Cold hand while gaming

How do you deal with Cold hands Sup Forums? Pretty sure this is a problem for some of us.

Other urls found in this thread:

>not using the handwarming device nature gave you

It means you have poor circulation and are probably diabetic or in pre-diabetes.

Stop playing video games and lose weight unless you want to die.

Put em in my pants and fondle my balls.

Sometimes I'll stick a whole hand up my ass.

>not having persistently sweaty palms


also OP confirmed for playing video games in his mothers' basement

webm or gtfo

Don't be such a pussy

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cold Hands Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Turn Up The Heat Like Nigga Rub Your Hands Together Haha

Cold hands? Does all your blood rush to your dick when you play or something?