What went wrong?
Dead Money
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Literally nothing
you couldn't take her with you
Couldn't loot everything, couldn't return after leaving
The money didn't get proper healthcare
It forced you into a particular playstyle that you either found really fun or really tedious/annoying.
>always play hardcore
>guns character, get ass kicked cause I'll I can find is fucking shit melee weapons
>next character is melee build
>don't even have to worry about the fog
But yeah as other user said, can't go back. To get the casino up and running again and be a resort manager was a missed opportunity
>you couldn't reunite her with Veronica
First-time playthroughs were a bitch if you were used to the freedom of the base game. God help you if you didn't have melee/unarmed points or neglected stealth.
Second and subsequent playthroughs were great though.
But the whole point was letting go.
Ain't a sims game.
Is it ever explicitly stated what the cloud is made of? I don't recall ever reading anything about it in-game
It was letting go
Can you even into reading comprehension? I said what it's made of, not where it came from. And "artificially made toxin" is non-specific.
Speaker sections failed at creating any tension and felt more like a waste of time than anything else. Ditto for the fart clouds.
The gameplay was a bit shit towards the end when you were doing platforming with unbreakable speakers but overall it was alright 8/10 would play again knowing what I'm in for.
That's all that's explained.
Pretty sure it's just bullshit horror science like most things developed at Big MT
it's letting go
My PC is a female, but I'd settle just to watch their...reunion.
>And "artificially made toxin" is non-specific.
Isn't it obvious? Bleach, ammonia, 9000 copper coins, salt and baking soda
it still hurts
>you couldn't reunite her with Veronica
been awhile since i last played almost a year now what did you mean by this?
christine and veronica were lovers, but the BoS doesn't like the gays and forced them apart, and you have no option to reunite them
veronica wasn't gay, waat?!
DM had the best fucking characters. I never cared as much about an NPC's wellbeing as when I played nice with her and didn't force her into the tiny space in the substation thing.
>get police pistol
>go to vending machines for nigh infinite ammo
>trade in cigarette boxes and clothes for extra chips if needed
it's really quite easy, even on hardcore mode. Especially since you have companions through half of it.
Probably the best DLC imho senpai
Too many mechanisms introduced in too short of a time (speakers, toxin clouds, hologram security, reviving enemies, platforming ffs) all of which had to be encountered without your previous gear.
Survival horror was a good idea. I like it when fallout puts you in to a corner and actually feels like there's real risk and danger involved in the wasteland.
This was closer to micromanagement horror- tedious and repetitive.
What went wrong? It's the only good NV dlc.
What went wrong with the rest of those fucking dlcs?
How did she get her voice back near the end?
How fucking late to the party are you? She straight up says the brotherhood broke her apart from someone because they couldn't procreate, using female pronouns for that someone. Her story matches up perfectly with Christine's.
can someone please tell me what happens if you ask Daniel to evacuate the Sorrows in HH? I'm too ambivalent about how things turned out, it's eating me up
There's no real conformation that either was gay or bi, they were just lovers.
Oh, and the fact that if you didn't max up points in melee or unarmed, you were in for a special kind of hell.
DLCs should reward players of any playstyle, not a few niche builds.
She never actually "lost" it, it just went out for a while after the surgery. The autodoc she was in was programmed specifically to heal Vera's voice if it were to go out for any reason before the Gala, so Dean had it set up that she'd wind up in that autodoc, receive Vera's voice, and be able to open the elevator to the vault in the Madre.
>you couldn't take her from veronica and make babies with her
Unlike that dyke, Christine was bisexual.
never really connected those dots, to be fair, from having that conversation to meeting Christine, alot of shit happens inbetween... also like she doesn't come off as gay just super enthusiastic.
>Oh, and the fact that if you didn't max up points in melee or unarmed, you were in for a special kind of hell.
why? you should be perfectly fine with the holorifle. if you run out of MF cells, I believe you can buy more with the chips
It's about a million times more anticlimactic. You basically run with Joshua to the tunnel they're using as a way out. Pretty sure you don't even encounter Salt Upon Wounds, but I might be wrong about that.
You get the best ending.
>faggot characters in videogames
>we wuz tumblr n shiz
>sawyer is still answer new vegas questions
This dude is awesome
It's impossible to 100% if you've been improving your S.P.E.C.I.A.L before taking it on as one of the unmarked quests requires you to get everyone's story and you need to have an intelligence rating of 4 or lower to get Dog's story.
>DLCs should reward players of any playstyle, not a few niche builds.
no, i think they should focus on making a good dlc first and apply whatever playstyle they want to that dlc
No she's not, you can only use Cherchez La Femme or Confirmed Bachelor to bond with her over the woes of being gay.
>Oh, and the fact that if you didn't max up points in melee or unarmed, you were in for a special kind of hell.
How so? I beat that whole DLC using just the Police Pistol.
Alcohol reduces INT temporarily
Being able to comfortingly hold her hand as a dude doesn't mean she'd fuck you, buddy. If anything, Christine is gayer since she's the one who threw the shit fit about having to get a dick inside of her and left the Mojave brotherhood.
You use that to bond with feelings of being outcast. If you have confirmed bachelor AND lady killer you're bisexual anyways.
The hand-holding scene is the same regardless; it's all up to interpretation.
You missed the boat pretty hard on that one. My favorite part of Dead Money was connecting Christine's storyline to Veronica's- made particularly cool since she was a mute character for most of the campaign.
Not trying to come off like an SJW or anything, but I really liked that. It added variety to the world, like "oh yeah, the wasteland is awful and will do things like that to people". Don't even care that it was Obsidian trying to save lines of dialogue.
How would you guys rank the DLC by the way? In my view:
Lonesome Road > Honest Hearts > Dead Money > Old World Blues.
>OWB ranked that far down
>LR that far up
> Lonesome Road > Honest Hearts > Dead Money > Old World Blues
Exactly this. You have true taste.
Old World Blues is the worst by far, I have NO idea how people call it the best.
Literally fucking nothing, the characters and backstory were solid (the weapons and armor were cool too). The limited supplies were a nice touch, I find it funny that people complain about them.
that would seem to be the best ending. the thing is I felt the dlc was pretty unclear at times. for insteance most quests you get, the large majority, do not have any dialogue directly tied to them. it was hard to know what mattered and what was what. I had no idea what the Great Staircase was, I still don't. if it's safe then that is the best ending. my interpretation of the situation was that they were pretty much gonna wander out and try to settle in the Wasteland, and my take was that they'd never make it through direct contact with your average fiend assholes. far as I knew they were lost either way, and the reason for that, again, is that I didn't understand what was relevant and what wasn't in the dialogue.
Old World Blues > Dead Money > Honest Hearts > Lonesome Road
>thinking OWB is better than LR
Pls leave Fallout 3
Since this looks like the new NV thread, I've got All roads ready to dump, if anyone's interested.
I really enjoyed Lonesome Road but c'mon
mine is DM = OWD > HH = LR
none of the DLCs were perfect, but after experiencing Fallout 4, I consider all the New Vegas DLCs to be fantastic
it's unbearable that bethesda somehow managed to take two steps back from new vegas
this guy's got it
>OWB first
>LR last
Ew. At least DM is second
shit taste tbqh
link me, think the last site he was went under
>realizing ED-E is the package you delivered that triggered the detonations
LR actually had some really good moments when you look past all the BEAR BULL
last thread died, post more fanart
>How would you guys rank the DLC by the way?
Dead Money >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Everything else
DM is the only one I bother to replay. The rest are crap.
>Not trying to come off like an SJW or anything,
Pretty sure even the general "no fags in my games"-people recognise that FNV has the best gay characters in gaming. As a gay dude I really find these characters more enjoyable than the blatant pandering with unrealistic characters in other games anyway.They're realistic because their sexuality is something important to them and their story, but it doesn't govern who they are nor are they eager to brag about it, as little as any normal person is eager to bring up who they've fucked. FNV does it right.
>OWB is "good taste"
Literally a meme DLC. Overwritten dialogue (even though I love based Avellone) fucking boring, repetitive quests and a fucking homebase.
thanks senpai
old world blues is pretty great.
>people are still parroting the OWB is penis jokes and memes bullshit
It's like you didn't explore or pay attention to what was actually going on
The best DLC for New Vegas.
Nice bait though.
You need to know a bit about mormonism to really appreciate HH.
>realizing ED-E is the package you delivered that triggered the detonations
>old world blues is pretty great
>posts a meme line
Funny that you mention overwritten dialogue. LR was way to linear and the dialogue was a snoozefest. The only thing that DLC had going for it was the weapons and armor.
Dead Money > Lonesome Road > Old World Blues >>> Honest Hearts
Honest Hearts was unbearably tedious, don't know why people call the collars bullshit.
No problem. Has a lot of cool stuff into both the development and lore considering how many autisticly indepth questions he answers.
It's pretty amazing to be honest.
>calling your own bait nice
>wandering around in Zion with Waking Cloud
>sneak mode
>all of a sudden she starts to loudly pray and begs me not to leave
HH had the worst fucking companions jesus christ
Or just Christianity in general, Daniel and Joshua are working off broken scriptures.
I really loved the humor of OWB. There was a fuckton of dialogue, but I enjoyed most of it.
The problem was that Big MT was incredibly boring. I had no desire to explore every location in depth, but I did all the side quests and did at least complete the map. Both OWB and Dead Money suffer from incredibly repetitive tasks. Dead Money edges out since it was at least more ambitious and felt very different from the base game- plus it had better lore.
Honest Hearts' biggest failing is its length. Way too short, even with 100% completion, and Zion is fucking tiny.
Grand Staircase is a location in Utah.
To be honest, Zion is fucked no matter which way you take it. It's really just a decision of whether you want Joshua Graham to become even more of a monster or not. If you care about Happy Trails, then eradicating the white legs at least makes it an economic boon. Otherwise I always go for the less genocidal route.
Yeah, the entire DLC is pretty much Ulysses egging you on so that you'll bring ED-E directly to him so he can initiate the launch at the end.
>Linearity is automatically bad
I also think you misunderstand overwritten.
Same amount of lines as OWB, sure, but the dialogue was actually relevant to the main story and had purpose. OWB was just way to much meme writing.
>The only thing that DLC had going for it was the weapons and armor
Go back to Fallout 3.
Going to start dumping interesting JE Sawyer responses. Up first, Liberty Prime and House basically confirmed.
The advanced auto doc in the hotel room. She mentions something quickly at the start of your conversation.
why do you keep using buzzwords?
Seriously though, how did they get the storytelling and gameplay so spot on in the base game but managed to make every single DLC totally shit?
I really do struggle to believe that it was the same team behind them.
I like survival horror games, so I really dug it. Nothing wrong, imo.
>but managed to make every single DLC totally shit?
this better be bait
>this better be bait
that's basically what I was thinking when I played all of the DLCs.
Funny, I think it's the opposite way around. The base game is a bit sloppy but overall the DLCs are much more interesting.
>you used a word I don't understand
>reading comprehension
he said it was "way too linear" as in "linear to the point that it was bad".
And it was. People whined about New Vegas' "linear" beginning through Primm/Nipton/Novac, but in LR there are walls that literally funnel you from point A to B. Fallout isn't about being directly funneled from one point to the next, and if I wanted that I'd just play Brotherhood of Steel.
Compare Bethesda's lack of attention to weapons.
>meme dlc
>meme writing
you realize these aren't legitimate arguments right?
geez i knew my memory was bad but i'd like to think i would remember that don't remember much about the game even though have played it for several thousand hours... probably because i played all the other fallout games up to fallout 4's launch