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AMD, because you're too poor for Nvidia.


I'm torn

On the one hand, that looks amazing.

On the other, I've grown accustomed to all the features nVidia puts in their cards and software. I really like Shadowplay, for example.

I just don't know, man

Honestly, I wish it had more power for 1440p.

I'm probably going to be waiting till fall for their more powerful offering anyway.

"ATM machine"

>15-20% less powerful than the 1070
>but the 1070 is $200-250 more
>mfw AMD did it, they made a perfect and affordable and low power 1080p card
>mfw in Australia the RX480 will probably retail for $310-330 AUD (199-220 USD) meanwhile the GTX 1070 is $699-799 AUD (500-600 USD) and absurdly overpriced.

I've got money but fuck Nvidia. RX480 then waiting for RX490 vega it is.

Yeah, Shadowplay is great. It's an absolute must if you stream/record FPS gameplay as NVFBC has zero overhead/input latency. AMDs solution adds lots of overhead.

There's a lot of recording options if you have AMD

I use plays.tv, it gets the job done just fine. Only gripe is you have to upload highlights to save them but that takes like 5 minutes most times so it's not a big deal.



>the reason to buy nvidia is this recording feature and other gimmick!

Nvidia fanboys are so sad. They don't even care about their hardware.

I really don't trust that this card will completely fine, there's some catch to it that I'm sure is gonna be discovered and I'm not gonna get rused. Next week I'm just gonna go buy a 390.

Afterburner is a great substitute.

>yfw you just now realized it's "Rad-E-On", and not "Ray-Don"

>buying a 26nm card in 2016


The RX480 is a 290x/390/980 tier card with 14nm finfets and lower power.

You'd be absolutely retarded to buy any 26nm card right now.



CF is notoriously awful in DX11

How is it in DX12?

If they can actually manage to reduce frametimes, microstutter etc, perhaps 480 CF would actually be a viable alternative to a single Pascal card.


It's not the only reason to buy nVidia, but like I said, if you record or stream, AMD provides no alternative.

>all this nvidia astroturfing and damage control after the RX480 announcement

This shit is hilarious. Whenever a thread is made about the 480 on either Sup Forums or Sup Forums it gets bombarded by desperate nvidia shills. It's way too obvious.

At least I know I definitely made the right choice not falling for the manufactured 1070 hype and decoded to get a 480.

Stop spreading misinformation you cock gargling dog. VCE and NVENC are the same shit. You can record via OBS with zero performance hit in both cards.

Not that anyone with taste would record via a shitty hardware encoder when x264 exists, but I guess your piece of shit i3/FX chip couldn't handle that.

what is your problem?
fucking top notch cards cost like a grand.

>U.S. Dollar Dollars

Well if you're not living on food stamps you generally prefer to buy a GPU that has power more in line with today's standards rather than 5 years ago.


Bzzzt, wrong.

NVFBC is the only method that is 100% zero latency/overhead.

VCE adds around 16ms of input latency. Good luck with that.

Nvidia, because you´re too retard to optimum price/performance ratio.

>Had to buy a reference 1070 because I need a GPU asap and I didn't want to buy an older card

Eh, I would've waited for the 480 but whatever. I hope it ends up being worth it.

It's not about performance, it's about overhead from poor API injection methods, you dolt.

adored tv confirmed that it's going to be near 50% slower than a gtx 1070. amd fanboys love posting his videos and they call him the only correct source so he can't be wrong, right?

he said it's ~50% slower so that's final. 480x confirmed to be under-powered garbage.


hahahahahah more like 10-15% nvidia drone.

Enjoy your overpriced garbage.

correct. i'm honestly not lying when i say that loads of my friends have ditched amd for nvidia literally because of shadowplay support. it's a bigger factor in nvidia sales than people like to believe.

>tfw poor unifag
>had GTX 770 for years now, could not afford anything better
>heard about new NVIDIA cards
>finally, maybe i can get a budget one
>The 10X0 series is fucking amazing but prices are high as fuck again
So this is how an NVIDIAfag dies, buying a Radeon card for its price. I just hope it works allright with an Intel CPU

damage control. his own calculations showed it to be ~50%, and even though i dislike the guys videos he is the only person amd fanboys believe.

Its actually close to 50%. But hey its still a damn fine card for 200 bucks.

>hardware encoding

None of you actually do this, right? This is just an ironic conversation, right?

AMD works fine with Intel, and Nvidia works fine with AMD

It is powerful, yeah.

But does it have all the useful stuff nvidia cards have like shadowplay?

Should I get a 480 now or wait for Vega? Have a 7850 atm.


My problem for AMD cards is that there are a billion workaround for shit coded games for Nvidia but almost none for AMD. And keep in mind games always release with a lot of bugs. Still, for only 199, its an awesome card. Just dont go SLI AMD, you will really regret that.

Brand whoring, because you're a retard.

i record stuff on my 980 using shadowplay all the time. a cool feature of shadowplay is similar to what the newer consoles have, it records in the background and when you hit a button it saves the last 30 seconds of gameplay (or however long you set it to). and it has no performance hit. pretty cool stuff.

>not already having a 290 when they dropped down to ~£200 eighteen months ago.

I want to get off this graphics train, but fuck the prices these days

I'm a poorfag and I'm considering getting the 480.

The thing is, I never plan on using Windows 10, and thus, DirectX 12.
Is it still worth it? If not, what's the best I can get in that price range?

which country?

And the quality is fucking garbage. What CPU do you have kiddo? Do yourself a favor and record via software in OBS if your CPU can handle it. Even better do crf=0 to get lossless mode then encode it properly later.

>US dollar dollars.

is this a new meme, like RIP in peace?

that's just the radeon experience. it's a decade old feature.


>Two of them beating a 1080 with only half the potential tapped
>One of them is 50% with all the potential tapped

That doesn't quite add up senpai.

Why no SLI? I heard that it works allright with NVIDIA cards. I was thinking about saving up and buying another 480 later on

The best at the moment is either the R9 380 or the 960.

Even in Windows 7, if it support that, the 480 is worth it because it promises performance above a 390.

That is IF they deliver what they are promising.

did you not see the chart?
it's not rare for amd to have shitty frametime, especially in crossfire.

Yes, it will be under GTX 980 and wont be as effective as GTX 970 because >AMD but it will be a solid card for $200.

>tfw 380
>want 480 but it's stupid to upgrade less than a year after getting a new card

absolutely not. amd has fucking terrible drivers that will rape your cpu.


>quality is fucking garbage
>record via software
>record lossless video


>I have no idea what I'm talking about and I must shitpost

>tfw old card died and i bought a 390 like 7 months back

You will find yourself spending more time fixing shit and trying to get the perfect performance than playing vidya, and thats on Nvidia. AMD has a lot more shit going on in their cards which sadly lack the fixes Nvidia has, its always been the same story. Sooner or later you will come across that game who refuses to work properly no matter what you do. Just get one 480 and you will do fine for some years.

they beat the 980 ti in a very specific case scenario. 3dmark xfire benches have been released and they're no where near 1080 performance. i think it was an ever lower score than a 1070 if i recall correctly, but that could be due to drivers.

a single 480x is 50% slower than a 1070.

Fuck off with your lies

Nothing new, AMD drones literally know nothing other than the price of GPUs.

The price looks really good, so I might upgrade to it.

So I guess Shadowplay is the only thing nvidia has going for them now?

It's not 50%

Do people seriously buy AMD? I mean if you're going to build a gaming computer why would you cheap out and buy a inferior product instead of just saving your money a little longer. I mean seriously if you're gonna be cheap just buy a console

Better support of Gameworks, too

Want to see how effective it is? wait atleast 2 weeks after release for aftermarket cards and see how good the reference cards performance was.

>not Anastacia_of_Astora

come on user

Is it time for me to upgrade, Sup Forums?

always had nvidias, now i have my first amd, r9 285, and never, i say NEVER fall for the amd meme.
drivers are fucking horrible, fan control almost never works. no problem right? you can set custom fan control in msi afterburner for instance? nope because for some reason every other time it resets all my afterburner settings.
when there is a critical bug in software you have to wait at least month for them to fix it.
everytime i try to install drivers always one component is going to fail.
its just not worth it.
performance is worse because games are made for nvidia.

the gtx 1070 is 41% faster in ashes of the singularity, which is a game that is very favorable to amd hardware. in dx11 and in neutral games, the performance difference will increase hence why its is predicted to be ~50% faster than a 480x.

everyone has to buy at least two amd cards before they realize they've been wasting their money.

nah. maybe get a ssd or a cheap 950 if you can find a deal on it. otherwise you're fine.

double the price for 41% more performance isn't worth it

So it really is just a half price 960/970 with the usual QUALITY drivers and game support.

>Being retarded
>Can't even read that the RX 480s are reaching 51% efficiency compared to the 1080's 98.7%
Jesus you're retarded.


Nice source on those framerates m8.

>41% faster
>With 14 point out of 48 difference


Nvidia, because gimping last year's cards is OK when my favorite company does it!

Of course its not. We are talking about performance, not money. If money is your issue clearly the 480 is for you. If not, 1070.

Nvidia, because even when AMD has better specs for less money you gotta call other people poor and buy the worse product because it's what Pewds uses


3DMark 11 benchmarks

+ Fire Strike Ultra from an asian guy who broke NDA

Er, not really.

>ATI wastes money on shit like trueform in the 90s
>ATI caught faking AF in the 90s
>ATI caught faking AA in the 90s
>ATI caught trying to do their own "gameworks" and instead fucking up texture quality in the 90s in order to make games run faster

Do you think they stopped being shitheads? No, they stopped getting caught as much.

AMD/ATI products have always been inferior with the exception of the radeon 9800 generation.

>they're going forward with the shitty meme names like FURY and RAGE

>being a let's player

Let's see your channel

here are the other cards' fire strike ultra scores

even if money isn't a major issue, it's just not worth it.

if you have money it's because you don't buy stupid things and are good with your money

>xfire utilization

are you thick? he's talking about the performance of a single card so that xfire gpu utilization is not even comparable.

Even though the 980ti has a gear of drivers under its belt, the 480 still is nipping at its heels for $199. That's pretty nice.

Any reputable benchmarks?
Then fuck off.

Unlike nvidiots i want specs and benchmarks to make decisions with, not cheap fucking shilling.

You get a sage. Id send you some tranny meds and a dragon dildo, ala domino pizza style, but you already have both.

It's not right that they did that but you really can't blame them. They are a business with zero competition. Of course they are going to try and maximize profits

>bought a 280 one year ago hoping i would get a good processor fast enough to make it worth the buy (currently on a Celeron G1840 with 4GB of ram and a 5400rpm hard drive so i'm far from getting the full performance of the card)
>even 970s / 390(x)s are starting to get behind in performances because of all the new graphical options


3DMark isn't a viable benchmark when it comes down to comparing the performance of two cards in regular gaming

>You need 2 RX to get the same level of performance