Not a QTE
Not a QTE
Sure looks like one.
Remember when the Order did this?
How? You still have control of player movement and you can swing, block left and block right whenever you want. In a QTE you have to press the button it wants right when it tells you to.
just because the button prompts are invisible doesn't not make it a QTE. Also
>still control player movement
barely. You think that actually has an effect on anything?
>anything that requires timed button presses is a QTE
Look, I don't like Uncharted but quit being a cunt. I agree that invisible prompts don't stop something from being a QTE but this clearly isn't one of those instances. This is more akin to the rooftop fight in MGS2 or the fight on Rex in MGS1. Still very cinematic but you have control of your character.
That is not a QTE.
>not posting the electric slide
>barely. You think that actually has an effect on anything?
Yes. You can see in the webm that the player moves himself near a corner then turns around with a parry and uses the walls to pin Rafe. If he has space, Rafe normally blocks or evades almost all your hits. Clearly an example of the positioning making a difference
yeah, this is what the fight looks like when you put it on easier-than-easy mode. They slow it down a lot to give retards time to react and realize which direction the swing is coming from, and put huge button prompts in your face to remind you what to do because you're too stupid to remember normally
fortunately hardly anyone actually plays the game like that
>That is not a QTE.
b-but you have to be QUICK!
The checkpoint you get in the middle of this fight (after he says "come on legend") is the hypest checkpoint I've ever loaded in any game ever
The sword fight was surprisingly good, but the other, fists-only fights that use this same melee-boss-fight system are pretty weak. The one where you fight the prisoner at the beginning is okay, but the two Nadine fights are garbage
Damn man, you're pushing the X button in such a hardcore way. Awesome.
I was really surprised by how cool the sword fight was. Uncharted has bad final bosses, and bosses in general, because it wants to pretend to be realistic, but the sword fight was pretty fucking good. Great atmosphere surrounding the fight, it isn't just a QTE, and it's actually pretty easy to die. Feels hectic as fuck when your screen is greying out and you have to deflect blow after blow.
I wish they had made the Nadine fights sort of like that so she just wasn't some unstoppable juggernaut because the game literally wouldn't let you hit her.
Playing Uncharted 4 made me realize how totally fucking over I am cinematic games.
It's hilarious how 10 years ago I would have though this cool and a nice change of pace.
Damn man, you're clicking that mouse1 button in such a hardcore way. Awesome.
It was extremely shit no matter what it was. Whoever thought that it would be a good idea to make the final boss fight run on an entirely different set of mechanics to the rest of the game should be fired.
And yet it still isn't the worst in the series by a long shot.
it's not hilarious, it's just sad. There are so many jaded gaymers out there that simply will not allow themselves to enjoy anything new, creating mental constructs to rationalize to themselves why it's impossible for anything modern to actually be fun (and if it does feel fun it's only because the evil developer is tricking us, and we won't fall for that!)
It's worrisome how many people do not look at games any sense of objectivity anymore. Everyone holds biases against games for irrelevant shit, like knowing someone who is a douchebag that loves said game.
> It's worrisome how many people do not look at games any sense of objectivity anymore.
But cinematic games are objectively shit since they often try to fool you into thinking you're doing something cool but in reality you're just watching a cutscene while holding down forward
lol no
>it's not hilarious, it's just sad. There are so many jaded gaymers out there that simply will not allow themselves to enjoy anything new
But that's the thing, it's not new anymore. It's been done to death.
Granted the sword fight in U4 was a better cinematic moment, but ever since U2 the industry has been making these set piece focused games over and over again. It's not exciting anymore, the illusion has worn out.
2D beat-em-ups and side-scrolling shooters are entire genres of games that "fool" you into thinking you're doing something cool when in reality you're just holding down forward and pressing a button to attack.
I'm with you on this one though; I just hate realizing that I'm not actually in the game doing the shit and I'm really just pressing buttons on a controller or keyboard.
>in reality you're just watching a cutscene
do people seriously believe this? Or are you just memeing? The gameplay looks really cinematic but it's obviously not cutscenes
It genuinely isn't a QTE fuccboi, it's a very rudimentary melee and parry system.
>It's been done to death.
In what games? The two nu-Tomb Raider games?
way to prove him right:
>"and if it does feel fun it's only because the evil developer is tricking us, and we won't fall for that!"
> you're pressing buttons in both cases, that means it's EXACTLY THE SAME even though one plays itself while the other doesn't
Man it sure was tense when drake was climbing that thing and it almost broke but then didn't! Wow
Many modern shooter campaigns are full of cinematic scenes that play themselves
>Whoever thought that it would be a good idea to make the final boss fight run on an entirely different set of mechanics to the rest of the game should be fired.
Why? That can't ever work for some reason?
I fucking love Rafe
>waah climbing is too easy I wish you would just randomly slip off even though that would make me fucking furious if it happened in the middle of a fight
the climbing in the single player is mostly just a means of exploration / map traversal; it's not meant to be a challenging game in itself. It's also a way of positioning yourself during combat. You do not slip because they want player movement to be fluid and consistent
>Many modern shooter campaigns are full of cinematic scenes that play themselves
like what? Give me an example of a scene in a "cinematic" shooter that literally plays itself. Even in that airport-shooting level in MW2 (where shooting was optional) the player still is required to move around the map and interact with things
>thought Sup Forums was overreacting like fuck about Nadine
>totally okay with her for the majority of the game
>like it when she tells rafe to get fucked for being a greedy cunt just before sam steals one of their boats
>her last appearance has her point a gun at rafe and nate and then fuck off for good
>realize she was a completely fucking useless and redundant character who affected literally nothing
Also, did anyone else notice that she had a largely conventional English accent for almost the entire game, and suddenly developed a half-assed south african accent at the sam-steals-a-boat scene? I didn't just miss her accent before that, right?
No, you missed it. She sounds South African from the moment she's introduced.
>Western trash
"good" fights
I couldn't do it man I had to play it clean from the encounter because that shit was world breaking, 'im a little dissappointed'
Looks like Elena's gonna be elbow deep in dishes.
You are so fucking stupid and the epitome of didn't play the game
Triangle blocks straight and right side swings from Rafe's perspective, circle blocks backhand attacks. Square attacks and is near guaranteed after successfully blocking Rafe's combo. He can block your swings too and you can lock blades and do some grappling in which you mash triangle.
X literally isn't used the entire fight and is normally the jump button. Do you see any jumping, have you ever played videogames bro? And don't give me that peashy master race bullshit every nigger has picked up a controller at some point.
I don't know how I missed it. I heard the accent in that scene and I was like "what the fuck, where did that come from all of a sudden?". I guess I have brain problems.
Good one on one fights, excluding souls games can you name some decent one v ones that give you direct control and aren't turn based. Only one that comes to mind is Sora v riku
Did you ever fight lazaravich and Navarro
it's over and done with bro, this fight was just as good if not better in my opinion.
Those grenades doe
> the climbing in the single player is mostly just a means of exploration / map traversal;
> exploration in an linear game
oi im laffin
>like what? Give me an example of a scene in a "cinematic" shooter that literally plays itself. Even in that airport-shooting level in MW2 (where shooting was optional) the player still is required to move around the map and interact with things
Most aren't 100% playing itself, but the input required from the player is absolutely minimal, like Uncharted's platforming, which is impossible to fail at unless you jump in the wrong direction
I do have an example of 100% playing itself tho
>there can't be exploration in an linear game
So I guess everyone already knows the maps before they even play them, then? Including alternate routes, secret areas and dead ends?
When U4 first came out I watched some streams of people playing and there were a lot of people who couldn't for the life of them figure out where they were supposed to climb without waiting for a hint.
I've noticed that these navigationally challenged people are most often the ones who complain the most about the game being a "walking simulator"
Dante vs Vergil 3
Nero vs Dante
Raiden vs Sam
Jehuty vs Anubis
never finished Uncharted 1 but I did fight Lazaravich and I agree with you
Quick Time Event
Requiring the player to push a specific button with a certain time limit.
>So I guess everyone already knows the maps before they even play them, then?
Seeing the next part of the large corridor isn't exploration.
> When U4 first came out I watched some streams of people playing and there were a lot of people who couldn't for the life of them figure out where they were supposed to climb without waiting for a hint.
> I've noticed that these navigationally challenged people are most often the ones who complain the most about the game being a "walking simulator"
You lied when Sup Forums asked if you're over 18 and you're lying again.
You're stupid user
What game is this?
I literally came here to post this.
black cocks
what corridors? Hardly any of Uncharted 4 is even indoors
and nah, half the time I read someone complaining that the game is a walking sim the guy says shit like "I dont wanna spend 2 fucking hours driving around madagascar" or "the game is 99% climbing 1% combat"
Why? Because they're retarded and get lost constantly
> what corridors? Hardly any of Uncharted 4 is even indoors
oh god you really are underage
the old games were really linear like that and I thought U4 would be the same. But it's really not. The maps are massive, even compared to stuff like the University you ride around on horseback in TLOU
You still always end up in the same place at the end of the level, but now there are multiple routes, dead-ends (as the other user mentioned,) and lots of really cleverly hidden locations with treasure / collectibles
>that music
>that fucking MUSIC holy shit
I set my volumes in this game to 20 / 20 for music and fucking 10 / 20 for everything else. The OST is such a masterpiece
It's literally the same song over and over you regard. Get some taste. Even the old games soundtracks were miles better
I dont get the hate for Uncharted. The entire concept for the game is to make the player feel they are in an action movie. It will have to be cinematic at times because this game is mimicking cinema. In fact, I thought they did a great job in blending that into gameplay this time around. It's not a getgud game, it's a turn off your head and enjoy being an action hero game, just like watching action movies.
nigger you are fucking stupid. U4 has a better soundtrack than the one John Williams made for the new Star Wars movie:
>It's not a getgud game, it's a turn off your head and enjoy being an action hero game
you are partially right. The thing about getting good at this game is that it makes the gameplay so much more awesome. An entire fight from beginning to end will start to look like a prerendered cutscene (or, rather, a movie), even though you are controlling it 100%, with every kill and every melee battle looking like it was meant to happen as part of the movie's script. You are so successful in fighting and dodging that you appear to never even get shot, so you play on crushing anyway
>I-If you turn off your head, it doesn't suck anymore guys!
Sonyponies everyone
Because the gameplay is fucking awful and relies on making stuff unfailable or practically unfailable to look cinematic.
What's with the cinematic TPS genre that attracts retards?
You don't see CoD games getting the same treatment as this and MW games were sure as hell more action movie-like than this
>U4 has a better soundtrack than the one John Williams made for the new Star Wars movie
that's not really saying much
It does sound nice though. Better than most movie OSTs I've heard in recent memory. What are the names of the tracks in the webms?
This has nothing to do with system warz, you fucking fanboy. Simply a discussion about game design, fuck's sake...
My favourite track
Plat and Kojimer love their rival fights
so do you have any complaints other than about the climbing being too easy? Because climbing is just one aspect of the gameplay. There is fast paced combat and 60fps competitive multiplayer
I keep seeing people like you trying say that U4 is godawful because "YOU CANT. EVEN. FUCKING. FALL." (even though you easily can accidentally jump off a cliff during the heat of the moment, or if you dont know where to go. Or if you just press circle and drop).
It's as if they think that pointing out that the platforming is easy will convince people that Sony and the paid reviewers have been tricking them all along with "artificial fun", and that the entire game is really an unplayable 0/10.
To add to this every single boss fight in NG black
Even that first one against the White Spider Clan leader (or whatever the fucking names are) was great.
>every single boss fight in NG black
>There is fast paced combat
Nigga, did you start playing vidya last year or something? It's a bog standard peekaboo shooter.
> (even though you easily can accidentally jump off a cliff during the heat of the moment, or if you dont know where to go. Or if you just press circle and drop).
> if you're literally retarded you MIGHT fail
The best bossfights in games are always ones where the player is on equal footing to the boss in terms of size and abilities. I always enjoy outright doppelganger fights for this reason, even if they are kind of lazy,
garbage taste friend please eys
have you ever played a single uncharted game? Or even just watched someone play one (someone who isn't replaying it for the second or third time?)
people fall all the time, particularly on the first playthrough. You are barely penalized when it happens so people are not afraid of trying jumps they might not be able to make
You fight them one at a time.
But yeah true it was piss easy.
>have you ever played a single uncharted game?
How does one play a movie?
>did you start playing vidya last year or something? It's a bog standard peekaboo shooter.
So you're pretty much assuming that it's super-slow whack-a-mole shit just because it's a cover shooter (i.e. you've never played it). Gotcha.
If you had, you'd see that the entire game was designed around making whack-a-mole as ineffective as possible. To be successful you have to move around constantly, even in the single player. The game is fast as fuck for a TPS
If you can name me a single multiplayer cover-shooter that is as fast paced as Uncharted and has the player mobility of Uncharted (without resorting to vehicles), I'll give you a medal
Let me guess, all the gold is forever lost because of whatever caused this fire, and Nathan leaves with nothing?
So any parry/block system is a QTE.
Nate was just there to save his brother, and the truth is that they were looking for the pirate treasure solely because of MUH DEAD MOM I like the setup, actually. He ends up stinking rich during the epilogue anyway
wrong webm oops. But if that player didnt throw the dynamite there to kill those 4 guys at once, he would have been flanked and flushed out of that spot by them in like 15 seconds
> it's not whack a mole
> posts webm of whacking moles from behind cover
> posts webm of whacking moles from behind cover with the autoaim turned up to max so it could be playable with the UI off.
> posts ANOTHER webm where the game is partially playing itself
>game is partially playing itself
Not even the same guy, but you have no idea what you're talking about.
> max autoaim
> min difficulty
> not playing itself
I honestly can't believe there are people who enjoy such shallow gameplay here. How bad at games do you have to be to die in this scenario?
a QTE is when the only means of control the player has over the game is to press the right buttons when they are prompted on the screen
whack-a-mole is when you camp behind the same cover spot and pop out and try to headshot enemies one at a time. It entails fighting from the same spot for at least 15 seconds
>posts ANOTHER webm where the game is partially playing itself
not even the slightest bit true
so is doom a qte because when an enemy is shooting at you there is an invisible prompt to move out of the way?
what makes you think it's low difficulty? The enemies waere never even able to land a shot on him, so you cannot say how much damage that shot would have done.
and you are just assuming there is max auto aim because there is no crosshair. For all you know the guy could've just put a piece of tape on his TV where the crosshair should be
the other webms in that series were obviously on min difficulty
stop lying on the internet to defend your movie
>implying you would survive that scenario and wouldn't just get slaughtered as you try to camp behind the gray box at the beginning
That is from one of the earliest fights in the game. The difficulty is actually on crushing.
Here is the full encounter. Proof of difficulty is in the quick death at the beginning:
Enemies get stormtrooper aim whenever you roll around or transition into cover, and damage is especially reduced when you are meleeing people (or are trying to).
It's like the game wants you to use the cover system to close the distance to enemies and knock them out like an action movie, and in doing so it allows you to survive dangerous situations and escape from being pinned down (which happened all too often in the previous games). It still doesn't really make the game easy, though, because further into the game you have to fight so many armored enemies, enemies with heavy weapons, and guys who shoot at you from hills and high ground
Oh lawd that STEALTH
>Every each one of the bad guys is bald.
I will never understand what the Uncharted saga has against bald people.
he's not very sneaky is he
Leon vs Krauser
Ada vs Saddler
Both has QTE but they're really good
that is NOT crushing. Someone just spliced a clip of a crushing death with a clip of the game on easy mode.
I know because I've played this game on crushing and it is broken-tier difficult. You get shredded the second you leave cover and you are forced to alternate between playing whack-a-mole, rolling away from grenades and regenerating health
>Lost Planet 2
>"All fighting games are QTEs because of my retarded definition"
>"Hurr durr all games are shit!"
>"Why does no one take me seriously?!"
It actually plays exactly like Punchout, so anyone who says this final boss is a QTE is full of shit.
Vanquish is single player and Lost Planet 2 is not a cover shooter
Lost planet 2 doesn't need pissy cover to make it better than uncharted
ill tell you what happens since it seems like you dont care of getting spoiled.
Nathan stopped caring about the treasure because he realizes the risk isnt worth it anymore. mostly because of his wife.
his brother on the other hand still wants the treasure. nathan ends up going back to save him.
most of the treasure ends up lost but his brother ends up saving a good amount and of course he gives some of it to Elena.
nathan pretty much ends up being rich and still goes on adventures but in a more legal way. no more killing or making deals with badguys and shit.
>You get shredded the second you leave cover and you are forced to alternate between playing whack-a-mole, rolling away from grenades and regenerating health
That webm *is* crushing, and the reason he took so little damage is basically because the game mechanics encourage movement and punish camping. You are only making it harder for yourself by playing whack-a-mole like that. Try playing aggressively; constantly rolling, hip-firing, punching and taking cover. It's fun to do in the laundry room fight as Sam because the enemies all have weak guns and they all come out of the same door