There are people who sided with the Storm cloaks

>There are people who sided with the Storm cloaks
>there are people who didn't understand Tullius' plan
>there are people that do't think Ulfric was a stupid child who didn't think about the consequences of his actions
>there are people who literally rolled out the red carpet for the Thalmor to invade skyrim by leaving the empire, thus weakening the empires plan to strike back at them

Imperials are the objectively better choice. Fuck elves.

glad i'm not the only one

shit man, ulfric is clearly using his people anger towards the thalmor and redirecting it to further his own goals of being kings, he doesn't care about skyrim or the people. He would have thrown the PC out had he/she not been the dragonborn.
Tullius isn't stupid to just submit so hard to the thalmor and believes that he'll be able to keep the empire intact, its obvious that he has plans to rebel.


>implying any of this will make a difference

not to mention the thalmor notebook that seems to imply Ulfric might be a sleeper who started the war to weaken both skyrim and the empire.


Skyrim is a perfect example of propaganda working in the face of well-known facts.

Everything is in place to tell you that the stormcloaks are fucking idiots, and the only thing that keeps you from joining the imperials is that they almost executed you at the beginning, even though the Stormcloaks were the cause of that too.

>there are people who care about this shitty plotline
>which had no effect on gameplay
>which had no worthwhile rewards
>which was complete ass

Oh yeah, almost forgot about that.
I remember thinking about it even before reading that. Breaking the Empire from within while making it looks like rebels and shit would be the smartest move so they could just run over the weaker individual nations later.

There is little to be gained from being an Imperial vassal. I don't see the Thalmor being able to launch an invasion of skyrim without the Imperials


Didn't they steal it from another race?

Nords are literally the niggers of the Elder Scrolls universe.

Either side changed absolutely nothing except who sat in the jarl chair looking like a fag. Seriously, why is Bethesda so incompetent at making things just a little bit different in each village or dungeon? It's like they stuck placeholders everywhere and said, "we're good to ship now!". This lack of imagination is what got me into modding.

>almost get killed by the Imperials because you were in the wrong place and time during Ulfric's capture
>Going to the Imperials later they actually apologize and try to make amends.
>Going to the Stormcloaks not being a nord have Ulfric being a dick to you even though you helped him and he only tolerates you because you're dragonborn.

Even Tullius says he sympathizes with the Stormcloaks

There should have been an option to make the peace permanent and fight together to wreck the Thalmor.

But this is Bethesda

>There are people who decided to run off with the assholes who were ready and willing to execute them without a fair trial.

Such actions are the reason the word "stupid" exists. Because asshats like you are the ones who make its existence necessary.

If the state of the empire is such that it executes individuals simply for being on the same prison cart as an enemy of the state, then that empire deserves to fall. Fuck the imperials.


I thought Redguards are the nigger.

>There are actual racists who play Skyrim
Stormcloaks shouldn't have been an option to begin with. It should have been the unjoinable racist villain. At least the Thalmore isn't racist unlike the Stormcloaks.

They are but Nords are the niggest.

>At least the Thalmore isn't racist

>choices are bad
fucking wow

bethesdrones, everyone

>At least the Thalmore isn't racist

>Literally want to holocaust all non elves

Hello Tumblr, how's it going?

>At least the Thalmore isn't racist

The Thalmor are right. Other races are inferior.

Two provinces do not an empire make.
Only Cyrodil and High Rock have any sort of loyalty to the empire.

The empire isn't dying it is dead.

>Actually giving a shit about Skyrim of all things

He was a Manchurian candidate that went off the wire.

You got caught crossing the border illegally on the same time and place the operation the capture the rebel leader, it is not strage that they think you're involved. Try to sneak your house while the police is breaking into a meth lab next door and see if you're not getting detained.
of course the execution without a trial is bad, but there was probably already the order to capture and execute the rebels after the operation.

It's time to give in and stop pretending Skyrim wasn't good.

What is the most fun combat in Skyrim, thats what always gets me bored.

Snow elves? From what I remember
>elves lives there first
>nods take over
>elves strike back but get fucked over by the companions
>elves become the falmer

Which side didn't try to execute you in the start? Oh yeah, I think I'll side with 'em.

this thread is viral marketing to try and drum up excitement for the totally pointless skyrim remaster that bethesda is going to announce tomorrow. some scumbag at a marketing firm is probably paying ~$50 per thread to OP and others like him. everyone disregard, let this thread die.

they also stole the reach from bretons.

> There are people who are still cucks to Empire
> There are people who still follow Titus Aka Merkel let plan of let elf's fuck you in the ass while we "regroup" and form bargain a better deal for ourself

That too man nords really are dicks

OP here, why in christs name would anyone pay for that.
Also why isn't it Argonia or Elswyr or something?

Redguards are noble black skinned race. Nords are just trash as a culture.

>there are people who follow the empire still but don't kill every thalmor they see
>there are people who are smart enough to know that the empire plans to strike back
>there are people dumb ebough to side with the rebels and weaken the world as a whole basically being a thalmor puppet

> there are ppl who thing they can make it alone in a globalist world.

> numbers count not the dreams of a retarded maniac

> fuck off nation trator

Are you baiting or just plan retarded?

Talos the mighty! Talos the unerring! Talos the unassailable! To you we give praise!

We are but maggots, writhing in the filth of our own corruption! While you have ascended from the dung of mortality, and now walk among the stars!

But you were once man! Aye! And as man, you said, "Let me show you the power of Talos Stormcrown, born of the North, where my breath is long winter. I breathe now, in royalty, and reshape this land which is mine. I do this for you, Red Legions, for I love you." [note 1]

Aye, love. Love! Even as man, great Talos cherished us. For he saw in us, in each of us, the future of Skyrim! The future of Tamriel!

And there it is, friends! The ugly truth! We are the children of man! Talos is the true god of man! Ascended from flesh, to rule the realm of spirit!

The very idea is inconceivable to our Elven overlords! Sharing the heavens with us? With man? Ha! They can barely tolerate our presence on earth!

Today, they take away your faith. But what of tomorrow? What then? Do the elves take your homes? Your businesses? Your children? Your very lives?

And what does the Empire do? Nothing! Nay, worse than nothing! The Imperial machine enforces the will of the Thalmor! Against its own people!

So rise up! Rise up, children of the Empire! Rise up, Stormcloaks! Embrace the word of mighty Talos, he who is both man and Divine!

For we are the children of man! And we shall inherit both the heavens and the earth! And we, not the Elves or their toadies, will rule Skyrim! Forever!

Terrible and powerful Talos! We, your unworthy servants, give praise! For only through your grace and benevolence may we truly reach enlightenment!

And deserve our praise you do, for we are one! Ere you ascended and the Eight became Nine, you walked among us, great Talos, not as god, but as man!

Trust in me, Whiterun! Trust in the words of Heimskr! For I am the chosen of Talos! I alone have been anointed by the Ninth to spread his holy word!

The sad thing is that nomatter what we do. We can't stop the shilling or viral marketing. I bet the mods are being paid to keep them up as well. Face it, we need to stick to other threads, Sup Forums is too mainstream. You would have to be a fool to not spend a good chunk of money to not market shit here. It doesn't matter if you know it's marketing or shilling. The thread did it's job and got attention. Good or bad attention is irreverent.

But guys, I DID join the Imperials. Then I did a bunch of other shit too
>joined the Dark Brotherhood and killed the Emperor
>joined the mage guild and hack-and-slashed my way to the top
>joined the thieves guild and became a nightingale
>never finished the final quest so I could keep the Skeleton Key
>traveled to Sovrngarde and let the 3 NPCs kill Alduin for me
>befriended Parthanux
>participated in a Forsworn conspiracy AGAINST the Markarth government

Come to think of it, the only thing I DIDN'T do was hang out with the Blades. Other than that, I got to do everything in Skyrim as an Imperial Archer, even
>hang out with the Orcs in the ORCS-ONLY-NO-OTHER-RACES-ALLOWED camp


Ulfric Stormcloak is basically a charicature of what leftists believe real-life nationalist movements are like.

I probably would have sided with the Empire if Bethesda hadn't taken the easy way out and made all of their shit a lame Roman Empire ripoff.

pretty much this

this is my biggest problem with TES, bethesda seems to want players to be able to do everything in a single playthrough. fucking stupid.

People still playing Skyrim must be the most worthless fucks on the planet. The game was dogshit in 2010 or whenever it was released and years later it's still dogshit, the type of person who enjoyed this game at launch and enjoys it even now is the same type of person who buys those shitty Pop figures and who probably enjoys sniffing shit in public bathrooms now and then. There should be a government service that tracks down people with more than 150 hours of Skyrim played on someone's Steam account and forcibly euthanizes them.

Do the Imperials even acknowledge that you are a prisoner?

Look ma, I said it again.

was anyone else creeped out how you couldn't even see their eyes through that dumb face armor?

What's the difference between a brick and a Stormcloak?
A brick will actually help rebuild Skyrim

It must be terrible to have your brain crippled by too much shitposting.

Redguards are black, but they have more in common with the Japanese culturally than Africans

Oh wow did some Skyrim fanboy rape your faggot ass or something calm your tits you turbonerd

Nah, he was tortured and they let him go because he's a convenient idiot to the Thalmor. They knew he would go off the reservation and weaken the empire and he's ultimately playing right into their hands.

Redguards are Ottomans or Persians.
Dunmer are jewish Japanese.

They were living together peacefully until the Nords found a magic dodad.
Falmer butcher all but a few Nords.
500 Nords come back and wreck the Falmer.

Falmer ask their Mer bros for help.That did not turn out well for the Falmer.
Ask the Falmer "Would you rather have a Nord as an enemy or a Dwemer as a friend?"


Heimskr means fool or idiot in Icelandic.

>There are people who think this game is good

The Imperial guy you can side with in Helgen says he'll try to get you pardoned because you're obviously not with Ulfric, but I honestly don't remember if that ever came up again.

>>there are people who literally rolled out the red carpet for the Thalmor to invade skyrim

I'm a powerful dragon killer akin to a God, Thalmor ain't shit.

People who support the Empire are as dumb as the ones who let Paarth live.

Fun with potential and the occasional great moment
Not good
And what good it was didn't age well

Also playing fallout NV then Skyrim really made me appreciate its weaknesses

>there are people who literally rolled out the red carpet for the Thalmor to invade skyrim by leaving the empire, thus weakening the empires plan to strike back at them

I did this on purpose. Humans are retarded barbarians Altmer are objectively the masterrace.

Fuck the imperials Skyrim belongs to Nords but also fuck the Nords, High Elf master race.

>he didn't keep the Jagged Crown through sneaky vidya trickery and sit in the throne all day and night so Ulfric could never be King.

I downloaded Immersive Armors, and it replaces a lot of guards helmets with various other types, allowing you to see their faces, and frankly, I don't like it.

The fact that they didn't have faces made them just "the guard". But then you get to see their faces and you get annoyed because you realise they are people too, people who spend their entire lives, day and night, watching a well in the middle of town.

Imperial Master Race Italians reporting in

It's wierd that I can still quote the whole Harry Partiridge Skyrim song

>wanting to get everyone killed because "L-Lorkhan twicked us!"

The Stormboys were retarded rednecks, the Thalmor were nazi wannabes.

nice meme
> Empire
> Nation


Should have, idiot. Should have.

To be fair, the guy you actually run off with was reluctant to execute you and apologizes for it even before you escape. That said, I would still go with Ralof in that immediate situation even if I supported the Empire in the end.

>Literally want to holocaust all non elves
Worse than that - all non-Altmer.

buddy if the Thalmor were only interested in conquering it wouldn't such be a big deal at all

>there are people who wasted their time with Skyrim storylines and quests

>biggest battle of the civil war
>40 men are involved

What side should I choose in the Dawnguard quest? The vampires seem like dicks but I hear the Dawnguard quest is worse.

The two questlines are nearly identical. You do most of the same quests no matter which side you choose.


So is there any notable upside to either quest? Better gear or anything?

If you join the vampires, I think there are some useful magic rings you can get from sidequests. If you join the Dawnguard, you can buy anti-undead Restoration spells, and get the ability to craft enhanced crossbows and exploding elemental crossbow bolts.

>no option to join the thalmor as a sleeper agent if you are an Altmer to perpetuate the war between Imperials and Stormcloaks to weaken them further for the next Great War


absoutly best looking gear in visuals and thematics in game for joining the Dawnguard

It's called supporting the storm cloaks.

It wasn't

You can also take it from all the Dawnguard guys you'll fight if you join the vampires.

>joining the vamps to blind your father

>And help Serana kill hers

Was anyone else upset that Skyrim takes place in this future where the Empire is fractured?

I wanted to see other provinces and how they interact being part of a unified province, not this stupid 'Elfs are superior!' bullshit.