What the hell happened?

What the hell happened?

Other urls found in this thread:


He didn't want to buy a new coat?

One of them died, the other was busy when that photo was taken.

Iwata's dead and hopefully Miyamoto has been put in a nursing home.



Can't a man forget his sunglasses?

One of them died, the other is busy getting his streamed suicide ready, and Reggie is there to get everything ready.


>One of them died

too soon

sadly it was the wrong one

>30 minutes talking about being inspired by the arches in japanese temples

I miss Iwata

Top kek

It was the right one, he just needed to take Aonuma with him

Whoa epic gamer shirt bro
I recognize that reference therefore I can relate

I love Minecraft!

not really

>Zelda parody

Fuck you OP

I work in the Nintendo building in Washington and regularly see Reggie go to the bathroom.

>going Zelda on anyone
So he just wants to be a pretty princess?

He looks the same desu

The 2016 picture has bad lighting

Kimishima is making things worse.


Give me a fucking link or source faggot.

Well, good to know he's regular.

Nothing, Reggie is still a cool dude even if nintendo is dead.

someone post the zelda edit

i don't have it saved

Yeah. He usually goes during the same time each day. He's actually intimidating as fuck.

>there will never be a Miyamoto/Iwata/Reggie photo outside E3 again
>Sup Forums will never make terrible, yet funny edits of them

He's A LOT nicer now. He used to be a complete meat head asshole. Now he's self aware and funny as hell.

>Sup Forums will never get hyped for a Nintendo E3 ever again

They stopped



have you ever peed at the same time

The title is a ruse, it's actually gay sex with Link and Sheik

I was about to say I would suck his dick and then he started the...
... Stuff he starts doing.


>that one person who totally REEEEE'd about Reggie and EarthBound, repeatedly telling him to go back to Pizza Hut

They did it to themselves

I'm a female, so I can't go in the same bathroom as him

>inb4 transition to male

stop posting right now

Still sounds like pure love sex to me.
Nothing wrong with a little role play.

This ruined my day.


>tfw geoff keighly reggie interviews
>tfw he starts taking reggie to task for nintendo's garbage over the past decade


>Crying over someone you barely even knew

need to give Iwata the Kamina glasses now LMAO

People make ugly faces when they cry, more at 11

What the fuck does that even mean Reggie?

This was what I first thought when I read OP and I still don't know what he was actually referring to.


I can imagine. There's a reason people used to portmancombine his name with Terminator.

is that you euinn?

"Don't make me gangbang Zelda on Youtube".

I hope you get raped and enjoy it and have a really powerful orgasm from it.


I don't even think David Bowie had fans this emotional over his death, Iwata must've had one hell of a cult of personality.

Y-you too.

>gay sex

Who is this faggot and what is the context?

his boy was not ready

Not really. He accomplished a lot, but he was pretty wooden in videos.


"Don't make me guarantee Zelda on your mobile"

He's a Sonybro, and he's sad the guy who killed Nintendo died

This is still one of my favorite reaction images. /r/ing CAUTION: POPPING NIGGAS ANY TIME.png

That guy is a fucking ass clown with no understanding of actual suffering or pain of loss. He's a pampered little bitch boy on Youtube with tons of games and a comfy home his parents pay for.


People grew up with Nintendo.
Nintendo reminded us of simpler and fun times.
Iwata became the face of Nintendo.

It's not that hard to get emotional.

It's on my pc but I'm on mobile right now. I have like every version of that image saved from the original thread.


>Nintendoddlers everyone


Zelda identifies as male when dressed as shiek so it's gay

I think you're lying.

It's real sad when someone dies.
But don't worry.

You'll die soon too.

everyone posting on this thread will die soon, too.

People who are posting in this thread may even die tomorrow, tonight, or next week.

We'll all die.

It's okay.

You mean he wasn't referring to the fact one photo has three of them and the other just has Reggie?
The heck did OP actually mean by this, then?

Then people grew out of Nintendo.
Nintendo now reminds them of babies.
Casual Mario is now the face of Nintendo.

It's not that hard to not give a shit anymore.


Is this faggot serious?

Zelda confirmed for free to play/play to win

>tfw had a nightmare last night where an immigrant approached me with a machete and hacked at my skull a couple times before I woke up

I hope it wasn't a premonition.

Just because you grow out of your childhood doesn't mean you can't look back on it fondly.

And if you can't you're probably dead inside and should just kill yourself now.

Play to win sounds good

>It's not that hard to get emotional.

I didn't actually play many Nintendo games when I was a kid. I had a PSone and played Tekken, Resident Evil, Broken Sword, etc. I was never crazy about Nintendo but I still enjoyed playing their games.

I'll go kill myself now

tfw the first Super Mario Bros actually seems like a hardcore game compared to what is popular today.

What is it about Reggie that makes it so hard not to love no matter how many bad decisions the company he owns makes?

He's right, even members in the industry got very emotional.

Not every one is autistic and can't show emotion.


Dat ending tho

>even members in the industry got very emotional.
They're the ones who should get emotion, because they actually met and knew him.

>One of them died

Oh my god I remember this. Mods were banning people in the chat like there was no tomorrow.

No it wasn't

More like they never suffered any real loss in their life.

>Don't make me go Zelda on you.
Holy shit I had that shirt like 10 years ago.