?

It was cut in the American version

i'm sorry matt, it doesn't matter how much dick sucking you do in the video i'm not playing Devil may cry.

tree dimensional environment

Why don't you want to play one of the best and most influential modern games ever made?


>turd dimension

Fuck off retard

holy shit

youtube.com/watch?v=qJOB1XRsqC8 did it better

Is some janitor pushing these threads because they pop up daily and stay up despite being against the shilling rules and filled with obvious 'questions' that fish for bumps.

>it's real

I never noticed the little mouth click during the Zora King section.

>5 month after his meme ball game
>2 hours long video

Delete your Account

>hating Roll Away/Kula World

But that's a different game.

>Nephew gives me a loan of DMC HD collection play up to the Nightmare 2nd encounter and loving it.
>Take a break and browse Youtube
>His video was up 13 minutes prior.

Kind of freaky but I'm not going to watch until I beat this game inside and out.

this will forever be my favourite video.
>the game was one of the most disappointing PS1 games of all time

what do you reckon matthew looks like?
i imagine something like this

>Implying a review done in less then 10 minutes comes even remotely close to a several hour break down of the gameplay, mechanics, historical significance, and influence of a game.
Fuck off

if you can't do a nice, tight critique of any work of art, including films and video games, in 10 minutes, you're not fit to be a critic.

every single one of my professors agrees, and I go to a top ten uni. being long-winded is never a fucking plus.

alright, I was being harsh

generally, 20 to 30 minutes is acceptable.

anything over that, and it's clear that you're not very well-versed on your material, and you need to do more research

Man, I love Matt's videos, but I seriously am afraid of people just gobbling up his opinions without really questioning anything he says, as is common with tastemakers and authorities like him. It can be very, very detrimental to video game discussion.

Video game discussion is already 100% parrots sperging on each other. If anything watching Matt might make retarded parrots more likely to think more deeply about game mechanics.

The point of his reviews isn't to be a concise opinion but to generally analyse the game from the ground up. That means summarizing the invidual sections of the game from start to finish. You can't talk about every single dungeon in OoT in less than 10 minutes let alone the individual game elements of the game.

That top ten uni didn't do much for you did it?

If anything it harms discussions by people calling anyone who hates DaS2 a Mattdrone without an actual counterargument. Matt ruined Dark Souls 2 discussions forever.

>"ells and oors"

I'm more worried about people calling anyone who shares his opinions a parrot.
It's what happened to dark souls 2 and his video was literally just a compilation of everything Sup Forums was saying anyway, but suddenly after release everyone was a fucking parrot.

And yet that Game Maker's Toolkit guy is trying to do exactly that. Just proves he's a fucking retard who doesn't know shit.

yeah, I really needed to hear him drone on about how he gets mad when the cutscene shows him doing worse that he was in the actual gameplay.

I also needed him to deconstruct why Dante shouldn't outright win at the beginning of a story. Real tight review.

Yeah, I also hate that every sentence in every video of his isn't a divine revelation. I hate it when I forget to take my ADHD medication and can't pay attention to something longer than 10 minutes as well.

Except this isn't a critique or a review. It's a commentary.

Where does it say REVIEW?

I generally like his videos, but I don't think his analysis is all that in-depth. Matthew's style is more akin to an in-depth summary of a game, with some insightful tidbits every now and then. Even so, he is still heads and shoulders above so many other game critics and reviewers.

I'm hoping he won't make many more commentaries in the future, they suffer quite a bit from not being as focused as his 30-40 minute videos, and his tangents are especially annoying in his Dark Souls commentary.

Yeah, this is an example of well structured video even though I looked up that GMT channel and it's clearly a product of a longform / thesis-like education where every video has to rotate around arbitrary definitions - not only that but I noticed he praises Blow (who lifts puzzles from mobile games) as having some sort of creative genius and also has a video praising Her Story which is pretty nonsensical - in other words, likes to hear himself talk and enjoys cognitive dissonance but it's less than 10 minutes so at least it doesn't try to waste your time.

youtube.com/watch?v=ouO1R6vFDBo very good video, states the obvious but not over and over and over again.

>No secret levels
>Skipping enemies
>Using a NG+ Maxed out Dante
>Spamming Flying Demon form to avoid fighting

Oh boy I hope you guys didn't fall for the Irish Jew

and of course this video takes some actual skill to make. from what i've seen, rest of his videos are a bit on the pretentious side of things but them being concise i can forgive.

>video game discussion


There's a girl that made excellent DMC 4 playthrough focused on skill, but she doesn't have a patreon and isn't butt buddy with janitor or two. Would link it but it seems I lost the bookmark.

Something that I wanted to say last thread but got 404, is how good the aesthetics of the DMC1 is. The proportions and size of everything just feels right, the same with the colors. There aren't too many flashy gimmicky animations or effects either, it looks so simple yet so good.

I agree. I feel like he's trying to one-up himself every time and thats why the recent videos have taken so long. With DaS being 6 hours, and this video being a fairly intense challenge run on top of the above-average length. I'd be much happier with more regular videos that were shorter, since all that would really mean is better editing of his ideas.

you see, that's perfectly fine

but it is a crime to call his videos critiques, as I usually see people on Sup Forums do



KYS ;^)

So it's not a review at all, then.

>let's ask a lot of questions to every user in this thread that way it will stay up longer

Holy shit you hit the nail on the head there user, you may well be the next methewmatastatis gibs patreon i donate you withdraw

gibs patreon now

no more retail for you


>you will never see Matt's face
>you will never see Matt's cock

This. Large chunks in his videos tend to be quite superficial, which is why most of his content is hit or miss, for me. Half of the stuff he says is immediately obvious, so it reduces his videos to a huge, meandering slog that doesn't really tell the viewer anything concrete, or anything informative. Though, when he is on point, he is fantastic. I especially like his historical background segments. He's easily one of the best game "reviewers" and probably the best game commentator.

Why are you making this comment?

>that level of skill
>that insightful commentary
How can Super Bunny Cuck even compete?

Yeah, she's great.

Huh? This comment?

Never seen one of this guy's videos and before I do I got to ask. Is it just one person on Sup Forums shilling him or is he good?

just watch lindybeige you useless low effort cuck

this pretty much sums up my thoughts on him

Just watch a shorter video and decide for yourself famalam

Hit the nail on the head. I'm glad to see he's trying to improve tho

by actually releasing a video more than every couple of months

His reviews are great, his 25 hour long commentaries not so much
Matthew became popular when he memed entire Sup Forums into thinking that DaS2 is bad

>autistic boring faggot with Average opinions
No thanks.

Christ, the Matthew defense force is easily the worst thing about him. I didn't even say anything too inflammatory.

learn to take criticism, you cock-guzzling faggot

whoops meant for

nobody cares

He was popular on Sup Forums when he shat all over Bioshock Infinite.

>Dark Souls 2 cocksuckers still exist

>It took him 5 months to S rank Devil May Cry

No wonder he hated DS2.

>Matt posts a new video
>Devil May Fag video
>Not Dark Souls 3 video

Guess we wait another 6 months.

Timewise they both release roughly 30 min of content per month, at least Matthews content isn't "what flash games I played this week" and "Superhot is GOTY!"

Janitor / moderator protection, several shills including yourself and himself.

>"Superhot is GOTY!"

I hate how he glorifies shallow indie games so much. Superhot was just a very simple 1 hour game with a simple gimmick that never really expanded much on it.

Should I play DMC?

Some people do seem to parrot him though, I'll see somebody post an opinion on Sup Forums and I'll not be able to shake the feeling I know exactly which video they got it from because it really is identical and also kind of a very specific opinion you wouldn't expect a lot of people to develop independently.
I don't really know what people were saying about DaS2 before his video though so I can't comment on that.

Personally, I don't think the first one has aged that well.

Oh hey the HD collection is $5 on psn. Should I grab it?

Are there people who will literally watch all 3 hours without skipping or swapping between tabs? How conceited do you have to be to think people will listen to your monotone ramblings for so long?

>Are there people who will literally watch all 3 hours without skipping or swapping between tabs?
Yeah, I did. I love the DMC series and found the whole video pretty neat.